"Do you ever feel anything?"


Dabi knocked on the glass of the window as he stared inside. He noticed the TV was on and that something was cooking in a pot on the stove, but he didn't see her.

He knocked again, louder this time as he grew impatient. He looked down at the door handle, taking a hold of it as he attempted to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

Where the hell is she? He asked himself as he looked at the steps. Oh... hell.

Kiara was walking down the steps with a towel wrapped around her body she took a different towel to help dry her hair as she went into the kitchen to check on the pot.Β 

Dabi exhaled heavily as he knocked on the glass door this time, louder in a rapid motion. This got her attention with a surprised look on her face as she made her way to the door, unlocking it and sliding it open as she stood in front of him.

"Called me for a job. Didn't expect it to be this." He grinned widely as he looked her up and down.

Kiara took the towel that was used for her hair and threw it at his face, walking away to the kitchen. He let the towel fall in his hands as he locked the door and threw it on the couch as he followed her in.


Dabi froze, stopping in his steps as he looked at Kiara with a disbelief look on his face.

"What???" He asked.

"Take off your boots." She complained to him. "You've been entering the house with your boots on and haven't put on any slippers."

He looked down at himself and noticed his books were still on. He sighed and took them off, walking to the front door and placing them there as he put on some slippers.

"Happy?" He grumbled.

Kiara nodded as she opened the lid of the pot. She took a bowl before turning her face.

"Have you eaten yet?" She asked.

Dabi shook his head. "Nope. Little down on money." He grumbled.

"You want some of this Kenchin-jiru soup I made?" She questioned, showing him a bowl of vegetable soup.

He examined it. "Wouldn't hurt." He shrugged as he accepted the bowl, walked away from her to the dining room, and sat down on a chair.

Kiara went back upstairs to change into her hero costume before heading back downstairs and grabbed herself a bowl and sat down on a chair near Dabi.

"Itadakimasu," she said, beginning to eat.

Does she still say her manners? Dabi quired, squinting his eyes as he watched her take a spoonful of the flavored water and looked down at his bowl. Have to admit, her cooking is good. This is really good soup. Should've learned to cook before I left thatβ€”

"Are you okay?" Kiara's voice snapped Dabi away from his thoughts.

He lifted his head, his brows slightly raised as his lips turned into a line, and nodded his head. "Don't worry about me, Carrots. Just not fond of vegetables." He hid it with a smirk on his face.

Truth be told, he didn't care. He didn't care if he ate vegetables or fruit or sweets or any type of candy, just as long as he had food. But not fish. Definitely not fish, it disgusted him. He didn't care if it also meant that he would be with her, sharing a meal together after so long.

Even thinking about it, Kiara shook it off and continued to eat her food, and looked at the TV screen across from her once and a while.

"So, what's the plan?" Dabi asked.

Kiara chewed her food before answering him. "I found out where Mr. Takan has been living. In a rich apartment of some sort in the downtown area. If I could get a way for me to him I'll be able to arrest him." She informed him.

Dabi took a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. He unfolded it and slid it on the table in Kiara's direction.

She picked it up, her eyes roaming every word and picture. She realized it was his schedule for Mr. Takan's activities.

"How did you get this?" She questioned with a slight grin.

"I have my ways, doll." He grinned.


The two arrived at the club. There were no people inside, meaning either it was because of the police or it was closed. It was a mess on the inside as they walked inside, being careful to not make any noise.

"Do you know a way to get into his office without using the elevators?" Kiara asked Dabi in a quiet tone, pointing her flashlight in front of him, and making him squint his eyes.

"Yeah," he said, raising his arm up to cover the blinding light away from his face as he started walking, Kiara began following behind him.

Dabi led her to the stairs and they started climbing their way to the fourth floor.

Arriving at the front, Kiara tried entering the floor but was stopped by Dabi's arm as he examined the floor. There were two bodyguards guarding the door to Mr. Takan's office.

"We need a distraction," Kiara whispered, trying to lean her head over his shoulder.

