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N/n = Nickname

While walking around, trying to find your dad, you spotted him sitting by a tree. He seemed to be doingΒ something on hisΒ screen. "Dad?" You called outΒ which made MePhone jump and turn away from you. "What are you doing?"

"Uh-" MePhone didn't get a chance to explain before another voiced called out.

"MePhone!"Β Marshmallow called out.

"Um, uh..." MePhone said before pretending toΒ turn off. *We'reΒ sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service at this time.*

"You're notΒ fooling me withΒ that" Marshmallow said.

"Ugh, fine, what is it?" MePhone asked Marshmallow.

"I want Bow back! It's not fair that she's still dead."

"Wait, Bow? You still case about her?"Β 

"Yeah! She's like, the fan favorite!" Fan said, coming out of nowhere. "This season is heading in the wrong direction. I don't want my little egg to hatch into a sub-par Bowless season!"

"Uh... How long have you been standing there?" MePhone asked.

"Uh... heh... uh... Just stop changing the subject MePhone! You could bring every character back to life! So why not Bow?"

"I bet you feel REAL special forΒ figuring that out,Β don't you?"


"Look guys, it's not gonna happen."

"Yeah, right! You're just saying that because you hate her!"

"Oh, yeah? We'll see about that." MePhone said as he tried to resurrect Bow but it failed. "See? I didn't wanna disappoint you guys, but she's gone, for good."

"Trust me, I tried to get her back" You said.

"She died while I was dead as well, so I never got the notification to recover her."

"WHAT!?" Marshmallow yelled.

"*GASP* What an upsetting twist!" Fan said, walking away with some popcorn.

"Oh, this is terrible. Just terrible! Let's vent our feelings through art!" Apple said, dragging Marshmallow away. After a moment, someone called MePhone.

"What?" MePhone said rudely when he answered.

"Dad.. that's Adam" You whispered to him.

"Oh, uh... Hi Adam! What's up?" MePhone said.

"I can tell you what's not up... Our ratings! They've gone down ever since Bow died. I don't care what you do. We need the fan favorite back, pronto!" Adam said, ending the call. MePhone sighed.

"HELLO MISTA PHONE AND N/N" Toilet said, coming out of nowhere.

"Toilet, where have you been? You were gone three months!" MePhone said.

"Oh, WeLl, I hAd SoMe InTeRuPt ThOsE wHyErS FoR u, SIR! BuT, I'vE gOt ThEm!" Toilet said, spitting some wires out of his mouth.

"Say, Toilet, you think you can get me something other than wires?" MePhone asked.


"You need to find a way to bring Bow back to life" MePhone said, making you give him a look.


"Toilet, this is your chance to PROVE yourself to me. So, DON'T screw it up."

"OH BOI! I'LL DO MY BEST, MISTA PHONE!" That was the last thing Toilet said before running off. MePhone had a smug look on his face until he turned and noticed yours.

"What?" MePhone asked. "If the viewers want Bow so badly, then I'll give them MORE than enough of her. And no one will be clamoring to see her ever again." You facepalmed as MePhone walked away, getting ready for the elimination.


"Welcome back, Grand Slams. How does it feel to suck so much?" MePhone asked.

"Well, you would know" Knife said, earning a glare from MePhone.

"As I was saying. Today, the prizes are leftovers from Soap's disgusting pizza." MePad used a tong to hold the rotten pizza, that even had a rotten worm coming out of it. "Barely ANYBODY ate it. So, we have plenty to go around."

"EW!" You and Baseball said at the same time.Β 

"Isn't that pizza like... over a month old now?" Baseball asked as you hid behind MePhone, staying away from that disgusting pizza.

"Yeah, but I don't think the pizza could possibly be any worse than it was then." Everyone agreed, except for Soap, who was still mad everyone thought her pizza was bad. Anyway. This time, we received the total of 3,851 votes. To start, Baseball, Nickel, Knife, Suitcase, Balloon, and Microphone all live another episode." MePhone threw the pizza at the safe contestants, most of them trying to dodge it.

"Soap, Cheesy, and Box remain."

"But I worked so hard for the team" Soap said.

"And that's why you're the next safe."

"Oh yay!"

"Just kidding. Next safe is Cheesy!"

"GASP! You!" MePhone threw the pizza slice at Cheesy.

"Wow. I can't wait to finally taste this pizza. I really put myself into it" Cheesy said before slapping his knee.

"Well, that's an image I'm not getting out of my head" Nickel said. Meanwhile, you were trying not to throw up from the sight of that disgusting pizza.

"Uh, Y/n? Why don't you go make sure the challenge is ready after we finish the elimination?" MePhone said, noticing your discomfort.

"Yeah okay" You said, quickly leaving. You already knew Box was going to be eliminated.


As you made sure everything was in place for the competition to start, you heard a voice yell from behind you.

"N/N! N/N! I DID IT!" Toilet said, jumping up and down.

"You found Bow!?" You said excitedly.

"He did?" MePhone said. "Really?"

"Uh, no. But I found the next best thing" Toilet said, revealing a piece of dough.

"Eh, good enough" MePhone said as you sighed in disappointment.

"Good enough? HA! Take that, MePad!" Toilet said, getting in MePads face.

"Um, sure? Consider it taken" MePad said.

