8. School

We love the photo up top am I right.
Anyways enjoy this short chap. (lie.)

Ranboo's POV:

TW'S: Swearing

We all laughed at Tommy's joke. It was funny to us. Maybe to some it'll be hurtful but not me or Tubbo, it was just a playful joke to the three of us. Like for me, ''Long bitch,'' for Tommy ''Garbage animal'' and for Tubbo it was ''Ram head.'' We all had nicknames like these for each other as a joke, but sometimes we would get a little more creative, like switch up a word but genuinely it just makes it funny. ''YEA YOU SEE HOW LONG BITCH IS SO LONG, RAM HEAD?!'' Tommy said while laughing, me and Tubbo joined in on the laughing too. This was really great, we began eating our lunches Tommy would sometimes say that his sandwich is shit compared to Tubbo's. I just laughed at this, me and Tubbo tried his sandwich and oh boy, it didn't taste good.

We were finishing up our breakfast with around thirty minutes left, maybe a bit more, I didn't know there wasn't a clock in my view. ''We should hurry up a bit don't you think?'' I said as I turned my head around seeing a few kids leaving the cafeteria here and there. ''Yea, we should. Plus there isn't no way in hell i'm gonna finish this.'' Tommy said to me and Tubbo as he stood up from the table. ''Alright, let's get going to school then, as much as I don't wanna go.'' Tubbo said to me and Tommy while he stretched his arms. I got up last and we began walking to the exit thankfully we didn't have any little problem along the way like Wyatte being there to say something stupid. We then reached the exit of the cafeteria. Tommy had seemed to pick up his pace a bit, me neither Tubbo really knew why, so we kept on walking until we reached the front doors, I heard the front desk tell us, ''Have a good day children!'' I waved bye to them, and then turned around to catch up with Tubbo and Tommy. It looked like Tommy slowed his pace down now that we were outside from the shelter.

''Hey Tommy, why did you speed up?'' I heard Tubbo ask Tommy as I caught up to them. ''I saw wyatte, and i'm not up for any problems today.'' I heard Tommy say to me and Tubbo. It made sense though without doubt none of us wanted any problems with anybody and I hope we can keep ourselves problem free for a while. ''That makes sense. But now let's get going to school so we can have a few extra minutes to grab our schedules and know our way.'' I said as I began walking outside the gate of the shelter and into the sidewalk. ''Yea that sounds good!'' I heard Tubbo say, as I heard the clicks of his hoofs hitting the sidewalk and soon a second after I heard walking which I guessed was Tommy. We walked for a minute while talking about random stuff like, what teachers we wanna get and how many classes we would get each other with. ''I really wanna get Mr. Brick if i'm being honest. Like he lets you sit wherever and couldn't care less if you cursed!'' Tubbo said to me and Tommy. ''Yea, but honestly I want Ms.Quill.'' I said as we began nearing the school, there weren't many students outside

''It's more empty than I thought.'' Tommy said to both me and Tubbo as he pointed around the entrance of the school. ''There's only like what, ten eleven kids?'' Tubbo said to us, adding on to what Tommy said. ''Yea I think ur right.'' I said to Tubbo as we walked closer to the entrance of the school. I saw a few familiar faces, and by that I mean people I've seen in the hallways when I walked to my other classes. ''Let's wait over here in the meantime.'' Tommy said while walking over to a bench with a pine tree behind them. ''Well, i'm gonna be honest, the school year is going by fast but at the same time it isn't and like what a month ago!'' Tubbo said to me and Tommy as we reached the bench and sat down. ''The school year is just going by fast for me.'' I said looking at Tubbo and Tommy. ''The school year is just slow for me, in the beginning it was fast for me. But now it's just slower and slow than the beginning.''ย  Tommy said to us while I saw him stare off into the distance watching the cars by.

''This is taking too long. Plus it's cold still.'' Tommy said to the both of us as I saw him put his hands on his arms and started moving them in an attempt to warm up. ''Let's just huddle up like penguins'' Tubbo suggested, just the thought of it, could make me slightly laugh. ''Let's do it!'' I said, agreeing with Tubbo's plan as we both engulfed each other in a hug. ''This probably looks so stupid..'' I heard Tommy say, while giggling, but it was slightly muffled. ''Probably, but I couldn't care less.'' Tubbo said, with what I imagined was a grin. We then laughed at what we were doing which was funny, until we were interrupted by the bell ringing and the steps of multiple hybrids and humans. ''Well, let's go.'' Tubbo said to me and Tommy as he let go. I then let go after Tubbo so Tommy could get up as well. ''I can assure you guys that, your guys plan definitely worked out with warming up that's for sure.'' Tommy told me and Tubbo as he got up. We began walking towards the school doors. We welcomed in by the warmth the building provided and nothing else besides the ''Welcome backs.'' from teachers and staff. We were directed to head to the gym and that's exactly what we did. The halls were now getting crowded like really but to the point where you had enough space to walk, but not all that much.

Tubbo's Pov:

We were walking in the halls and heading towards the gym. You could already hear the loud chatting and dirty jokes that were being yelled out in the halls while we were walking. If i'm being honest. The only staff that are good here are most likely Mr. Brick, Ms. Quill and a few others. ''I forget how shitty the students are here sometimes.'' I heard Tommy say besides me, though it was barely audible due to my shit hearing. I still heard him and I respond to him with a ''Mhm.'' We finally reached the gym to hear more shouting but it was quieter because of the staff that were monitoring the gym's volume. It felt like a relief even if there wasn't much of a difference for the amount of sound there was, it was still something though. The three of us walked over to a spot in the bleachers that we were told to sit in. It was more quiet since we were away from the bigger crowds of people. ''I don't understand why the people in this school act like fucking feral animals sometimes.'' I heard Tommy say next to me but more loudly this time. ''Yea no, they don't act like it. They are feral animals Tommy.'' Ranboo said to us, but before he finished his sentence I was going to tell him ''what do you mean?!'' but I thought too quickly. This really made me and Tommy laugh though, It wasn't normal for Ranboo to say things like that, he was pretty limited when it came to him saying those types of things.

''I never expected you to say that but ur so fucking right!'' I heard Tommy say as he began laughing, while I did the same thing. Laugh. It was something we were doing so much more as well as joking. Don't get me wrong I'm really glad about this. My thoughts were then interrupted by the loud ringing noise from the microphone that made the noise. We all looked at where the noise came from and it was from a staff member who was gonna probably announce what you're gonna do to get our schedules and how the class periods will be shortened due to the new students that switched there school, which they might have regretted switching over to this school. They began by talking about how you'll get your schedule in your last semester's first period class. ''I think you have Ms. Lioen for ur first period class Ranboo.'' I told Ranboo cause it looked like he was having trouble remembering. ''Alright. Thanks Tubbo.'' Ranboo said to me with a smile. ''I think I have Mr. Brick for my first period class, do I..? Yea I do.'' I heard Tommy say to himself. ''Well, that is it. Now please begin heading to ur first period class to receive ur schedules.'' The staff member said to us while they stepped off the tiny stool they called a platform.

''Well, same table from last year?'' Tommy said to me and Ranboo. ''Obviously, that's the only table that's never full.'' I said replying to Tommy. We then began walking down the bleachers steps and onto the ground and we began walking our separate ways. I wonder how this is gonna turn out, we're already halfway through the school year. What could go wrong, we're almost in the homerun with this school year.


YeA- New chapter completed ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
I hope you guys enjoy this :D

1629 words with extra messages
1595 words without extra messages
