16. Library


Ranboo's POV:

Tw's: Swearing

I wake up to having a small headache which isn't fun, obviously.. I then look around my surroundings and see that I'm at Tommy's bed and not my own, on top of that it didn't seem like Tubbo and Tommy were in the room. That was until I looked down and saw that I was hugging them both and they were still asleep. It felt nice, that's for sure, it was also strangely quiet. Normally, you'd hear at least somebody talking or walking down the hallway. Maybe, everybody was in their room. My mind then drifted off into the topic of family. It was something I have, Tommy and Tubbo. That's my family, but a family needs a dad or mom normally right? I then thought about the topic, adoption. I don't know how and why I thought of it to be honest. I then thought about electronics, phones, telephones, televisions, computers, laptops. Come to think of it, most kids have electronics. I sighed quietly and continued thinking about random topics for around two hours, like food, more electronics, tv shows I've heard of, and books. I think they were more, but I don't really remember. I then felt something or somebody moving a bit, which made me instantly look down in my arms.

They were both still asleep, on the topic of sleep. I think I should try sleeping for a while since the only thing I've been doing for the past two to three hours, just thinking about random topics that pop up into my head. It would be really good to have a phone right now actually. Music sounds great right now. It sucks how not even they gave us phones, but they hated us so why would they even try or want to spend money on us, their supposed slaves or bulters. I wonder if they just hated us or something, maybe that we were part of something like half of the earth's population? Honestly, I don't really understand, I don't wanna even try to actually, because why would you take in a type of people that you hate or dislike? I mean it seems obvious you'd ignore it. Everybody in that neighborhood was pretty nice too. Though we barely were able to see them, which is honestly sad. Actually why am I saying, no.. thinking? About the word honestly so much. That's weird but, oh well. I then continued thinking about how strange that old house was. Why? Because it was extremely odd. I continued complaining about the old house to myself, until I felt myself fall asleep, like I was about three hours ago.

Tubbo's POV:

I wake up still in the same spot as I was before. Which wasn't really a surprise, since Ranboo was in that sleepwalking kind of state. Their eyes were a really bright purple too, unlike normally where their eyes are red and green. I just shrugged it off and looked towards the window and saw that it was morning. I then thought about school. Is today a weekday or is it the weekend? We haven't touched the calendar in two days. I then realized that I could still figure the current day. I then tried getting up but, of course, Ranboo was still holding on tight to me and Tommy. I'm kinda surprised about it to be honest actually, because if you're asleep aren't you supposed to be like weak or something? I sighed and looked above my head and saw Ranboo still asleep. I looked back down. What can I do to make them let me go without them noticing or waking up. I sat there for another minute thinking about what I could do to help me to get out of Ranboo's grasp on me. What if I.. I then tried gently removing their arms off me and surprisingly.. It worked, somehow. Once I was out of Ranboo's grasp. I stretched quickly and walked towards the calendar to figure out what day it currently is.

I looked at the calendar and looked at the last day that was marked, which was Tuesday. I then counted two days ahead which made me land on Thursday, plus counting the day we're on. Today is Friday then! That actually was easier than I thought. I looked back at Ranboo and Tommy, they both looked so peaceful, Tommy probably would of fallen over if Ranboo wasn't hugging him. I looked around the room wondering what else I could do. I thought about my possible options, which were explore or stay and maybe sleep more. I was stuck between sleeping more and exploring. They were both really good options to me. I then sat down on the floor and thought about what option was better. After another three minutes, I had finally decided on exploring. Should I let them know? No, that'd wake them up. Oh right! I can leave a post-it note. I then got off of the floor and walked towards the desk where there was a stack of post-it notes. I took one off of the stack and grabbed a pencil and wrote out. ''Exploirng this plaece! (get prakned haha) -Tubo'' I looked at the post-it note and smiled. I grabbed the post- it note and then, I got possibly one of the greatest ideas known to mankind and walked over to Ranboo and Tommy. I stuck the post-it note in Tommy's hair, why? Cause it's gonna be funny when they wake up. I might not be there to see their reactions but it'll still be worth it.