"Hey contestants! Come over here! So, I've been informed that many people have been anticipating Bow's return to Inanimate Insanity. But! She's dead" MePhone said.

"How upsetting" Nickel said sarcastically.

"So, we found the closest thing to Bow."

"Wait... WHAT!?" Marshmallow said, clearly upset.

"Introducing the new Bow, Bow's alleged big brother, Dough!" Toilet said.

"Hi guys. I'm Dough" Dough said, sounding somewhat similar to Bow. All of the contestants stared with confused looks.

"This is the best you could do?" Nickel asked.

"Uh huh! Dough is just like Bow but different. Instead of chairs, he likes stairs."

"They're the best" Dough said before falling down a random flight of stairs.

"How could you just replace her with that thing!?" Marshmallow yelled, obviously angered.

"It's... not the same" Fan said as he begins his depression arc.

"It's everything you liked about Bow in a new different form! So, quit complaining" MePhone said. "Anyway, the winner of the next challenge will win Dough as a new member of their team."

"Today's challenge is a soccer match!" You said.

"Wouldn't it, like, be better with, like, a bear competition? Because bears are so totally awesome" Dough said.

"Wait, aren't you addicted to stairs?" Paintbrush asked.

"Pfft. Those are so, like, 34 seconds ago. I like bears. I like wilderness."

"And what's next? Mares?" MePad asked jokingly.

"Now, since the Grand-" MePhone said, before stopping himself to push Toilet away from him. "Now, since the Grand Slams outnumber the Bright Lights, we need someone from the Grand Slams to sit out. So.... Nickel! Go sit in the bleachers."

"What!? But this is soccer! The sport for the legs only!" Nickel complained.

"I know. Now get out" MePhone said, pointing to the bleachers.


"Whichever team is the first to 5 goals wins. Get your mark, on set-" MePhone blew the whistle, beginning the game.

Basically to sum up the first part of the game, The Bright Lights suck. Though Knife did get himself sent to the bleachers for unnecessary roughness, so they might have a chance. You were just watching the chaos unfold while sitting next to Dough.

"So, guys. I'm bored" Dough said, walking away from you and walking towards Microphone.

"Uh... Dough? I don't think you should be speaking with the contestants while their trying to focus" You tried warning him, but he either didn't notice or didn't care.

"Hey, you! I'm, like, bored!" Dough said, grabbing Microphones attention.

"So am I, but not enough to talk to you!" Microphone said.

"Well, you should totally buy a dear."

"Another chair rhyme, huh?"

"Um, Microphone?" You said, noticing the ball coming towards the goal.

"Guess what? Nobody... cares!" Microphone said, not noticing the ball until it had hit the goal. The Bright Lights cheered on getting their first victory. "WHAT!? NO!" Microphone yelled.

"What was that, Microphone?" Baseball yelled. "Okay. Clearly you need to be even further from the action. I'll be goalie."

"WHAT!? BUT WHAT ABOUT ME!?" Microphone yelled, having her volume up.

"Ugh! Why don't you play another position?"

"Fine!" Microphone said, before turning to Dough. "You! I dare you to jump off a bridge."

"Ugh! Like, meh" Dough said. Dough acted so similar to Bow and yet so different. You definitely preferred Bow.


It was close to the end of the game and to sum it up, The Bright Lights still suck.

"Okay. We're entering the final minutes of this game. Bright Lights, since your so far behind, I've decided to give you one last chance to catch up. Each of you get a penalty shot against the Gram Slams" MePhone said.Β 

Unfortunately for the Bright Lights, Baseball was the goalie, meaning getting at least 4 shots past him was near to impossible. Lightbulb tried giving the her teammates an speech, thinking they were in some inspirational movie. None of them scored even 1 goal.

"Well, I think that was a bit, how you say, anticlimactic" Lightbulb said.

"And that's the end of this challenge. Grand Slams win by a landslide" MePhone said.

"Honestly, this was kinda sad to watch" You said, throwing the popcorn you had in your hands behind you.

"Serves my loser team right!" Yang said.

"Well... at least we won. But next time my skills are really going to kick in!" Microphone said before Cheesy slapped his knee.Β 

"Ha! Kick! Soccer! Pun!" Cheesy said.

"So Grand Slams, as your prize, you get Dough on your team" MePhone said. The Grand Slams cheered for their victory but then sighed in disappointment as they know had Dough on their team.Β 

"I, for one, welcome this new change to our team. We can't just live in the past. We have to move on! Be wiling to try new things!" Suitcase said.

"I agree. Copy the past. Never try anything different. Yeah guys, it's going to be amazing. Now, who wants to find a bear?" Dough spoke his last words as Yin-Yang came up behind him and ate him whole.

"Ah! Yin-Yang! Why'd you do that!?" Suitcase asked.

"Yin ate him!" Yang said.

"You can't be serious!" Yin said.Β 

"It couldn't have been me. I'm gluten-free!" Yang said, despite him eating a uncooked pizza last episode.Β 

"Okay, I ate him! I was starving!"

"Oh no! Dough's dead now too!" MePhone exclaimed.

"Well... you can always bring him back to life, right?" Baseball asked.

"No, because he forgot to create a life-icon for him" You said.

"What a shame" MePhone said, acting as if he was sad.

"Sarcasm. I like it" Knife said.



Words: 1746