Dabi turned and looked at her before he noticed a half-smashed vodka bottle on the steps. He picked it up and waited until the two guards looked away for a split second before throwing it in the opposite direction, grabbing their attention. The two guards heard it and spoke something before heading in that direction.

Then, Kiara and Dabi quickly made their way to the office doors, opening it quietly as they entered, noticing Takan was not there.

"Where the hell is he??" Kiara questioned as she turned to Dabi.

"Hey, why would I lie if I already helped you like last time?" Dabi raised his arms up in defense.

She examined him. "Maybe because you're a criminal."

He scoffed, his brows raised. "All just because I'm some criminal?"

"Sounds like it." Kiara narrowed her eyes as she held a staring contest with Dabi as he glared at her.

Suddenly, the door began to move and the two stopped, leaning their head to see who it was.

"Hide! Hide!" Kiara whispered-yelled, trying to find a place to hide. She noticed a large closet and started pushing Dabi towards it, opening it and shoving him inside as she went in after him.

Kiara peeked through the small crack of the closet, noticing it was intact Takan with his bodyguards as he sat down at his desk, sighing.

"What do you want us to do Mr. Takan? The cops already swiped up the place and we haven't been making money." One of the guards spoke.

"I know!" Takan replied in a loud voice. "It's cause of that damn hero Arakan. I want you to clean up the place and start getting people to come in again. I need some money."

"But what if we get caught again?" The other guard implied.

Takan glared at him before he grinned in mischief. "Don't worry, I have a plan, but for now... get out of here!!"

"Yes sir!" The two guards went out of the room, leaving the man alone.

Kiara turned back and faced Dabi. Her eyes went wide as she noticed how close they were. Her hands were on his chest, the front of their bodies close together. Kiara slowly lifted her head up to look at him, Dabi doing the same as he realized it too. She began to grow nervous, a knot in her stomach as they continued to stare at one another.

"Enjoying the view?" Dabi smirked as he teased her quietly.

"Shut up," she grumbled, attempting to turn her head away from him.

"Look at me," he said, softly.

Kiara whipped her head around. "What?"

"I said, 'look at me'," He repeated.

She stared into his eyes. She always knew they were blue, but it was more like a turquoise color. He had really pretty eyes that, still glistened even in the dark closet.

Dabi gazed at her hazel eyes. It was the same when they were kids. The same that he would imagine in his mind sometimes. He hadn't been this close to her in such a long time. When was the last time they were close like this? Wait... it happened when he gave her her firstβ€”

Mr. Takan exhaled as he got up from his desk, and walked to a telephone on the shelf while he dialed a number.

"Come pick me up. Don't be late," he said before hanging up, getting his crane as he opened the door.

"Go!" Kiara whispered-shouted, moving hurriedly out of the cramped space but when the doors opened, Dabi fell out of the closet, her following along with him. Kiara groaned as she raised her head. Her eyes went wide when she noticed she was on top of him, a blush appearing on her cheeks.

Dabi grinned. "Never thought you were that bold."

She got off of him and started walking away, mumbling a "hurry up" as she tried fixing the wrinkles on her hero costume, and he followed along after.

They went out of the office and noticed Takan was taking the elevator. They took the stairs and followed him outside where he was, entering a black BMW car.

Dabi and Kiara got on his bike, wearing their helmets and they began following behind him, keeping a distance.

When they followed, it was about a 26-minute drive made them end up in a rich neighborhood with large houses. The BMW drove onto the driveway as they parked their motorcycle on the sidewalk.

"What's your plan this time?" Dabi queried, getting off his bike, including his helmet.

"We're gonna get on one of the rooftops and watch the house. I need to get an idea to ignore his bodyguards so we can get to him," Kiara said, pointing to one of the houses.



We made our way onto one of the rooftops. We sat down, watching the house in front of us.

I looked over at Kiara who was laying down, taking out a telescope from her bag as she watched closely. I examined her, she was fit and had some goosebumps on her skin from the breeze of the wind.

