- Chapter 42 -

[A couple hours earlier]

Atsumu rubbed his eyes, as a faint sound of a ringtone echoed through his dim room.
He almost felt the air get knocked out of him when his eyes fell on you sleeping soundly next to him.

"Ah shit, I forgot."
He thought, his forehead tensing.
Scanning for the object making this sound, his hand touched your phone.
That lay right next to you.
"Who the-"
He was cut off by your phone violently vibrating once again.
A scoff escaped his lips as he saw the name tag.

My dumbass RinπŸ–€πŸ’ is calling...

"Rin huh? Well guess she's gotta change that name now." Atsumu thought, switching off your phone.
But his curiosity took over.
Turning your phone back on, he looked at the notifications displayed on the home screen.

Suna: hey, we needa talk
[sent 4:30pm]

Suna: Please just listen...
[delivered 4:47pm]

Suna: r u busy?
[sent 5:00pm]

Atsumu stared at the screen in disgust.
"How pathetically persistent."
He thought, staring at another series of desperate texts, all sent a couple minutes apart.
Suna was desperately trying to contact you.
"So lame." Atsumu sneered.
Suddenly, the phone rang again, without thinking, the setter picked up this time.
Holding the device to his ear he sighed.

Suna: OH! You answered, uhm, hey-"

"What's up Rintarō?"
Atsumu smirked, his voice sounded huskier than usual.
His eyes lazily blinked, waiting expectantly for Suna's response.

A long pause continued before Suna's voice was audible again:

Suna: 'Tsumu? What are you doing with her phone?

"The better question is why are you texting her. Miss her already, big, strong, baby Suna?" Atsumu taunted.

Suna cringed at his phone.
He lay on his bed in exhaustion.
"Why the fuck did this asshole have to pick up?"
Suna thought, answering Atsumu once more:

Suna: cause I wanna talk to her dumbass, why else?

The setter clenched his fist, Suna's rough tone bothered him.
"(y/n)'s sound asleep right now."

Suna: where? she would kill you if she figured out you took her phone.

"Is that so...awh well she's right next to me, I think she'll be fine." Atsumu chuckled, trying to keep his voice at a low whisper.

Suna's heart dropped.
Suna: why the hell is she sleeping next to you.

Atsumu raised a pleased eyebrow.
"Oh.." he paused. "Use your imagination."

Suna: what the-

"I mean, what do two ppl do, alone, in a bedroom? Together, laying in the same bed? Poor (y/n) stumbled in."
Atsumu continued, a sinister look crossing his face.

Suna: what did you do to her?

The setter sighed, a mocking laugh greeting Suna through the phone.
"What I did with her, I just couldn't help myself..." Atsumu's voice trailed off.

Suna ended the call with a soft *beep*
"Shit, shit, shit!"
Suna buried his face in his hands.
His imagination was running wild.
Just thinking of you alone in Atsumu's bed, with his body on top of you, pleasing you, was too much for Suna to handle.
He tightly shut his eyes.
He mentally yelled.
Atsumu, didn't actually do anything with you at all. This was simply a little ego boost for him. All in good fun is what he would've called it.
Atsumu let out a drowsy yawn as he plopped back into his bed.
You were quietly snoring, clutching Atsumu's blanket close to your chest.
He turned around, holding you tightly.
Suddenly, he released his grasp.
"This is stupid, we can't even be anything. I don't do relationships. Not the kinds she wants."
He concluded.

"No...more like the relationship she deserves."


[Present Time 9:00pm]

You sat dumbfounded on the living room couch.
Your jaw had been hanging open since your father had announced the news.
To say the least your immediate response was: "No! We can't."
Not like it helped anything.
Your father had worked so hard to end your stay in Japan, that he was a bit hurt by you suddenly not wanting to leave.
Not like it made a difference, he had to return to London for work soon.
"January 10th."
That was your last day in Japan.
The date kept swirling around your thoughts, as despair filled your head.
Soon, your father had left again, probably going to get a drink or clear his mind.
He was in just as much of sadness as you were, for different reasons of course.
A small knock was heard from the distance, your ears perking up in suspicion.
Slowly, you tiptoed towards your bedroom, the knocks sounding more desperate.
Your heart thumped loudly in your chest, the fear of an intruder lingered in your thoughts.Β 

"ACK!" you yelped as you noticed a hand pressed against the glass.
Grabbing a pillow, using it as a weapon, you neared the window.
Suddenly a head with dark hair popped up.
"Suna?!" you mentally screamed.
The pillow dropped from your hand, as you stared at the figure holding onto your roof.
Your instincts kicked in and you quickly pulled the latch of the window, swinging it open.
"Ouch!" Suna mumbled, as a small corner of the window hit the side of his head.
Your jaw was loosely hanging open.
Suna didn't bother to smile at you, instead he had a serious look on his face.
Pulling himself up, Suna jumped over your window still, landing in your bedroom.
"W-What are you-"

"Holy shit! Are you ok? Was it your first time? How do you feel?!"
Suna interrupted you.
His concerned voice rang in your ears, as he clasped his hands against your cheeks.
His normally lazy eyes, stared at you intently.

