
Blaise sits in the common room, sitting in front of the blazing fire as he stares at it, waiting for a certain someone.

"What do you want?" Ron asks, walking down the steps of the boys dorm, clad in his pajamas as he stares at the darkskinned boy.

"We have to talk about the library incident sooner or later." Blaise states, as he stands up from the gray couch.

"No, we don't have too." Ron shakes his head, getting ready to turn around but feels a hand on his shoulder, making him turn around and sees Blaise. "How'd you-?"

"We have to." Blaise snaps, turning Ron around so that he was facing him as he stares in his blue eyes. "It's going to be awkward and we have to talk about it or use Obliviate."

"I don't see why we can't use the latter." Ron snaps at him, before he shoves his hand off him. "And beside, what is there to talk about? We were drinking and drunk."

"We weren't just drunk." Blaise shakes his head, still facing the ginger as he takes a couple of steps back. "You were hammered that you couldn't even walk up a small flight of stairs. Plus, you initiated the kiss."

"You could have stopped me, you're implying that you weren't as drunk." Ron gives him a look as he stays in his spot, before he crosses his arms.

"But.." Blaise lets out a breath before he continues, knowing that his next sentence could change everything. "I didn't want to."

Ron stays quiet as he stares at Blaise and was able to see a small blush on his cheek as his mind blanks and he looks to the side, seeing the table were the other eighth years usual study.

"What?" Ron finally speaks, after what felt like a lifetime making Blaise look at the ginger boy. "What? You're saying that you liked kissing me?"

Blaise nods his head, biting his lip as he continues to keep eye contact with the boy. "I know how it sounds-"

"You and your friends kept harassing my friends and I and you're saying that you liked kissing me?" Ron questions, as he looks at the boy like he had three heads. "Are you crazy!?"

"Maybe just a little." Blaise chuckles as he lets out a small shrug, giving Ron a small grin making the boy give him a dirty look but feels his cheek warm. "C'mon, Ronald, we all know you enjoyed it too."

"We!?" Ron shouts, before Blaise puts a hand on his mouth and gives him a look. "Mmf!"

"Do you want to wake up the entire castle?" Blaise asks, giving the redhead boy a look before removing his hand. "And yes, I told Draco and Pansy. Honestly, I'm surprised you haven't told Potter and Granger yet."

"They don't need to know everything I've done." Ron snaps at the boy, as he wipes his mouth to get rid of the Slytherin germs.

"What else are you hiding from them?" Blaise asks with a smirk, which then turns into a grin when he sees the small panic on Ron's face. "I'm joking."

"I know that." Ron stammers, rubbing the back of his neck before he realizes something. "Hey! Stop getting us off topic! You brought me down here to talk about the library incident."

"Fine." Blaise shakes his head, before he gives Ron another look. "We can sit this out or we can use Obliviate. It's your final decision. I'm honestly fine with both options."

Ron gives him a look, before he lets out and exhausted with and walks past Blaise, bumping into his shoulder on purpose making Blaise open his mouth before he licks his lips as he turns and watches Ron sit.

"What's troubling you to make this decision?" He asks, as he steps toward the couch and crouches down in front of Ron.

"I'm not sure." Ron sighs as he shakes his head. "I just don't know what to do. I'm confused, conflicted. I've never been in this kind of situation."

Blaise gives him a look, before he goes to sit down beside Ron, who turns and face him with a confused look.

"Ron, I think you're... Not straight." Blaise starts, giving the boy a look who looks at him like he had five heads this time. "I mean, the way you kissed me the other night showed that. You knew who I was, that was certain."

Ron nods his head, as he looks down before he looks back up at Blaise, and gets a determined face, making Blaise look at him.

"Wha-?" Blaise was cut off as Ron grabs him by his shirt, Blaise's own hand shooting up to grab Ron's as he gives him a look. Ron stares at him before he pulls him in for a kiss, making Blaise's brown eyes widen, before he smirks and kisses the the boy back, keeping his hand on Ron's white one.

He pulled back and gives the boy a smirk as Ron blushes. "We know what to do now it appears."