I then laughed quietly to myself as I walked over towards the door and opened it quietly, I looked at Tommy and Ranboo once more before closing the door. I then began walking around looking at the medium sized signs telling me where is what and what is what. I then stopped and realized how strange that sounded. I mean I said what three times, and it somehow made sense. I then began walking again before somebody yelled at me for just standing in the middle of a hallway. I looked at the signs that were on both the ground and ceiling, until I saw a sign that said ''Library.'' with a few drawings of books besides the word. My mind instantly wandered over to Ranboo. They were always a bookworm. I then walked into the library with a small smile on my face. I don't know what was the name of the scent I had just smelled but it smelled heavenly, maybe from the amount of candles? Probably, but it made the library look more peaceful. I looked around at the library in amazement. The library had two stories, the first story had bookshelves with a few tables, sofas and beanbags scattered around the place. It seemed normal actually but it felt different when you look at the second story. From my perspective, it looked like there were more bean bags and a sofa that looked like a bed? It was weird, maybe because I've never seen something like it ever in my life though. I walked towards one of the book shelves, I didn't know what I was looking for until I saw the genre, ''comedy.'' Comedy related books, or anything comedy related both me and Ranboo loved. Tommy was more of an action guy, if you know what I'm saying.

I then walked towards the comedy shelf and looked at the books that I could read. I pulled out some of the books from their shelf looking at the cover of the book, none of them had me interested yet. Until, I saw the title of a book called, ''100 Jokes to Make You And Your Friends Laugh!'' I grinned at the sight of the book's title. I grabbed it off the shelf and walked off towards a beanbag. I sat down on the beanbag and began reading the book. It didn't take long for me to read the seventy first joke. The joke might not be funny to everybody but to me it was, ''Why can't a nose be twelve inches? Because then it'd be a foot.'' It made me crack a smile. I mean you have to admit it's funny. I looked below the joke I was previously reading, ''Where do you find a cow with no legs? Right where you left it.'' This one wasn't as funny to me, but it still was slightly funny. Thinking of funny things, I wonder if Tommy and Ranboo have woken up yet and seen the post-it note in Tommy's hair. It sucks how I might not be able to see they're reactions, then again, it might be better to have Tommy calmed down by Ranboo cause of my very funny, stupid, and great prank. Well, it isn't really stupid actually, just stupidly funny to me. I then looked at another joke there was in the book. ''What is a karen called in Europe? An American.'' I mean, YOU HAVE TO ADMIT, It was pretty funny. There was also another joke that I found really funny, ''What did the fish say before it swam into a wall? Dam.'' I totally didn't like it just because it had something similar to a swear word. Totally, but generally it was pretty funny. Maybe I was just being fooled by the title and forcing myself to laugh. I mean, that could be happening, you never know! I laughed a bit and went back to reading my jokes, quite peacefully, there was just quiet chattering in the background which wasn't much actually.

Tommy's POV:

I lazily wake up and yawn. I look at my surroundings and see Tubbo is gone. I attempt to get up but then realize somebody is preventing me from doing so, which makes me look back and then I see Ranboo is the one stopping me from getting up, and the strange part is they're still asleep. I genuinely wonder how they still have such a tight grip on me. I then feel something in my hair, I try to reach for it, but it took me a few seconds to grab it. Once, I get it out from my hair, I see it's a post-it note. ''Exploirng this plaece! (get prakned haha) -Tubo'' I then looked at the post-it note. I took a deep breath and yelled, ''TUBBO! HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS.'' Which ended up waking up Ranboob. ''Huh..''They said to me drowsily. ''Morning Ranboob.'' I said to them still slightly mad at how Tubbo betrayed me like this. ''What's wrong Tommy?'' Ranboo said to me as they sat up and looked at me. ''Oh nothing, just Tubbo betrayed me and left to explore this place without me.'' I said, crossing my arms in annoyance. ''Maybe cause he didn't want to wake you up?'' Ranboo said to me as I saw them get up from my bed, oh right. They were doing a sleepwalking thingy of some sort. ''Oh yea, Ranboo, you were sleepwalking last night.'' I said as they looked back at me when I had mentioned that they sleep walked. ''Oh.. I did?'' They said to me, looking confused. ''Yea, you were also real clingy or protective or some shit, I really don't know.'' I replied to them as I shrugged my shoulders. I walked towards the calendar and saw that it's now marked off for the previous days, which is strange since none of us were keeping track of the day.