"First time for what...?" you quietly asked.

"Sex...?" Suna trailed off.
"THAT ASSHOLE LIED!" He slapped his forehead as realization hit him.

You yanked his hands off your face.
"W-What are you even s-saying?!"

"Ah..I'm sorry, didn't mean to grab you." Suna replied apologetically.

"Why are you here?!"
Hot tears were already welling up in your eyes.
Suna looked shocked as he noticed the amount of anger in your eyes.
It was very clear that he wasn't welcome.
"I shouldn't even be apologizing huh?
It doesn't fix anything. Well then, you didn't deserve what I did. I'm a shitty guy I know." Suna responded.
You scoffed.
"Stop saying that as if it fixes anything-"

"Shut up! Do you seriously think anything I say will make up for my actions?! No. And I know that, just listen to damn it."
Suna's tone startled you.
He took a deep breath.
"I just wanted to check on you, one last time." He whispered. Shutting his eyes tightly, he looked away from you.
There was no denying the terrible feeling in both of your hearts.
"J-Just l-leave.."
A sob escaped your lips.
Suna's shocked eyes flew open.

"A-Are you ok?"

"LEAVE!" you screamed.

Suna awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.
"Stop, don't say that..."

"Just get out! Don't come back, I never want to see your face again." you yelled.
Hot tears running down your cheeks managed to blur your vision.

"It's about time you shut the hell up, stop saying that shit." Suna pleaded, though his voice sounded rather rough.

"GET OUT!" your voice cracked, choking on tears.

Thunder boomed in the distance, lightning causing light to cascade across your dimly lit room.
Suna stared at you intently, his lazy expression looked the most expressive you had even seen them.
It was hard to read how he was feeling.
"Which one?"
he whispered.
"Atsumu or Osamu?" Suna asked.
"You're not making any-"
"Which fucking one?! You obviously like them both!" He yelled.
"I-I don-"
"Oh shut up, you do." Suna snapped.
Frowning, you crossed your arms.
"I said get out." you repeated.
Suna scoffed.
"Yeah I thought you wouldn't answer."
He turned, walking back to the window still. Grabbing the latch, he violently swung the window open.
He hoisted himself upwards, landing on your roof.
"I'm going back to London." you called.
Suna glanced over his shoulder.

He paused. "It was nice knowing you."
With that he slipped down your roof, landing perfectly and rushing down your driveway.
In distraught you collapsed on top of your bed.
The hot tears still suffocating your eyes.
You jumped at the sound of your phone buzzing.
Mei had texted.

Mei: just left the Miya's house, where r u? We needa talk

You: alr come over


Mei stood timidly on your driveway.
The late night air made her shiver.

"Oi! There you are." you forced a smile as you approached the girl with glasses.

Mei nodded, she looked flustered.

"Sudden meeting huh? What's up?"
you asked.

Without another thought, Mei threw her arms around you.
"Oh!" you gasped, as Mei's face dug into your shoulder.
Carefully, you pat her back, in an attempt to comfort her. Or maybe just to return the embrace? You weren't quite sure why Mei was acting this way.
She wasn't ever the hugging type, she refrained from physical affection in general.
A frustrated sob wretched it's way out of Mei's mouth.
"Holy shit what happened...?" you wondered.
Clutching her tightly, you felt her tears drench your sleeve.
Not that it mattered.
Seeing Mei like this was painful.
She was usually so composed.


"Please don't hate me!" She yelled.
Her voice muffled into your shirt.

"W-Why would I..?" you questioned.

"I don't want you t-to think of m-me differently..." she stuttered, her words sounded slurred.

"Why Mei?"

Taking a deep breath, she pulled away.
Crossing her arms, she wiped her tears.
Her glasses were foggy.
She looked like she was trying to spit out her words, but was holding back.

"I'm bi." She whispered. "That's why I believed everything Himari said about you before I got to know you. I liked her."
In shock you stumbled backwards.
Mei's cheeks were bright red, she was resisting from looking you in the eyes.

In a hurry you rushed to hug your friend.
"Are you fucking serious?!" you scolded.

Mei felt her stomach drop.
Your tone startled her.

"Nothing would ever change how I feel about you!" you laughed as you said this.

Mei felt happy tears pour down her face.
She tightly held onto you, as more sobs escaped her lips.

"I'm so proud of you Mei."
you whispered.

Despite everything bad happening to you at the moment, somehow good news seemed to always make its way to you.
This being one of them.

There was always a silver-lining in every nasty situation.