"My eyes are up here." Kiara's voice caught my attention as I looked back at her.

She was shivering. "Cold?" I grinned.

"Shut up," she mumbled, looking at her telescope again.

Maybe I shouldn't. I thought to myself. It wasn't the same as when we were kids when I'd give her an extra coat or gloves when she was cold. If I did it then what would happen?

I keep telling myself to never get involved with her again, but every time I say it, I'm running back to her like some pet. Did she move on? Oh heck, of course, she did she had a horrible boyfriend. Yeah, I still saw photos of me... before this all happened, but who doesn't have pictures of their friends? Especially the ones who are gone?

Without thinking, I took off my coat and threw it to her. She turned her head and looked at me confused.

"Just take it," I said, brushing her off.

Kiara exhaled heavily, sitting up as she took the coat into her lap, setting the telescope on the side. "This is gonna take a while." She complained as she started putting on the coat, staring at me. "Aren't you cold?"

I shook my head. "Nah, don't worry about me."

She turned and looked at the house. She was tired and I could tell.

"Why don't you just let me go down there and use my Quirk to burn those guards down and the house, maybe including Takan," I suggested as I sat down next to her, lighting myself a cigar.

She whipped her head around. "Please don't."

I shrugged, blowing out the smoke.

"Do ever feel anything?" Kiara suddenly asked her face in my direction.

I paused, not knowing what she meant. I turned my body slightly, examining her face before I responded. "'Feel' what?"

"When you kill someone," she said.

How could I forget? She still remembers that I'm a criminal who worked to end people's lives. I never felt something when I killed someone who was or wasn't innocent. But I only did it to survive, to get my revenge on him, to get one step closer just so I could see the horror and disbelief all over his own face. But I stayed quiet. I wasn't sure if she would think of it as an excuse. And she couldn't know it was me.Β 

"Tell me," she pleaded.

Sighing lightly, I spoke. "No. I don't. I don't feel anything anymore."Β 

"Does that sadden you?"Β  She queried.Β 

I scoffed, chuckling lightly at her. "'Sadden' me?" I repeated. "No, because it taught me that I needed to survive when I was out there in the streets because life is all about survival."

"But what if there's more to that?" Kiara considered. "I don't understand how you feel after growing up in the streets... but I know one thing. When you can't feel anything anymore, you've fallen, but maybe someone or something can change that for you."Β 

I watched her take my cigar and put it out on the back of her hand. She didn't hiss or groan in pain from it at all even if it left a red mark on her skin. Was this her way of showing me an example or something?Β 

"Yet how can you know, doll-face?" I raised a brow, pursuing her to continue. "You don't know a lot about me. But I know a lot about you."

She sighed. "No, but I do know that you snooped around my room. I could tell after the pictures were moved around." She stared directly into my eyes. "And how could you know me?"

"From your pictures, you seem to be close friends with the pro hero Kyoshi. And you have a close relationship with your father of his orange hair just like yours with hazel eyes. When looking at the perspective of your house, you're clean and organized in some parts, your real name is Kiara Ayame, you like the color green which appears on your hero costume and your birthday is on April 27." I informed her with a plain expression on my face.Β 

Kiara looked at me in dismay. She opened her mouth before closing it when she tried to find words. She tightened my jacket around her as she looked at the house before looking at me.Β 

"I..." she trailed off. "Wellβ€”"

"Do my words really make you that nervous?" I teased with a grin in an attempt to not scare her longer, but I could tell she already was.

She stopped and gazed at me. "No... just that I didn't expect you to know so much about me, but now I realize it's because you are a wanted criminal." She cleared her throat. "All I know about you is that when you use your Quirk, you favor your left hand and you don't know how to do your own laundry."Β 

"Why don't you use your Quirk more often?" I debriefed.

"Well," she said. "with my mind control I can use it easily, but I miss out on things. My time manipulation... I've trained for it to last longer and the abilities but it takes so much of my energy. If I could just.... wait a moment." She paused, looking at me in surprise.Β 

"What?" I asked.

