9. Free time

Why is math so hard🧍

Tommy's POV:

TW'S: Swearing

The three of us began walking our separate ways and to our first period classes. I exited the gym and began making my way towards the stairs so I could go to the top floor and to Mr. Brick's classroom. It took a second for me to remember which way was Mr. Brick's classroom. I then walked over to Mr. Brick's door and was greeted by Mr. Brick himself. ''Hey Tommy! How are you doing today?'' Mr. Brick said to me while holding his hand up for a high-five, which I gave him. ''Just sit down anywhere and we'll get started for the day.'' He told me, I nodded and walked in his classroom and found a table to sit at and wait for his class to begin. I sat there for a minute or two looking around the classroom until the bell rang. Students began sitting down since most of them were leaning against the desks and or at the other end of the room where there weren't any desks. It was pretty boring right now. ''Hello you guys! Good to see you again! How was your guys winter break?'' He asked us and we responded with good, fines, and alright. ''Good to hear! And now I'm gonna be passing out ur guy's new schedules for this semester.'' He told us as he began walking around the room to hand out the paper schedules. Most of us put them in our backpacks, I just continued holding onto mine and a few other students did the same as well.

''Well! We're going to be doing a Kahoot on something to pass the time due to how short the class periods are cut.'' He said to us as we cheered in response. ''Alright, the pin is 178269, I'll give you guys a minute or two to join in, you're also able to join mid-way.'' He told us as he projected his computer screen with a kahoot lobby. I turned back on my chair to look at my backpack that was practically empty and grabbed the school laptop they gave us. I put my laptop on the table I was sitting at and opened it up and searched up Kahoot, and clicked the link. I looked back up at the screen and looked at the pin again, ''178269.'' I mumbled to myself as I put the pin in. ''Alright, that it?'' Mr. Brick asked us. We just responded with a few yes's here and there. ''Okay, I'm starting it, remember you can join late.'' He said moving his cursor towards the start button. The kahoot ended up being about holidays and what you do during them. It was pretty easy, besides the part where you had to answer what day they happened on. That was pretty difficult for me. Other than that I did good, I placed third out of everybody on the kahoot. ''Alright winners! Come to my desk to get ur prize!'' I heard Mr. Brick say from somewhere behind me. I then stood up from the table and began walking towards Mr. Brick's table. ''Here you go!'' He said to me as he gave me a lollipop. He then let second place get two pieces of candy and first get three.

I walked over to my table and sat down, and like it was perfect timing right as I sat down the bell rang and the first period was over. I got up again and slung my backpack over my shoulder and looked at my schedule. I had Mr. Rouco. He was okay. I had him before but he wasn't my favorite either. He was kinda like a teacher who was nobody's favorite. I walked down to the stairs again and made my way down to the basement level and to the end of the hall to Mr. Rouco's classroom. I think he was a science teacher. Yea, he was. I then had arrived at his classroom, he was standing outside the door greeting us. ''Hello Tommy. Welcome back'' He said to me with a smile. ''Sit down wherever you want.'' He said to me as I walked by him to sit at a desk that was closest to the door but far from his desk. I then heard a few more people walk in the classroom, with the occasional speaking of Mr. Rouco greeted them at the door. The bell then rang again which ment if you didn't arrive to ur class yet you were late. Mr. Rouco walked in the classroom and shut the door behind him. ''Welcome back students. This semester I trust you enough to not make much of a ruckus. So you can sit wherever you want, unless you show me that you can't handle being able to sit in your own seats. We will then have a seating chart. Which I hope we don't have to resort to.'' Mr. Rouco said to us, as he walked to his desk and sat down. ''This is a free period so you can talk to ur friends just don't be too loud.'' He said to us as I heard him typing away on his computer.

I didn't really know anybody in this class, nor did I want to meet new people. So instead I went to the back of the room and grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper to entrain myself by drawing. I then made my way back to my desk, and sat down to draw and waste my time. I began by drawing a cow, he wasn't the best looking but I did my best. I then drew a spider next to the cow. But this time the spider looked decent. I guess spiders are easier to draw. I thought I should name them. I decided on the name Henry for the cow and shroud for the spider. So then I wrote their names above their heads. I liked how it turned out, plus it took enough time for it to take up all of my time in the class period. I folded the paper in half and put it in my backpack and stood up from my seat and slowly made my way to the door. I then looked once more at the schedule and saw that there were two more class periods before lunch came. I was pretty relieved even though that was around like an hour until lunch came by but it was fine.

I then saw that I had Mr. Loger next, I was wondering how he would be since I never had him, plus I think he started out teaching in this school in the middle of last semester. Lucky for me, his class was pretty close by. I made it to his classroom first and before anybody, although there was somebody behind me. But I still considered it a win for me. I then sat down at the desk closest to the door, it seemed like the other person was gonna sit down where I sat down, but I arrived first. I think I heard them mumble a 'ugh' probably because they really wanted my seat but instead they had to sit down in the row ahead of me. I then grabbed my laptop from my backpack and opened it up. I decided to look up memes to entertain myself in the meantime. I didn't notice that Mr. Loger was sitting down at his desk and not somewhere else besides in the classroom and outside the door. I then looked at the memes that google gave me, they were funny. I then scrolled through a couple of memes. ''This is a free period.'' He said to us from his desk. I just didn't bother to look up like most students would. Time did fly past by fast because in what felt like ten minutes of scrolling through memes on google which instead was thirty minutes in reality.