Until, I remembered that Tubbo could have marked the previous days. I walked towards the dresser and pulled out some of my clothes and walked towards the bathroom since Ranboo was making their bed, which I don't understand how it got messed up. Oh right, before they got into that sleepwalking state. I shut the door behind me once I had entered the bathroom. I then looked at the still broken mirror. Which reminds me of how strange Ranboo is actually acting. Oh well, how a few things have been happening with them. Like, they broke a mirror, they had a traumatizing nightmare of some sort which was a nightmare inside a nightmare? It was strange for sure, and then they went into a sleepwalking state? Maybe we should go to the nurse's office about this? Oh well, I'll probably ask them about it tomorrow. I then changed into my clothes that I had in hand and grabbed my old clothes that I had on before. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door and walked out. I then walked towards a basket and put my dirty clothes in, because recently we were told that if we put our dirty clothes in a basket they'll come by and wash it. It was kinda like a cycle? Cause you'd expect them to get people's clothes mixed up with others but I think they do a room per week? I don't really know, I'm just going off what I've heard. ''Oh yea, Ranboob, you can use the bathroom now.'' I said walking towards my bed and falling face first into it. ''Alright, oh and do you think we should look for Tubbo soon? Or do you think he'll come back?'' Ranboo asked me, which made me lift my face out of my bed.

''I think we should look for him and scare him. Why you may ask? Because he betrayed me.'' I said as I dropped my head back into my bed. ''Oh yeah, he betrayed you.'' Ranboo said, while I heard their quiet laughter. I then heard Ranboo walking towards the bathroom. I laid in the same position, which was face first in my bed, for another two minutes before Ranboo came out of the bathroom. ''So we're gonna go look for Tubbo now right?'' I heard Ranboo say after they shut the bathroom door. ''YEA! LET'S LOOK FOR TUBBO.''I said loudly as I jumped out of my bed. When I did that, I got a small laugh from Ranboo. ''DON'T LAUGH RANBOOB, NOTHING IS FUNNY RIGHT NOW. TUBBO BETRAYED ME.'' I said to them, while lightly punching their arm. I then ran towards the door and left, while leaving Ranboo slightly behind. But, I heard them running so they were gonna catch up either way. ''So where do you think Tubbo is Ranboob.'' I said to Ranboo, making sure when I said Ranboob to say it louder than any other word I said in that sentence. ''Number one. Do not call me Ranboob Tommy and number two, I really don't know. So I think we'll just have to walk around.'' Ranboo said to me, I stuck my tongue out at them when they told me to stop calling them Ranboob. ''Fine, I'll stop, Ranboob.'' I said to them, with a slightly mischievous grin on my face. Ranboo just stared at me in disappointment. I stared at them back with the mischievous grin still on my face ''That's odd?''I say quietly to myself. ''What's odd?'' Ranboo said to me. ''Oh it's just that normally you don't like eye contact.'' I said to them while we walked through the halls, everytime we passed a door, peering into the room to look for Tubbo. ''Oh, I don't know actually, I think maybe cause I'm comfortable with you?'' They said to me while they shrugged their shoulders and looked back ahead in front of them.