"God, I'm so stupid," she groaned.Β 

"You are," I said, smirking.Β 

Kiara glared at me. "I could've just used my time control Quirk to sneak in the house and arrest Mr. Takan, but if I get tired and can't hold my Quirk for long I need you to back me up." She informed me as she got up, taking off my jacket and throwing it back at me.Β 



Both of them arrived at the front gate of Takan's house. Kiara had activated her Quirk and Dabi watched as the stars in the dark sides stopped, or the guards that had stopped walking, seeing Takan through his window, examining the view.Β 

"Let's go," Kiara said.Β 

Inside on their way, Dabi stopped mid-way and pickpocket the guards, taking their money or any other values that got him a glare and complaint from Kiara in return. But standing at the front door, they stopped when they noticed cameras.Β 

"Go get Takan, I'll get the cameras." Dabi walked off after speaking, not letting Kiara reply.Β 

She ran up the stairs while spotting Takan. She took out some handcuffs from her bag and cuffed him as she moved him, struggling a bit. Meanwhile, Dabi was in one of the rooms in one of the security systems, trying to figure out the systems on how to stop it. He pressed random buttons that caused one of the cameras to turn off, but he wasn't so sure.Β 

Kiara had made it downstairs, going to where Dabi was, setting down the man with a groan.

"What's taking so long?" She asked, furrowing her brows.

"Just haven't used the security systems in a long time." It was a white lie. "Can you use your Quirk to reverse time?" He questioned.

Kiara chewed the inside of her cheek. "Yes... but that means I have to stop what I'm doing right now for a moment while I reverse the tapes. That means you have to take a hold of Takan this time."

Dabi smirked. "No shame in that."

After, she stopped her Quirk, working on security. On the other hand, Takan groaned as he lifted his head up, noticing he was sitting on the ground. His vision was blurry but he managed to make the shape of the man crouching in front of him.

"D-Dabi?" Takan questioned, confused. "Is that you?"

"Hey, old man." Dabi grabbed his collar as he glared at him. "How are you enjoying spending that money that half of is that you still owe me?" He smiled like a maniac.Β 

He looked at the raven-haired in confusion before he realized and grinned. He looked over at Kiara as his grin grew from ear to ear. "My, what's this? You workin' with a pro hero now Dabi? Are you really that desperate? Wouldn't expect something like that from you... after all, you do such a terrible job at your assigned job."

Dabi clenched his jaw as he punched the man. "Yet here you are. You failed after the cops tore down your club. How are you gonna make your money now?"Β 

Takan glared at him before Kiara came over.

"It's all set. I'll use my Quirk now but we have to hurry." She was sweating from the use of her Quirk.Β 

Dabi nodded and picked up the man, threatening him to stay quiet or he'd use his Quirk. They walked outside as Kiara used her Quirk to stop time. She was panting as she walked slowly behind Dabi, watching out for the guards.Β 

"You okay, Carrots?" Dabi asked as he turned to look at her.

"Yes..." she said but she dropped to the ground.Β 

He went to her side, still holding Takan as he helped her stand.Β 

Suddenly, Takan yelled. "HELP! HELP!!" This got the attention of his guards and they ran over to him, shooting their guns or using their Quirks to capture the two as they dropped Takan who ran over to them.Β 

"Get down!" Dabi shouted as he pushed Kiara behind the building.Β 

Kiara turned her head over to him. She noticed he got shot on the left side of the shoulder as he hissed in pain, trying to hide that he was hurt. She leaned over a bit and examined him as she looked at the guards who were getting closer.Β 

"You're hurt," she said.

"I'll be fine, doll," Dabi smirked in pain. "Looks like this time I won't use my left arm."Β 

I'm currently out in a different state on my break and I keep on forgetting to update the story, a lot of shit has been going on but I'll post two chapters if I can!

- TrΓ€nen