The bell then rang, taking me out of my meme trance or some shit. I then shut my laptop and put it back into my backpack and got up from my seat and slung my backpack over my shoulder and then again looked at my schedule and saw I had Mx. Agario. It made me happy that there was a queer teacher. I then made my way out of Mr. Loger's classroom and to the stairs and to the base floor to get to Mx. Agario's classroom. I then made my way to Mx. Agario's classroom which wasn't far away after you get up the stairs which I find good for me. I then saw their classroom in sight, they were greeting students at their door. They seemed really nice which was cool. I then got to their door and they said to me ''Hi! Welcome to my classroom!'' They seemed like they weren't faking it or anything like when teachers act like this they're normally faking their kindness and are just absolute pricks when ur in their classroom, but otherwise I respond to them with a simple, ''Hello.'' I walked in and on the broad it said sit wherever you'd like just don't be to loud, this is a free period.'' I then looked away from the board and decided to sit at the desk in front of them. They seemed like a nice enough teacher. I then heard the shoes hitting against the ground and then beside me which was Mx. Agario. They then sat down and began calling out attendance.

''Aari? Did I pronounce that right?'' They said to a girl across the room. The girl responded with a yes or something like that. I couldn't really hear what they said. ''Alright!'' Smiled Mx. Agario, Mx. Agario then went through the attendance. It wasn't really too eventful besides Mx. Agario starting a conversation with me which was cool. ''So how are you Tommy?'' They asked me. ''I'm good, you?'' I responded to them. ''Well that's good! Hmm, what are some things you like Tommy?'' They said, asking me a question. ''Well, I like spiders, cows and climbing trees..'' I said, remembering the last time I climbed a tree was when we left that shit-hole, but it was when we were outside in the middle of the night, something like that. ''Ooh, that sounds cool.'' Mx. Agario said to me, I smiled in response. We ended up having a good conversation while asking each other questions like, what's your favorite ice cream flavor, basic stuff like that and I also got to learn their first name. Which is surprising since most teachers don't let students use their first name. The bell rang and I picked up my stuff, but this time I didn't look at my schedule since I already knew where the lunch room was. I then waved bye to Mx. Agario at the door as I then walked down to the stairs to head to the lunch room on the basement floor.

I then walked down the stairs to the lunch room. I entered the lunch room to be greeted by loud chattering around the room. I then looked for the lunch line and as soon as I found it I already saw Ranboo and Tubbo lining up in the lunch line as well. So I began running towards them to scare them and so I ran into them and scared them. ''TOMMY WHAT THE FUCK!'' Tubbo yelled at me as he was also laughing and so was Ranboo. ''Well! It felt like the perfect moment to scare you two!'' I said loudly laughing. ''Makes sense.'' Ranboo said to me with a grin on his face. ''I think there's cheese pizza or baked potato, but I know i'm definitely getting the pizza.'' Tubbo said to me and Ranboo as he looked at us. ''I think I'll get the baked potato this time, who knows I might like it.'' Said Ranboo to both me and Tubbo. ''I'll probably try your baked potato Ranboo.'' I said looking up at him. ''Alright, Tubbo are you gonna do the same?'' I heard Ranboo ask Tubbo. ''Yea, I most likely will anyways.'' Tubbo said to him as I looked over to Tubbo his head was practically facing the roof, I was confused until I realized he was looking at Ranboo. We then started chatting about our teachers, and apparently Tubbo and Ranboo have the same 4th period, and we have the same last two classes the three of us. What luck we had there.

Β  Soon enough it was our turn to get our lunch food since we were at the front of the line now. ''I'll have a baked potato please.'' Ranboo said to the lunch lady as I saw the lady hand Ranboo his lunch. I saw Ranboo then walk ahead to grab a water bottle. I then walked forward to ask the lady what I wanted, ''I'll have the cheese pizza thank you.'' I said as the lady passed me my lunch. I then walked forward and saw Ranboo waiting to be able to get a water bottle from one of the fridges there were. I then walked over to to him, ''Hey Ranboo.'' I said as I reached his side. ''Hey Tommy!'' Ranboo said to me as we walked forward a bit, ''I think Tubbo is coming now.'' Ranboo said to me as he looked behind me, I then slowly turned my head around to the direction Ranboo was looking at and saw Tubbo running towards me with his head down, I already knew what this meant, the next second I knew it Tubbo had crashed into me. Ranboo laughed at me and Tubbo, while I stood there looking at Tubbo who had a face of pure innocence. Finally, then Ranboo was able to grab water from one of the fridges, then came me to grab some water and then came Tubbo. The three of us were talking to each other while going to our table we sat at. This was great, not having those demons having us as slaves. This school year might be my favorite and best.


woo new chapter completed πŸ‘
I hope you all enjoyed this 2000+ chapter! :D
This is only proof read by google docs πŸ™ƒ

But remember to eat and drink at least something small! Have a nice day/afternoon/night! :D


2356 words without extra messages

2414 words with extra messages
