- Chapter 31 -



Himari Yamamoto.
The bottle had landed on her.
She immediately started reapplying her lipstick.

Your eyes widened and everyone in the group went quiet for a second.
Atsumu's jaw was basically on the ground.

"Oi, stop staring at each other, and kiss."
Osamu rolled his eyes, impatiently.

Himari sighed.
"Shall we?"
She asked as a smirk spread across her face.
"Oh shit..."
You could hear Suna whisper under his breath.

"Why is everyone acting so weird? I mean, yeah I guess it landed on Himari. Do I not know something?"
you wondered.

"W-why you?"
Atsumu stuttered.

"Oh, please. I wouldn't want to kiss a hag like you either. But since it's a game, and you don't look too bad tonight, I might as well."
Himari said, as she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear.

She almost crawled over to where Atsumu was sitting, and moved closer to his ear.
"Make this kiss good."
She whispered.

Atsumu looked irritated.
He glanced over at you for a second, and then looked away.
You sat there in confusion.
Atsumu was usually so bold, what the hell happened between him and Himari?

In a split second, Himari grabbed Atsumu's face and started aggressively kissing him.
But it looked like Atsumu was matching the same energy.
Kita sat next to them, cringing.

Himari was running her hands through Atsumu's hair, and Atsumu had his hand on her thigh.

Osamu yelled as he tugged Atsumu away from Himari.

Her lip stick stains were all over his lips.
Himari looked pleased with her self.

We should do this more, alone."
Himari smirked as she said this.

"What the fuck?"
you thought, and judging by everyone's expressions, they were thinking the same thing.
Mei has a look of pure disgust on her face.
"Just wanted to say. Since I'm most of your rides home, i am not dropping Himari off at your house, Atsumu."
Kita said sternly.

"I-what?! Why would I want that witch in my house!"
Atsumu protested.

Himari screamed.

Atsumu snapped.

"I'M. A. MOUSE."
Himari was basically fuming.

Kita sighed.
"I meant, I didn't want you guys to hook up."

Suna started laughing the minute Kita said that.
"I kinda ship em."
He said.

Atsumu shot a death stare at him.
"Yeah, of course you would ship us."
Atsumu mumbled.

"What's that supposed to mean?"
Suna asked.

"Probably trying to keep me away from your girl."
Atsumu replied coldly, pointing at you.

The whole group got quiet again.
Suna looked frustrated.
"I never claimed (y/n)."
He finally said, as he stood up.
"Are we done here then?"
Suna asked.

"I think we should have a couple more spins. Suna how about you go next?"
Kita suggested, motioning Suna to sit down.
He replied as he sat back down and grabbed the bottle.
Not even looking up at anyone, he started spinning the bottle, barely putting any force into it.

As it came to a halt, Suna's eyes lit up.

It landed on you.

Atsumu looked even more irritated than before, but was choosing to stay silent.
Kita was next to him, smiling.
He approved of this relationship.

Your cheeks were bright red, and your heart was thumping in your chest.
"Holy shit, with Suna? Now?"
You gulped.
Suna moves closer to you and gently clutched your face.
"I won't kiss you if you don't want me to."
He whispered, giving you a warm smile.
But after everything Suna had done for you, you couldn't refuse.
"I'm fine with it."
you whispered back.

Suna smiled, and gently placed his lips on yours.
You both closer your eyes, as Suna continued to kiss you.
It honestly felt like heaven, like you were losing track of time, and you were just stuck in the moment.
You could feel Suna's hand brushing through your hair, and his other hand resting on your thigh.
And when he started slipping tongue, you felt goosebumps run down your spine.
He was being aggressive at all, he was being gentle, making sure you were comfortable.
"This feels amazing."
you thought to yourself as you and Suna finally let go of each other.

He had that adorable lazy smile plastered across his face, his dimples were clearly visible.
And before you could even react, he pulled you in for a hug.

Mei muttered from beside you.

Himari was smiling too.
Kita exclaimed.
He sure was happy about this arrangement.
Atsumu has his fist curled up.
He had the urge to punch Suna in his face, but he knew better than to do that.
But seeing how happy you were after kissing him, enraged Atsumu.

Osamu was quiet.
He had his normally serious expression on his face.
He didn't expect anything different.
But he was happy that you were happy.

"Alright one more spin, and then we should head over to that haunted house."
Mei suggested.
The whole group agreed.

"How about I go one last time. Since I didn't get a kiss in the first round."
Osamu replied.

"Sounds fair, but then we're leaving this stupid maze."
Atsumu replied.
He was still death staring Suna.

Osamu took a deep breath and spun the bottle one last time.
As it came to a halt.
Osamu felt his cheeks get hot.
It had landed on you.

you replied, shocked.

Osamu was blushing and couldn't seem to make eye contact with you.

"OH COME ON. Are you gonna kiss her or can we leave?"
Atsumu asked impatiently.
He was already up on his feet, and ready to leave.

Himari was glaring at you two.
She did not like how this turned out.
"Are you ok with this?"
Osamu asked softly, as he approached you.
Were you ok with it?
After everything that happened, was this ok?
you replied.

"I'm no pussy, a small kiss never hurt."
you thought.

Osamu gently used his hand to lift up your chin.
And gently kissed your lips.
you thought as your eyes widened.
Osamu was now gently clutching your face, restraining himself from slipping tongue.
He was afraid that you wouldn't want that.
After a couple seconds, you left go of you.
Even though the kiss itself was quite short, he looked happy.
This had definitely made his night.
"Uhm, you're a good kisser."
you whispered to Osamu.
He looked flustered.

