"It was a memory of me and _____ "


I was assigned to help Eraserhead with his class field trip.

Bad idea.

A bus had arrived by the cliff, getting off where the class of 1A, stretching, and yawning out from being on the bus for a while now. The Wild Pussycats were standing next to me, and Eraserhead looked at me and nodded before looking back at his students.

"You really think we stopped here for you guys to stretch out your legs." Aizawa plainly said, looking off into the far distance.

"Please, sir, the toilet." A small purple-haired boy said.

Suddenly, the group went out of the car. "Hey-a Eraser,"

"Long time no see." Aizawa bowed down, greeting them. "I would greet you too, Arakan, but I only saw you a couple of days ago." He added.

Of course, the group started doing their sequence dance of entrance, greeting the students that were outside, plainly looking at them until a green-haired boy smiled brightly by the sight of them, and even more at me.

"The number five hero?! Arakan is here?!" The green-haired boy exclaimed out in excitement. "The Wild Pussycats are a four-team that are heroes and rescuers! The Pussycats were founded when we were kids like forever ago! This must mean we'll be working as aβ€”!"

The green-haired boy was sadly interrupted.

"I'm pretty sure your mouth wasn't off." Pixie-Bob annoyingly said to the boy, irritated when the boy interrupted their entrance.

Aizawa joined in later on, "Everyone say hello."

Everyone did as he said, saying their greetings to Wild-Wild-Pussycats and me.

The students had been told of their instructions, making them fall off the edge of the cliff when Pixie-Bob used her Quirk on them from making them leave by going back into the bus.


"Arakan, what have you been up to lately?" Mandalay asked me, standing by my side as we watched the forests, waiting for the students to arrive.

"Nothing, really." My arms crossed over my chest. I was currently in my hero costume and not in more comfortable clothing. "Just doing patrol and hanging out at home," I added.

"I haven't seen you in quite a while." She honeyed out, smiling. "I'm happy to be working with you again, getting all the help we can get."

I smiled back at her. "Yeah, me too."

Pixie-Bob suddenly gasped in excitement. Looking over, we noticed rustling in the forest. "The litter is almost here." She ringed out.

"Well, that took longer than I expected it to," Mandalay spoke.

"Eraser, I thought you said your students were actually good ones." I teased at him, whispering but loud enough for him to hear. I could tell he rolled his eyes at me in a fun way.

"How's that attitude going?" He teased back as I scoffed at him.

The students came out of the forest, breathing heavily from those "monsters" that were attacking them in the woods, looking exhausted, and hurt, but sadly it wouldn't be the end of it with their endless training in the camp. But, I noticed Shouto in the group.

"You said it would take only like three hours!" One of the students complained.

I shook my head at them, "It wouldn't technically be that long, based on how long it would take all you students to get here." I stated.

"I'm starving! This is hell!" A red-haired boy said, sitting on the ground until sneaky little Pixie-Bob meowed in a high and quick tone.

"I thought it would take you, kids, a bit longer! But you did much better by those dirt monsters by themselves!" She complimented out, "You guys were seriously great... especially the four of you!" She pointed to the green-haired boy, a blonde-haired, blue-haired, and Shouto. "It seems like you had quite a bit of the experience!" She licked her lips before going out to jump on them. "I call dibs on these kittens! And groom them myself!"

Felling embarrassed by her sudden actions, I activated my Quirk, entering her mind.

"Pixie-Bob, do me a favor and leave these teenage boys alone. They are far too young to be so-called 'groomers', and yes, I know it's spring, but they are here for training. Not for you. Thank you."

Later, she stopped, making the boys lower their arms down from her "attacks" and stopped after Mandalay spoke of a certain age when she shoved her hand onto the green-haired boy's face. "Speaking of ageβ€”"

"Choose your words carefully,Β  green-haired boy. You may have been saved by Arakan's Quirk, but you better be careful." She threatened at him, smiling evilly a little like she was trying to scare him, but the boy spoke.

"Well, I've just been wondering since we've got here earlier, who is that kid? What's he doing here?" The boy asked, pointing at the boy, a muffled voice from the cat paws on her hands.

"Oh! That little guy, he's just my cousin's son, he just lives with us now." Mandalay informed the boy. "Don't be shy Kota, say hi to everyone. Your gonna be around them for the next few weeks."

The boy walked up to him.

"Hey there, I'm Izuku Midoryia from the U.A. high school hero course. It's nice to meet you." He lowered his hand to shake it, but sadly. He was punched in the balls by Kota. I couldn't stop wheezing, trying to fight back the laughter I wanted to let out.

Eraserhead had smacked me behind the head from my actions, but I couldn't help myself. It was too hilarious!

The blue-haired boy with the glasses rushed over to his friend, Midoryia, scolding Kota for his terrible actions that were hilarious, but Aizawa was quick enough to stop the small sudden conflict.

"Enough playing around," Aizawa spoke up, smacking the back of my head again from my wheezing, getting the student's attention. "Get your stuff from the bus, once your bags are in your rooms, head to the cafeteria to have dinner, where you can bathe and sleep afterward." He informed them.

