- Chapter 8 -



Miya Atsumu had his chin resting on his hands as he waited by the school entrance.
You tried your best to not make eye contact with him.

After the party last Friday, it felt like more tension had risen between you two.
As you walked by the area he was standing in, you could feel his eyes on you.
He looked like a sad little puppy, waiting for you to acknowledge him.
But honestly, you didn't know how.
"Besides we were never close to begin with, I just have to pretend he's not there."
You thought to yourself.

Just as you entered the school, you immediately bumped into Osamu.
Your eyes widened when you saw him.
He still had his usual, calm and nonchalant face.

"(y/n) Kim can I help you?" He asked.

You already knew that even if you needed help, Osamu would most likely not lend a hand.
You shook your head.

"Ok then, move outta the way shorty."
He gave you a sly smile as he pushed past you.
"I'm not even short...." you muttered to yourself, as you started walking towards your class.

"You look down today." Osamu said as he approached his brother at the school entrance.
"Huh? Oh nah I'm fine." Atsumu replied as he quickly stood up straight.

"You sure about that? You look pretty upset."

"Just shut the hell up for once." Atsumu snapped.

"Look who's talking?" Osamu chuckled as he playfully smacked the back of his brother's neck.

Atsumu winced in pain as he started rubbing his neck.

"Is it about the party. The whole night was a blur, I can't even remember most of what happened." Osamu said.

"Must be nice."
Atsumu had decided not to fill his brother in on all the details about the party after he finally came to his senses.
He wanted to make sure everyone forgot the little kissing scene that had taken place last Friday.
"So uh- can you tell me what happened at the party?" Osamu asked, this was his last attempt to get a simple answer.

"Let's just say you got lucky."
Atsumu said as he entered the school.
Osamu stood at the entrance, clearly confused.


"Sorry i left the party so early last week. Had a couple things to handle at home." Suna said as soon as you made it to your desk.

"It's fine."

"Whoa...did something happen after I left?"

"Nothing important."
You answered, not bothering to make eye contact with Suna.

"Oh...." Suna looked a bit hurt or
maybe puzzled? You couldn't tell. Suna was quite used to you opening up, so this was strange for him.

"EVERYBODY TAKE A SEAT! Class is about to start." Your teacher yelled, he looked more frustrated that usual.
You stared out the window observing the trees and the clouds slowly moving across the sky.
You felt a gentle tap on your shoulder. As you turned around you say Suna handing you a paper. At first you thought it was a note, but it ended up just being classwork.
As you grabbed the paper, you noticed Suna's stern expression.
Or maybe that was his resting face?
You couldn't tell, and decided not to say anything. You still weren't sure if what Osamu said was true. And even is Suna did like you, he would be furious is he figured out that Osamu kissed you.

You looked down at your paper and let out a huge sigh.
"I really don't feel like doing math right now."
You thought as you set down your pencil.

"May I use the restroom?"
You suddenly asked.
From the corner of you eye you saw Suna look up at you for a split second.
Your teacher nodded and you quickly left the room. As you exited you glanced back at Suna, he looked upset. But as usual, he was too good at hiding it. You still couldn't tell if it was just his natural expression or not.

You put in your headphones as you walked down the empty halls. At times like this you just needed to take a music break, and get away from everyone. You turned the corner, to the stairwell and sat down on the steps.
You started going through the pictures in your camera roll.
It was filled with pictures of your old friend groups, and trips to the amusement parks.
You suddenly stopped on a picture from over the summer. It was a selfie you took with a tall blonde boy. His blue eyes shimmered in the sun. He had his hand around your shoulder, and a big smile was plastered across his face.

It was Noah. An old childhood friend of yours, who moved to Australia over the summer. He was your best friend, your partner in crime. Nostalgia hit you like a brick.
You missed home.
You missed Noah and all your other friends.

"Who's he?"
You jumped as you heard a voice come from behind you.
It was Atsumu!
"Did you have to sneak up on me like that?" You asked, clearly annoyed. You quickly stood up and took out your headphones.
He was sitting at the top of the staircase.

"You must really hate me huh?"
Atsumu asked as he stood up.


"You heard me."
Atsumu stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked past you and down the hall.
"I don't hate him? What?"
Without thinking you followed him.
"Why are you following me?"
He asked as he looked past his shoulder.
"I- well. I don't hate you. I don't know what made you think that." You blurted out.

Atsumu smirked.
"Well your little tantrum at the party said otherwise. I was just getting you a drink." He said as he started walking closer towards you.
"It wouldn't have happened if you weren't so annoying."
You mumbled.

"Speak up love, I can't hear you when you're that quiet."
Atsumu was about a couple inches away from you. The same mischievous smirk was on his face. He seemed to tower over you like a tall castle gate.
For some reason, you couldn't form any words to argue with him.
"Why? I can't call you love either?"
He asked as he rested his arm on your head.
You slowly moved his hand away.
"I would prefer that you didn't call me that. But you seem like the stubborn type."
You replied as you stuffed your phone in your back pocket.

"Looks like you know me quite well. I am the stubborn type." He said as he grabbed your waist.
"WHAT THE HELL?!" You quickly pulled away.
"Aww, aren't you cute? I have so many fans you know, and I'm surprised your not one of them."
Atsumu replied.
"Fans? God, you need to get over yourself."

"I can't darling. I'm wayyyy too attractive to just get over myself." Atsumu chuckled.

"Ya I thought you'd say that."
You muttered as you walked past him.

"Hey (y/n)?"
He called out to you.

You answered as you looked over your shoulder.

"Is my brother a good kisser?"
Atsumu was leaning against the wall. His smirk has disappeared and he was looking down at his shoes.

You stood in the middle of the hallway in shock. "What kind of question is that?!"

"Got nothing to say?"

You were silent, still unsure of how to respond.

"Hope you enjoyed his affection. Don't worry princess. He won't even bother to give you that type of attention again."

"I- didn't want his attention."
You snapped.

"Good. I just wanted to make sure you didn't get the wrong idea. Sorry to burst your bubble but, Osamu would never like someone like you...."

Chapter 9 will be published on May 11th :)
(Ty for reading!)
