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"Wooooah! This is fun!" You said. MePhone had decided that it was time for Inanimate Insanity Season 2 to come out. You both decided to get some new contestants along with bringing some of the old contestants back to the show for another chance at 1 million dollars.Β 

You were excited to be able to be in another season and get to see some of your old friends again. Though you didn't know how to feel about the new contestants. There were Test Tube, Microphone, Cheesy, Box, Yin-Yang, Trophy, Fan, Suitcase, Soap, Tissues, and Cherries.

Test Tube was pretty nice though it seemed like she didn't have much experience with socializing with people. You could honestly relate to her since you felt the same when you first got on the show.

Microphone was also nice but very loud. She would sometimes forget to turn down the volume leading in her talking much louder then needed.

Cheesy was basically a comedianΒ since he wouldn't stop making jokes. It was kinda hard to hold a conversation with him since he wouldn't stop joking around.

Box was a pretty chill guy. He didn't talk much but he was still cool.

Yin-Yang was a lot to handle. Mostly Yang. They would always be arguing and disagreeing about everything. Sometimes they even begin fighting.

Trophy was just rude and cocky. He thinks just because he's strong that he's going to win. You knew that that type of contestant is one that gets eliminated pretty quickly.

Fan was like Test Tube, expect instead of being obsessedΒ with science, he's obsessed with the show, Inanimate Insanity. He was overjoyed when he got to meet you and said he was the shows biggest fan.

Suitcase was the first contestant you befriended from all of the new contestants. She had to have been the kindest out of all of them.

Soap was obsessed with cleaning up and trying to get rid of all germs. That was technicallyΒ impossible to get rid of all the germs in the world but that didn't stop her from trying.

Tissues sure gave her a run for her money. He kept coughing and sneezing almost every minute. You felt bad for the poor guy. He was actually a pretty nice but everyone stayed away from him since he sneezed so much. His conditshawn also made him tired most of the time.

And finally there was the Cherries. They seemed to get along with each other unlike Yin-Yang. They also seem to enjoy pulling pranks on others.

MePhone loaded them all in a plane and you were off to go start the second season of Inanimate Insanity. And now, you were standing on the wing of the plane with MePhone right next to you.

"Alright Y/n, watch me use the parachute first and then you'll go" MePhone said. He jumped off of the wing and fell threw the sky. He didn't pay attention to where the ground was and fell on the ground before he opened his parachute. You followed after him but made sure to open your parachute before you hit the ground. "And that! Was to show you what NOT to do."

"Hey Y/n!" Pickle said.

"Hi, Pickle! :)" You said.

"Um... hi?" OJ said to MePhone.

"Greetings and salutations!" MePhone greeted.

"Uh..." Balloon said.

"Well, it's great to see you too. I see you've done something impressive with your prize, OJ."

"Thanks" OJ said.

"And since we last saw each other, Adam agreed to let me, or technically us, have a personal assistant for the second season" MePhone said.

"Wait, wasn't Y/n your assistant?" Baseball asked.

"I was! Until last seasons finale where I became the Co-Host!" You said.

"Congrats Y/n" Marshmallow said.

"Anyway, we were told we'd meet him here" MePhone said.

"Hello, is there a Mr. Phone and Mx. Y/n here?" You heard someone say from behind you. You turned around and saw a toilet. You figured that they must be the new assistant that Adam hired. He seemed to notice you two staring at him. "Hello, are you the Mr. Phone and Mx. Y/n I was told to assist by Master Adam?" You turned back to MePhone, who was already calling Adam.

"Adam, what is this... thing?" MePhone asked.

"I am guessing you're referringΒ to your new assistant. That is Toilet. We couldn't really find anyone else who wanted to assist for some reason, weird huh? So, there, here you go" Adam said.

"You can't be serious!" Adam hung up. "Hello, hello...?"

"Hello?" Toilet asked.

"Uh... Why are you here again?"

"Oh, right, well... It's been two years since Inanimate Insanity was released, cool, right?" MePhone said.

"No, not really" Balloon said.

"Is that the only reason you flew here? Pretty terrible reason..." Marshmallow said.

