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"What do you want?" MePhone asked.

"Clearly you do not stay up to date with meeple news" MePhone4s said. "If you did, you would know that me, MePhone4s was just announced."


"So, I'm better technology! I have the new M5 chip! I also have new voice recognition technology."

"Are you serious?" MePhone asked.

"Actually, I'm Siri" A voice said from MePhone4s screen.

"Shut up! He was talking to me!" MePhone4s said. "Anyway, you're too old. You must be terminated."

"I'm only a year old and I have a kid to take care of" MePhone said as you came by his side.

"Whatever, I have cookies" MePhone4s said while pulling out a tray with a cookie on it. MePhone ran up and tried to eat the cookie. "PUT THAT COOKIE DOWN!" MePhone4s knocked MePhone to the ground as he pulled out a gun. "NOW!"


"DAD!" You yelled.

"Oh my gosh! What did you do?" Lightbulb asked.

"Who cares? I'm the host now!" MePhone4s said. You slowly turned to MePhone4s.

"You wanna attack my father, I'll end you" You said in a quiet voice.

Inanimate Insanity

Under New Hostmanship

*The Next Day*

"I'm sure MePhone will be fine, Y/n" Pickle said.

"He was literally shot" You said.

"Uhh, well, I'm sure that he'll be repaired or something."

"I hope you're not eliminated" Pepper said to Salt.

"Aw, thanks! I hope I'm not eliminated either!" Salt said as she and Pepper hugged.

"Well, I hope you are" Pickle said. "The only reason we lost is because you're on a diet."

"Well, at least I know how to swim."

"Shut up! Listen to me!" MePhone4s said. "It's time for the elimination thing! And Y/n, you're going to be helping me!"

"You bi-"


"We got 252 votes, okay. That's a lot less then last time!" MePhone4s said.

"Well, duh. You're here" Pickle said.

"Stop arguing you know it all vegetable!"

"I'd rather be a know-it-all than like you!"

"If you don't shut up, I'll multiply your votes by two!"

"Well, I think-"

"That's it! Your votes have been multiplied!"

"Hey! You can't do that!"

"I just did! Moving on. We have cookies like I promised" MePhone4s said pulling out an empty tray.

"No we don't" OJ said.

"Uh, I must have misplaced them earlier. Y/n-"

"I already made cookies because I knew that you were a fat slob just like MePhone" You said pulling out five cookies.

"Shut up! I'm not like that fat slob you call MePhone" MePhone4s said. "Now we have the cookies. OJ and Bomb, you won immunity last episode so you are both safe." MePhone4s threw two cookies at OJ and Bomb.

"Bases like chocolate are not good for my acidic structure" OJ said, handing Bomb his cookie.

"Thanks!" Bomb said, throwing the two cookies into the air.

MePhone4s called someone on his phone.


"Um yes?" The person you assumed was Adam on the other end.

"You got five votes against you."

"Ahh, that's horrible! Wait, who are you?"

MePhone4s hanged up.

"With only 26 votes against him, Pickle is safe but we multiplied it by two but he still only has 52" MePhone4s said as he threw a cookie to Pickle.

"Yes!" Pickle said as he ate his cookie.

"Taco, you are safe because only 58 viewers voted for you" MePhone4s said, throwing a cookie to Taco who caught it in her mouth but then spat it out.

"Salt and Pepper. You two got the most votes."

"Wait, but that means-" Salt said before getting interrupted.

"Yes, one of you will be eliminated and I couldn't be happier."

"Oh my god! No!" Salt and Pepper said at the same time.

"Shut up or you'll both be eliminated! Pepper.."


"is eliminated with 102 votes! Salt got 61 votes so yeah, she's safe" MePhone4s said, throwing a cookie at Salt before the big fist thingy threw Salt and Pepper into the air.

Pepper got launchpad to Idiotic Island and Salt lands on the ground.

"No, Pepper!" Salt said.

"Shut up about your girlfriend!" MePhone4s said. "Anyway, the next contest is deadly and hilarious especially when you die!"

"That's a little homicidal" OJ said.

"Shut up!"

"I hate him" Pickle said whispering to you and OJ.

"I hate you!" MePhone4s said, coming up from below OJ and throwing him into the air. "That's why I poisoned your cookie! Prepare to die in 4 seconds!"

"Hey, that-" Pickle tried to say but suddenly started dying from the poison.

"Hey, you killed our alliance member!" OJ said.

"What are you going to do about it?" MePhone4s said, getting in OJ's face. "Moving on. The challenge is to get across this quicksand. That's it. Oh yeah, and we're breaking up the teams again."

"Why?" OJ asked.

"Because friendship is dumb! The three not finished will be up for elimination. Now go you worthless beings!"

You walked over to the end of the quicksand and waited for the contestants to finish as well. You saw Marshmallow push Apple into the quicksand and jumped on her to get across.

"Marsh gets immunity, and I applaud the evilness" MePhone4s said. Marshmallow seemed to notice you sulking on the ground.

"What's wrong, Y/n? Are you still sad about MePhone?" Marshmallow asked.

"You think? He meant a lot to me.." You said.

"Well, I think I have a way to bring him back and get rid of this MePhone4s guy."

"You do? This guy is getting so annoying" OJ said, who put Taco down.

"We can use this Time Machine I got from Walmart to go and stop MePhone from getting shot" Marshmallow said, pulling out a button.

"SOUR CREAM!" Taco said.

Marshmallow pressed the button and You, Marshmallow, OJ, and Taco were engulfed in a puff of smoke.

November 30th, 2011
Day of MePhone's Death

You, Marshmallow, OJ, and Taco appeared behind a bush.

"It worked!" Marshmallow said. "We're back to the exact time he was shot. Now quick, let me pause time and replace MePhone4 with this dummy which I got from Walmart."

"Walmart has everything" You said.

"Yes, yes it does now go, OJ!"

Just as MePhone4s was about to shoot MePhone, Marshmallow paused time. You and OJ ran up to MePhone and threw him out of the way and replaced him with the dummy, which got shot in return.

"Salt wins too. That's it!" MePhone4s said.

"Uhh, what happened?" Pickle asked, finally awake after getting poisoned.

"You're up for elimination!"


"We barely had like five minutes!" Lightbulb said.

"Shut up!" MePhone4s said.

"I may be old, but I'm the host and this is my show no matter how insane your technology is" MePhone said. "So give it up."

"Dad! You're back!" You said, giving him a hug.

"This show is mine now. It belongs to me! You outdated technology!"

MePhone4s tackled MePhone to the ground and tried to shove him into the quicksand. MePhone slid MePhone4s screen to show a Hello Kitty background.

"What have you done?!" MePhone4s said. MePhone threw MePhone4s into the quicksand. He sunk while letting out a quiet scream.

"But how did you get back here? I thought you were terminated" Salt asked.

"Well you see we went back in time and replaced MePhone with a dummy-" OJ said. He continued talking for a while before Salt got bored and put a hand over his mouth.

"Stop, like, seriously. You're boring me with your science talk" Salt said.

"Well thank god he's gone but now Pickle, Lightbulb, and Bomb are up for elimination" MePhone said. He explained the rest of the rules of voting. After that, you figured the video was over.

"I'm glad you're back, dad! I missed you" You said.

"And it's good to be back" MePhone said. "And I missed you too."

"Aww" Lightbulb said.

MePhone just looked at her and she slid off of the screen.