"T-Tomorrowβ€”" I couldn't stop my wheezing. "Your... t-training, I'm soβ€”oh my godβ€”sorry." I had to stop when I felt Aizawa's cold stare at me.

"What Arakan is trying to say is you'll all have to wake up early tomorrow to start training. So, you better get a move on." He pointed his thumb towards the building behind us. "And Arakan, get a hold of yourself." He

Me, Eraserhead, and the Pussycats headed into the building. The food was already cooked since we had a time when the students were out fighting. Which made them quickly sit down at the tables.

"It looks so good!" Izuku said, smiling brightly before digging into the food.

I watched at the sidelines as the students ate their food quickly, savoring the taste of it. Even the red-haired and yellow-haired boys were eating the bowl of rice quickly that I thought they would start choking. But you know, boys.

But I didn't notice that I had zoned out after the thought of Dabi in my head. After that argument in that alleyway. Why did we always get into those arguments? Was it mostly him? Me? What is going on with me andβ€”?

"Arakan!" I shook my head quickly, turning my head to the area where the voice called out to me. It was Eraserhead. "I need you to help watch over the hot springs with Kota while me and the other two clean up the place afterward." He said, telling me to not exactly "fuck off" but to like "fuck off"

"Yeah okay, on it," I said, heading over to Kota who had just finished helping put the vegetables away on the table. "Kota, Eraserhead told me that I and you should watch over the hot springs while the students wash off. Let's get heading now." I said before walking off, but stopped and looked back at him. "And don't start anything with me."


Me and the kid walked down the hallway to the place. It was almost getting awkward while walking, so I spoke. "How are things going?" I asked him, not looking at him.

"Why do you have to ask?" He scoffed at me.

"You should watch your attitude, Kota. I know you like to push people away and how you hate heroes, but I know that you still care about people's feelings. You'll meet someone that will change that perspective of yours from 'hating' everything. It's not going to be me, nor your aunt." I said, but before he could speak I opened the door to the bath.


Dabi came back into my mind as I sat at the top of the wall with Kota by my side. I could tell that I zoned out, by his stare at me but didn't bother me to snap out of it to give me some personal space which I liked.

For some reason, it was a memory of me and Dabi on his motorcycle that he probably stole when he drove us to that street race that we won. It was the feeling when I had my arms wrapped around his torso, with his body relaxing from the touch and him driving on the highway, going past the speed limit when no one was around as if it was a dream.

But it wasn't.

Yet my thoughts were interrupted when my vision went back to Kota spoke to that small teenage boy.

"Before you become a hero, you should learn how to be a good human." Kota slapped the small boy in the face as he fell backward slowly. "I'll kill you for this!" The kid said, falling down with his towel coming off.

I clicked my tongue, getting Kota's attention. "See, you're a good kid. Now, make sure that perverted boy cracks his skull open." I said with Kota being left surprised by my words.

"Mineta really is the worse isn't he?!" The other green-haired female said from the other side of the hot spring.

"Thanks so much, Kota! We owe you one!" The pinked hair girl joined in, thanking Kota. Kota quickly blushed from the scene which I understood but he passed out from the scene in front of him making him fall, but I watched his ankle, but my hand slipped from the wooden wall, making me fall off with Kota.

"Shit..." I whispered to myself as I fell off, grabbing Kota fully, holding onto him tightly, and making my back be the first to hit the concrete stone floor, but I heard Midoryia call out.

"Look out!" He said, catching me by using his Quirk.

He helped me up as I carried Kota. "Thank you very much Izuku, I probably would've broken my back. Could you possibly take Kota to Mandalay while I teach this so-called Mineta how disguising it is to invade peoples' privacy?" I smiled innocently but my eyes and brows could tell how angry I was.

"O-Of course!" The boy quickly said, rushing out of the place.

"Now... would anyone like to tell me where Mineta is?" I asked the boys as they quickly pointed at the kid that was hiding behind one of the trees.


It was around 5:30 in the morning when the students had to start their morning training. Some of them had yawned as Aizawa said his daily 'good mornings' to his students as I stood by him, feeling a bit tired as well.

"Today we begin the training camp to test your strength." I was quick to say to the students. "This will allow you to face the dangers and continue to fight in the darkness when you and others are in danger," I said, my hands behind my back.

"Bakugou your up," Aizawa said. "Try throwing that again." Aizawa threw a softball at Bakugou, which probably meant that he had thrown it before in his U.A. high school years.

"Yeah sure, like in the fitness test." The kid said, looking down at the softball.

"That's right." Aizawa agreed, hiding half of his face in his bandages. "When you first started school it was at 705 meters. Let's see if you have improved." Bakugou started walking forward as the other students realized what they were starting to do in the camp.

"GO TO HELL!!!" Bakugou yelled out loudly, throwing the ball with his Quirk activated.

"709.6 meters," I informed Bakugou, holding the electronic in my hand. He looked shocked from the number, thinking he actually had improved, but really he didn't that much. I guess his confidence got the best of him.


LMAO, I DIED ISJFHSQBIBU. Sorry, guys! I had finals that I actually tried focusing on because my grades are like OOF, but I actually did pretty good on them. I have currently finished school, leaving me with more time to write the chapters that I have missed to post in the story. Sorry for the long wait!