"Actually, it's not, Inanimate Insanity Season 2 is taking place right here!" MePhone said.

"No, it's not, my winning hotel is here. And, I'm telling you, it's not going anywhere-" OJ said before getting interrupted when the plane you and MePhone were on crashed into the hotel. OJ was shocked to say the least and broke. Then all of the new contestants came falling out of the plane. They had all fell in a pile with the Cherries on top.

"And, these are the new stereotypes ...uh I- I mean the season 2 contestants" MePhone said.

"Aw... So you're replacing us with them? Really?" Lightbulb said.

"What's wrong with us?" Cherries asked.

"Yeah, that wasn't a bright thing to say! Heh heh. Get it?" Cheesy said.

"Heh heh. Nice one!"

"Ugh..." Lightbulb said.

"Okay, let's get to it. I want some of you, the old contestants, to join the game and battle alongside them. So check out this slot machine. Seven of you will join the game. It will be decided by chance" MePhone said.

"Ooh, ooh, Sir, can I pull the lever?" Toilet asked.

"No, don't touch it, you filthy... I- I mean, can you run and get me some uhh... some wires?"

"Sure thing, Mr. Phone!"

"It's MePhone! Ugh... Y/n, can you pull the lever?"

"Of course!" You said. You pulled the lever and waited for it to land on someone. The first contestant it landed on was Paintbrush.

"Paintbrush, welcome to Season 2, Have anything to say?" MePhone asked.

"Um... well, actually, I had a question about-" Paintbrush started but got interrupted.Β 

"Okay. Let's not waste any time." MePhone gets behind Paintbrush and kicks them forward. You pulled the lever again.

"It has to land on me!" Lightbulb said. It landed on Knife.

"Yeah!" Knife cheered.

"Is that-? Oh, wait, that's not me, darn..." Lightbulb said.

"Knife, welcome" MePhone said. You pulled the lever again.

"It has to land on me!" Lightbulb said.

"You already said that, I just hop it doesn't-" Nickel started but got interrupted when the slot machine landed on him. "Land on me... meh...."

"UH-DUGH!" Lightbulb said.

"Nickel, congrats!" MePhone said. You pulled the lever again.

"It has to-" Lightbulb was about to say before getting slapped by Balloon.

"No!" Balloon said. It landed on Lightbulb.

"Hehe, hee, hee!" Lightbulb seemed very excited about being in season 2.

"Lightbulb, you get-"

"Yeah, yeah..."Β 

"Four spots left."Β You pulled the lever again and it landed on Bow.

"Bow? Great another season with you" MePhone said.

"But dad... isn't she-" You tried to say before getting interrupted.

"Oh right, you're dead!" You pulled the lever again. It landed on Balloon.

"Yes! I can't believe it!" Balloon said which made everyone gasp.

"Like, OMG, you like, talked" Salt said.

"Well, now that I've joined the season, I figured I might as well start saying actual stuff again."

"But nobody, like, likes you, like."

"That's not true!"

"Here's those wires you needed, Mr. Phone, oh my gosh, Balloon, nobody likes you!" Toilet said.

"Oh come on!" You pulled the lever again. It landed on Marshmallow.

"Yay!" Marshmallow said.

"Great, now I don't have to deal with you anymore" Apple said. You pulled the lever while she was saying that and it landed on Apple. "What, can I quit?"

"No" MePhone said, picking her up.

"But before you fling me, just tell me what "quit" means!" MePhone threw Apple with the other contestants.

"This is the final spot!" You pulled the lever and it landed on Baseball.

"Oh, good, I really didn't get to do much last season, now I can finally really compete" Baseball said.

"That's our season 2 cast" MePhone said.

"But our season 1 winner is still dead!" Paper said.

"Oh, yeah, well... Let's bring him back." MePhone presses the icon of OJ on his screen and OJ reappears.

"So that's how it works!" Fan said.

"Wha... what happened?" OJ asked.

"We didn't make season 2" Paper said.

"Oh, well, I don't really have a reason to be in season 2, I mean, I did win season 1. So obviously, I don't need to be in season 2" OJ said. "It's fine anyways, we can all chill in my awe- some- hotel?! What happened?!" OJ noticed the airplane that had crashed into his hotel.