He said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's enough, let's get to that haunted house."
Atsumu groaned, as he snatched the empty bottle and shoved it into his backpack.


The group exited the maze, still not bumping into anyone, it was eerily quiet.
As they stumbled onto the festival grounds again, it looked like the crowds had gotten even bigger, and it was only 9pm.

"Alright, we gotta hurry, I already know that haunted house is gonna have a huge line."
Kita motioned the group over towards the house.
Kita ended up being correct, the haunted house already had a pretty long line at the front.

"God dammit."
Atsumu muttered, as he realized how long the line was.

"Should we go get food then?"
Osamu suggested.

"Of course your fatass would want food."
Atsumu rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry too."
Suna replied.

Kita groaned.
"Fine, let's get food."
He replied as he started walking towards the food stands.

Suna ended up buying you a hot dog, and Atsumu bought a meat bun for himself.
Osamu bought basically all the food he could find.
And Himari refused to eat at such low-end shops.
Kita, was being extra nice today, and bought Mei a meal.
Then the group sat together at a couple picnic tables, surrounding the food stands.

You bit into your hotdog happily.
You kept noticing Atsumu staring at you.
"What's up with him?"
you wondered.

"U-uhm, I don't really know all of you too well, but I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed today."
Mei said softly.

"I'm glad you came!"
Kita replied.

"Mhm, same. You're pretty chill Mei."
Osamu said, through a mouthful of onigiri.

"Exactly darling, we love new people joining our group."
Himari smiled.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I think that haunted house is gonna be even more fun."
you said.

Mei nodded.

"Hey (y/n), you have something on the side of your lip."
Suna said as he tried looking for a napkin.

"Wait what is it?!"
you asked, trying to find what was on your face.

"It's just ketchup."
Atsumu mumbled.

Kita slowly, threw the napkins on the ground.
"Oh no, wow clumsy me. Looks like there aren't any napkins left!"
Kita said.
His voice sounded suspicious, he definitely did that on purpose.
He even had a sly grin on his face.

"Guess you're gonna have to find another way to wipe off the stain, Suna."
Kita grinned.

Suna looked at him confused.
The Miya twins could immediately tell what Kita was trying to do.
He was trying to bring Suna and you closer.

"Uhm, ok then."
Suna replied, looking over at you.
He reached his finger out and gently wiped the stain off the corner of your lip.

Atsumu's eyes widened.
"Oi, you don't gotta stare so deeply into her eyes."
He snapped.

"Aw, is Atsumu jealous?"
Himari teased.

Atsumu curled up his fist.
He glared at Himari, but she still had a smug expression on her face.

"Why would I be jealous?"
Atsumu asked.

"We could ask you the same thing."
Himari smirked.

Atsumu had the urge to throw Himari across the festival, but of course he restrained himself.
Osamu was snickering, through mouthfuls of food.


About 20 minutes later, the group finally headed towards the haunted house.
The line was pretty short this time, so everyone was able to go inside the minute they got in line.

The inside of the house was so dark, that you could barely even see your own hand.
"It's way too quiet.."
Himari whispered.

You nodded.
It was too quiet.

Suddenly, a tall woman in a white dress pounced out of the shadows.

Atsumu screamed.
He sounded like a little girl.
Kita started hysterically laughing.

"Dude, shut the fuck up!"
Osamu yelled at his brother.

Atsumu complained, as he hung onto Suna.
As the group moved further into the house, Suna didn't flinch once.
He didn't even laugh.

Himari had the flashlight of her phone on, and was trying to navigate through the dark house.

A couple other people jumped out, from behind couches, under beds and behind curtains.
Himari shone the light on the walls, where bloody warming were written, and creepy drawings were scribbled all over the place.

"G-guys, let's get outta here..."
Mei said nervously as she grabbed onto Kita's arm.

"Pfft, it's just a couple people jumping out at us."
Osamu laughed.
Suddenly, a masked man with a chainsaw jumped in front of Osamu.

Osamu screamed at the top of his lungs and fell backwards.

"I had no idea the Miya twins were such cowards."
You teased.

"SHUT UP (y/n)!"
The twins said in unison, as they hung onto Suna for protection.

After a couple more minutes of jump scares, and creepy noises, the group finally made it to the exit of the haunted house.

Atsumu yelled as he ran outside, he was sweating and looked scared out of his mind.

Osamu was as pale as a leaf.

"That was fun."
Kita said, he still had Mei at his side.

"Atsumu's dumbass got scared of his own shadow."
Osamu chuckled.

"IT WASN'T MY OWN SHADOW! It was a demon."
Atsumu shivered.

The air was colder again.
"We should start heading home guys, it's pretty late."
you suggested.

"I'll walk you home."
Suna smiled.

"NO! I will."
Atsumu protested.

"Nah, I will."
Osamu objected.

The three boys glared at each other.
Kita shook his head.
"A-actually, me and (y/n) we're going to walk home."
Mei replied, as she approached you.

"Yeah..." you said. "See you guys later, goodnight."

"Yeah! This was really fun."
Mei exclaimed, she had a big smile on her face.

The rest of the group nodded, but the Miya Twins and Suna were still glaring at each other.

"Get in the car assholes."
Kita ordered as he led the boys and Himari to the parking lot.


Mei waved goodbye, as you opened your front door.
You waved back and headed inside.

The minute you got to your room, you collapsed on your bed.
You couldn't stop thinking about your kiss with Suna.

"Is this what love feels like?"
