"Like some thing you see?"


A knock came from my window. I was watching the news before I turned my head around, noticing the familiar man standing outside, pointing to the door.

I sighed, getting up as I made my way over, opening the door as he made his way inside.

"What do you want? I didn't text you to help me with anything." I asked as he went to the couch, sitting down as he sighed in satisfaction.

"Sorry, doll. I was in the neighborhood." Dabi exhaled, placing his arms on top of the couch.

"Sure," I said, chewing on my lip. "And why were in the neighborhood?"

"Running away from cops from stealing some weed." Dabi shook off. "Your place was near anyways."

"The what?" I was in disbelief.

"Relax, doll-face. I always get away from my naughtiness." He smirked as be teased me, pulling out a bag with weed in it. "You want some?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm not doing anything illegal that makes me high. Not after... nevermind." I sat down on the couch as I put my attention back on the news.

My gaze went back to him however, watching him inhale the smoke when he burned the weed, letting it come out later.

I smelled it and coughed, trying to fan it away with my hand.

"You sure you don't wanna try it?" Dabi quirked a brow when he noticed I was staring at him.

"Noβ€”" I coughed "β€”I'm good," I said.

He took another hit before he looked at me for a moment. "What're you doing up so late? Isn't it past your bedtime?" He grinned.

"Oh, haha." I sarcastically replied. "I couldn't sleep so decided I'd watch the news to see if anything new came up."

"Huh." Dabi spoke back.

Then, he put out his weed, cleaning up the mess before putting away his joint as he got up.

"You still got the jacket I let you borrow after your back?" He questioned, fixing his white shirt.

"Yes...? I washed it and it's folded on the nearby shelves of the laundry." I pointed down the hall as he nodded, heading down that way.

"Where are you going?" I called out in question as I too sat up.

Dabi came back in the living room and headed towards the back door. "Come on, follow me."

I sighed, following along behind him as I felt the cold summer air hit my skin. I would be okay knowing I was in some sweatshirts and sweatpants as I followed him out if the gate.

There stood his motorcycle with Dabi next to it, holding a helmet in his hands as he gazed down upon me.

I cocked a brow at him. "What are you planning to do?" I asked.

"Gonna take you somewhere." He grinned as he handed me the helmet, opening the seat of the bike as he looked for whatever he was looking for. "Put it on so no one can see you." He stated.

I accepted it and in the process I felt his scarred and soft skin meet mine.

"Fuck," Dabi groaned.

"What?" I questioned.

"I left it on the counter," Dabi said as I looked at him confused.

"Forgot what...?" I didn't even want to know.

"My gun." He put the seat back.

I paused for a second. "A gun? Why would you need a gun??"

"I have my reasons dolly, don't worry 'bout me." He sat down on his motorcycle as he mentioned me to do the same and I did, putting the helmet on.

He turned his head to look back at me. "Give me your hands," he said.

I didn't say anything and looked at him a little confused as he sighed and shook his head, grabbing my wrist as he wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Can't let the hero fall off." He teased.

I scoffed as I watched him lift off the stand and pressing the red switch button as the motorcycle started as held on the clutches.

"Move with my body when I turn alright!" Dabi spoke out loud over the engine.

"Alright!" I yelled back.

The motorcycle started moving and if I understood correctly, he started speeding when we weren't even out of the neighborhood. But luckily my neighbors aren't right next to my home.

I turned my body when he told me to and I caught him looking back at me at some points.

We onto the steady road. The moonlight and stars helped the streetlights lit up the road. I looked at my side to see a couple of houses on the open grass fields and then it would turn into large tall buildings that towered over us as I saw my reflection on the large glass windows.

In realization I noticed no one was around in the city of Musutafu. No one was walking in the sidewalks or driving their car. It was just us two on a very loud motorcycle.

I think that also made Dabi go through the red lights, but I also might be incorrect.

On the windows, my gaze went over at Dabi as I looked at him. He was looking ahead of him, paying attention to the road with his eyes narrowed as he focused and it made me feel something in my stomach and I wasn't sure why or what it meant.

"Like something you see?"

Realizing I was staring at him, I turned my head away, my face heating up, not saying to him.

He then took a sharp left turn that I wasn't able to move with. We were on the highway as Dabi's speed was getting faster as the tall buildings that once towered over us were now below us as the streetlights lit our way.

"Hold on tight, doll-face!" Dabi shouted as he sped up once again.

Suddenly, I felt myself begin to lean backwards. I looked at the front and noticed the front wheel was up, doing a trick called a wheelie.

My hands clenched onto his white shirt, afraid I would fall off. My arms tightened around his abdomen and I wondered if I made him uncomfortable but it almost made him... relaxed?

The front wheel was bock on the road as Dabi slowed down as he continued down the road as he took an exit. We were in the downtown district to an abandoned area.

He drove to a spot where there were groups of people standing around with different bikes lines up.

A street race? I questioned myself as I looked around, some people staring at us as he stopped somewhere.

Dabi turned off the bike after he placed the stand down as he looked at me, fixing his shirt.

"Stay here. I'll be back," he said before he walked off.

I watched him walk over to a woman who had black hair with a messy neatly down bun with a kanzashi (hair stick) inside of it. She had deep wine red lipstick on her lips as tattoo covered her body that was seen by her shirt tank top.

He leaned down to her as he whispered something to her as they started having a conversation. A sly teasing smirk on his face as he whispered into her ear again as he handed some cash onto her hands.

I looked at them awkwardly as I stood and watched until a man approached me.

"Hey there pretty lady," he said.

I cocked a brow at him. "Thank you... but I have a helmet on? And I'm not interested."

"Oh come on, you can always take it off too." He smirked. "Plus I'm not all that bad once you get to know me~" He got up close to me as he tried placing his hand on my arm.

I stared at him in disgust. "I said I'm not interested pervert."

The man furrowed his brows as he grabbed my wrist, trying to drag me away.

I kicked him on the back of his knee as he fell backwards as I wrapped my arm around his neck as I held his wrist.

"If someone says no, they mean no," I said to him. "Youn understand?" I began twisting his arm asnhe yelled in pain.

"O-Okay! Okay! I-I'm sorry! I won't do it again!" He shouted in pain with a few tears in his eyes.

"Good," I said, letting him go as he straightened himself, running away.

I put up the cover of the helmet as I looked around. People were no surprised and a little frightened by the scene they had witnessed in front of them. Maybe it was normal to them.

I fixed my sweatshirt, noticing Dabi made his way towards me, not realizing he watched the whole thing happen.

"I'm quite impressed, doll." Dabi crossed his arms against his chest as he smirked, quirking a brow up.

"Well, he got what he deserved." I mumbled, standing next to him.

Dabi sighed, shoving his hands into his pockets. "I already paid to join the race, so you ready?" He asked.

"Wh-What?" I quired. "Me? Join the race with you?"

"Ouch..." he smirked. "That was the whole point of coming here, doll-face, your gonna have some fun tonight."

"I don't know if that's such a good idea," I said.

Dabi scoffed playfully. "All of you have to do is ride with me, don't move of mess up cause I need this money." He pointed at me.

I sighed. "Okay, only this once."



The street race will start in the next chapter!