"It's okay, OJ, now we have plenty of time to fix up the hotel together, FOREVER!" Salt said before dragging him away.

"Noooooo!" OJ yelled as he was dragged away.


This seems rather peculiar, I've never been on a competition before" Test Tube said.

"Let's just get to the contest, so I can cream these chumps and take the million" Trophy said. You knew with that attitude, he wasn't going to stay in the game for long.

"Anyway, 19 contestants 1 million dollars. This is Inanimate Insanity II" MePhone said.


"SO, WHAT'S THE CHALLENGE?" Microphone said unnecessarilyΒ loud.

"Ow! Mic, turn down the volume!" Suitcase said. Microphone hit the button on her chest.

"Sorry, that happens sometimes."

"Mr. Phone, I got your wires" Toilet said.

"These are just strings of half eaten spaghetti!" MePhone said.

"Oh, sorry, Sir, I didn't have my lunch break."

"Since when did Adam give us lunch breaks?"

You turned around and saw some of the contestants talking with each other.

"Looks like they're interacting with each other" You said.

"Yeah, but they need to do it more" MePhone said. "Okay, okay, you guys really need to socialize! So let's do some icebreakers."

"Yeah! My fist can break the ice like butter!" Knife said.

"Like those pillows you call fists will break anything" Trophy said.

"Guys, I don't think that's what he meant" Tissues said before sneezing violently on Trophy.

"Gross, man!"

"Sorry, it's my cOnDishAwn." Soap came up to Trophy and started cleaning.

"Ew! Germs, we must eliminate all of them at all costs!" Soap said while laughing.

"Neat freak..." Nickel said.

"Guys, icebreakers is a relative term for a way of bonding for two people that have never met" Test Tube said.

"Yes, and I would have said that, if you all didn't interrupt me" MePhone said.

"I didn't interrupt you, I'm your biggest fan!" Fan said.

"He's a fan, get it?" Cheesy said.

"Okay. That's not funny..." Cherries said.

"So, what fun game are we going to play to get to know each other?" Marshmallow asked.

"Oh, well, I literally meant icebreakers, we're headed over to Glastonian Glaciers" MePhone said.

"Never heard of it..."

"Well, now, you have!"

"This doesn't apply to the definition I just explained..." Test Tube said.

"Your first challenge is to be the last one on the glacier. All pushing, shoving, kicking, and horseplay is especially allowed."

"Horseplay is middle name" Trophy said.

"Don't doubt that for a second" You muttered to yourself.

"That's an odd middle name..." Tissues said.

"Mr. Phone!" Toilet said.

"Everyone, shut up!" MePhone yelled.

"Mr. Pho-"

"Let's find out who the winner of the first challenge will be. Get set, on your mark, go!"

"Can I go join them?" You asked.

"Sure" MePhone said, whiling trying to deal with Toilet. You jumped on the ice and the first thing you saw was Soap scrubbing the ice, which you found very weird, before Yin-Yang pushed her in and fell in themselves.

"Hey Suitcase" You said.

"Oh, hello Y/n" Suitcase said. "What are you doing here? I thought this was a challenge."

"It is but my dad usually lets me join the contestants in the challenges just for fun and to befriend the people."

"Oh, then would you like to be friends?"

"Of course! I would love to! But you should probably also talk with some of the actual contestants and join an alliance. OJ and Taco made it far in the game with that strategy. And now that I think about it, I think Baseball and Nickel formed an alliance and are looking for new members" You said.

"Really? Then I guess I'll ask if I can join!" Suitcase said.

"Baseball, I'm sorry. But I'm gonna have to push you off" Knife said.

"Uh, okay?"Β  Baseball said. Knife tried to push Baseball but he didn't move.

"No fair! Your fatness is too much to handle!" Baseball took a deep breathe.

"I'm. Not. Fat!" Baseball yelled as he kicked Knife off of the glacier. "So who's gonna join our alliance now?" You and Suitcase both approached Baseball and Nickel.

"Hi! I'm sorry Knife was so mean to you. But I'll join your alliance!" Suitcase said.