We continued walking around the hallways. We still haven't found Tubbo. This is like hide and seek but like twenty times harder. I then felt myself stop walking but I didn't stop myself from walking but that was until I saw Ranboo's arm in front of me. ''Yeah?'' I said to them, ''Do you think we should look in the library? Cause I mean we've looked everywhere, but only outside and the library seems like a good place to start.'' They said to me, I then nodded as we both began walking towards the library to search for Tubbo. We then both walked in and hoped to immediately see Tubbo, or well anything that showed he was there. Me and Ranboo walked around the library looking around. We did get distracted just a little bit, okay maybe more than a little bit but there were action books and even a few comics! But of course we had to continue looking for Tubbo. Which took a while but we found him. We were now walking around the comedy section of the books. I was about to say that Tubbo wasn't in the library until Ranboo spoke up. ''Oh look, he's over there!''Ranboo said to me while pointing over to where Tubbo was. I then saw the book he was reading, the title was ''100 Jokes To Make You And Your Friends Laugh!'' Classical Tubbo, He's a comedy guy. I then had the perfect Idea. ''Hey Ranboo, why don't we scare Tubbo for betraying me.'' I said to Ranboo with a devious grin on my face. ''Sounds great.'' Ranboo said, responding back to me, it was strange though normally Ranboo was mischievous, but it was cool to see it. ''So we just go behind him and scare him right?'' Ranboo said to me once we were behind a bookshelf that was closer to Tubbo than the other shelf.

''Yep, that's the plan.'' I said to Ranboo while slowly creeping behind Tubbo, I heard a few footsteps on the other side of the book shelf which I assumed was Ranboo going the other way. Me and Ranboo were now on both sides of Tubbo. I looked towards Ranboo and they said something or mouthed something but, I didn't know what they said but it felt like I scared Tubbo first. I then slowly walked over towards Tubbo and waited for the best moment to appear and scare him. I then jumped forward and shook him which made him run towards Ranboo which seemed to be their plan along. Then Tubbo ran into Ranboo, but Tubbo then bumped into them and looked up at Ranboo. ''BOO!'' Ranboo yelled at Tubbo. Tubbo then fell back shocked while looking at Ranboo who was laughing on the ground which I then fell down on the ground laughing too. ''WHY?!''Tubbo said to me and Ranboo as he fully fell down to the ground. Tubbo started laughing too after a minute. But of course our fun had to be ruined by a librarian shushing us. The three of us looked at her walk away, and once they were out of our view, I quickly stuck my tongue out and stuck my middle finger out where they walked off from. I heard small laughs from behind me, which they were obviously from Tubbo and Ranboo. ''I'm so funny.'' I said to myself with a small laugh. ''Yes, very comedy man.''I heard from behind me, but judging by the voice it sounded like Tubbo. I then turned around to look at them. ''Tubbo could never be a very funny comedy man like me, that's why your reading '100 Funny Jokes To Make You And Your Friends Laugh!''' I said with a snarky grin on my face. ''Yes, I aspire to be a funny comedy man like you.'' Tubbo said, adding onto the bit while Ranboo was just in the background laughing quietly. ''RANBOOB ARE YOU AN ASS-PIRING FUNNY COMEDY PERSON?'' I said to them slightly loudly. ''YES I ASPIRE TO BE THAT.'' They said, as they laughed but a bit louder than before. ''We are very funny comedy men.'' Tubbo said with a grin on his face.

''Should we go back to our room actually? Or continue exploring like Tubbo was doing?'' Ranboo then said after they quieted their laughter down. ''I'd say we should go explore more!'' Tubbo said, which made me look at him. ''I think there was a place close by that was called, what was it again, I think it was a sort of club? There was a poster for it.'' Ranboo said while scratching their head, which looked like a bad attempt at trying to remember something. ''OH YEAH! It was a club type of thing like for computers and to play games.'' Ranboo said after a minute of the three of us sitting still trying to think of a place to go. ''OH YEAH IT WAS THAT POSTER!'' I yelled out, looking towards Ranboo. ''I'm really lost here.'' Tubbo said quietly. ''Oh yeah me and Ranboob here saw it on our way here.''I said while looking back to Tubbo. ''Alright, so I guess that's where we're going next?'' Tubbo said while standing up from the library's carpet. ''Yep! Let's go to the poster again to see when it starts or happens.'' Ranboo said while also getting up, which made me last one to get up. I got up from the ground and then the three of us walked out of the library.


Word count without extra messages: 3508

Words with extra messages: 3520