"Hmm. I'm trying to find something wrong with you. Gimme a second" Nickel said while Suitcase gave him a death glare.

"Yeah, well, you're armless just like us, I think you're the perfect candidate!" Baseball said.

"Alright!" Suitcase said.

"Yay for social cliques" Nickel said.

"Glad you found an alliance, Suitcase" You said as you started walking away to talk with other contestants. You saw Lightbulb standing by herself.

"Lightbulb, what are you-" You tried to ask but got interrupted.

"Stop! I can't interact with you!" Lightbulb said. You just looked at her.

"Lightbulb, I'm the Co-Host. Me interacting with you doesn't affect you at all."

"Oh, right"

"AHHHHHH!" You heard Microphone yell. Microphone ended up making almost all the contestants fall into the water. The only ones left were Baseball, Microphone, Lightbulb, and you.

"Wow, my plan is working perfectly!" Lightbulb said before realizing that the ice was breaking. "Oh. Um..."

"Oh, no" Microphone said before falling into the water.

"Baseball, this is going to be kind of hard to win now! I can't reach!" Lightbulb said.

"What a coincidence. I can't either" Baseball said.

"You guys don't have to worry. After all, you guys already won!" You said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Baseball asked.

"Well, the ice has been broken, I think you two just earned the spot of team captain" MePhone said.

"Yea-eah!" Lightbulb cheered.

"Can I choose the teams first?" Baseball asked.

"OMGA, I think not" Lightbulb said.

"Actually, we're selecting the teams based on the order you all got out in the challenge" MePhone said.

"The odd numbers are on Baseballs team and the even numbers are on Lightbulbs team" You said.

On Baseball teams was Microphone, Suitcase, Knife, Nickel, Box, Cheesy, Trophy, Soap, and Balloon and on Lightbulbs team was Cherries, Paintbrush, Marshmallow, Fan, Test Tube, Apple, Tissues, and Yin-Yang.

"[SIGH] I'm so sad we don't have Paintbrush" Knife said. "She's tall! She could come in handy someday."

"Paintbrush is a girl?" Nickel asked.

"Yeah! I'm on that team!" Paintbrush said.

"Okay, you both can choose a team name" MePhone said.


"Well, just because we're so bright" Lightbulb said as Cheesy slapped his knee. "And because we light up with game" [knee slap] "We should be called the bright lights!" [knee slap].

"You're the Bright Lights" MePhone said.

"Since we're gonna hit this challenge out of the park" [knee slap] "We're going to be the Grand Slams!" [knee slap]

"OW!" Cheesy said.

"You're the Grand Slams. Anyway, the first team challenge is a friendly game of dodgeball" MePhone said.

"But I'm so tired! And my condishawn is getting worse!" Tissues said before sneezing on Soap which made her run away.

"Each team will get dodge balls. If you hit a player on the opposite team, they are out. However, if they catch it, you are out."

"Well, no arms is going to make it easy to catch them" Nickel said sarcastically.

"So, go! Now!"

"First things first" Paintbrush said before kicking a ball into Balloon, causing him to pop. "There we go."

"Just give all the balls to me" Trophy said.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you? Hehe, get it?" Cheesy said.

"Huh? What do you mean?" You asked. Microphone and Knife both looked at you with a nervous look.

"Well-" Cheesy was about to explain but got interrupted.

"Shut up!" Trophy said before hitting him in the face with a dodgeball.

"Trophy! While I'm glad you stopped him before you explained it, you shouldn't hit someone on your own team!" Knife said before throwing a ball at Trophy.

"Everybody, please hit the members of the opposite team!" Baseball yelled.

You left the contestants and went up to your dad.

"Hey dad, can I ask you something?"


"Wow, what a "macro" win for a "Micro" phone" MePhone said. Cheesy came up and slapped his knee. MePhone just gave Cheesy a look. You didn't know why but after you asked your dad to explain what the joke Cheesy said earlier meant, he hasn't been very fond of Cheesy.

"So, one of the Bright Lights are going home, viewers!" MePhone explained the rules of voting for the contestants.

You were honestly glad you got to be back on the show with the contestants and your dad again. It felt like it hadn't even been that long.


Words: 2746
