Chapter 19 ~ Surprise & Police Visit

I woke up quite early, as I was nervous for the surprise from George. I walked down the stairs after I changed into some clothes. I heard the doorbell ring, so I went to open it. I was shocked to see THE Lewis Hamilton in front of me. In all my years of racing, I never really met him as I was always with the other boys, plus Max didn't really have it with Lewis. Now that George was going to Mercedes, they would be teammates, I would see him more often.

I heard George saying from above the stairs; 'Come on in Lewis, don't mind her.' Lewis smiled at me and walked past me into the house. I turned around with an embarrassed face and looked up to George, who came walking down the stairs. George shrugged his shoulders and walked up to Lewis to greet him.

"This is Lisa, you probably already know her, little sister of Charles."

"Yeah, I know, you seem to have recovered well from your crash. It looked pretty nasty back then." I smiled at him.

'Luckily I did, it's nice meeting you Lewis. So what's going on George?'

"Lisa, I think you need some swimming clothes. The surprise hasn't even begun yet." I quickly went upstairs, where Lando just got out of bed. I grabbed some swimming clothes and gave Lando a kiss.

"Are you coming too?"

'No, I won't, I have other plans. Have fun, I'll see you later.' Lando said.

I put on my bikini and did my other clothes over it. I collected a towel and some other things. When I was ready, I heard George and Lewis talking about George's ribs. Luckily it was only good news, so I walked down the stairs. We went to Lewis' car and he opened the door for me. I thanked him and got in the car in the backseat. Lewis drove us to an indoor surfing building. When we signed up, we got our wetsuits and board. George knew how much I wanted to learn surfing.

We had the greatest pleasure together, we laughed at each other's falls and got to know each other. I insanely enjoyed the time we spent together and we all got to know each other better. Lewis was not that bad of a person actually, as Max always said, he was friendly and very pleasant to be around, just like Lando. I already got butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it.

After a few rounds of surfing, I decided to quit as all my muscles were sore from falling. I was just watching Lewis and George on the boards, when Lewis fell, quite nasty.

"Hard smack Hamilton, keep it going!" George said, it was a funny fall, but it didn't seem that pleasant. So I decided to take a look at Lewis.

'Are you okay? It didn't seem so nice.' I asked Lewis.

"Uhm, I'm fine I guess." He giggled. "Funny that you immediately asked about my wellbeing, even though you barely know me. I really like that about you Lisa, you're so kind to others." I blushed.

"You okay mate?" Lewis nodded. "Sorry, but it looked hilarious. Did you just make Lisa blush?" George said smiling. Lewis just shrugged his shoulders and stood up.

"Let's call it for today, alright? Enough surfing for now, let's go and grab a nice lunch." Lewis suggested. I agreed and so George didn't have much of a choice. After the change of clothes, we went home and I called for delivery. I grabbed an ice pack for George to hold on his ribs after all the activity we had done. Once we settled, outside in George's large garden, we enjoyed our lunch. Just a little while later, Lando came back and jumped up to give him a hug. I jumped right into his arms and gave him a kiss. He looked a little shocked, but loved it.

"I see you and Lando made up? I read somewhere that you guys had broken up." Lewis said with a bit of a disappointed tone. I could not remember that anyone had ever told the press about that. When I looked in the direction of Lewis and George, I started turning red and let go of Lando.

'Sorry, just happy.' I said while looking at the ground shyly. Lando took my hand and we joined the table. We talked a lot that afternoon. We talked a lot about our childhoods, everyone had a completely different one, even though the main point matched, racing. Lando told me about his best friend, Max Ferwall and that I should meet him now that I was here in England. Lewis left around 5 o'clock. I gave him a hug as a thank you for the day. After he left we all returned to the table we were sitting at.

'I have one question for you George. What was the real reason you wanted me to come over a few days earlier? Because you hoped Lando and I would make up?' I asked.

"Well, kind of, but at least you and Lando did make up." George said while shrugging his shoulders with a grin on his face.

"I'm glad we were able to make up. I felt horrible about the incident, luckily I was able to explain." Lando said with his happy smile.

'I have one request. I want to tell Charles and Arthur about us and the incident after the race, alright? I can't be the reason that they will score badly, understood.' Both boys nodded. 'Great!'

After some talking, we headed back inside to go eat something and later we went to George's gaming room to play F1. George had three F1 playseats, but in two different rooms. We decided to go live on Twitch and so George and I were together in one room, while Lando was playing in the other so that no one noticed that we were together at the moment. Later Alex joined too, the teammate of Max. We had a great time and laughed a lot. Just a while later Lando got a call from an unknown number and went away to pick it up. I pretended I had to use the bathroom so I could slip out to see who was calling Lando.

"Yes, I got it. We'll be there tomorrow, first thing in the morning. Okay, great, see ya tomorrow." Lando said before hanging up.

'Who was that? Was it Charles, please say no.'

"It was the police station, they want you to hear your statement. They can no longer hold Nick and some of his friends behind bars, so if you don't show up tomorrow they'll be released." I actually started hesitating whether I should go or not, because I didn't want Nick to end up in jail. I know he was a jerk and I hate him, but this just doesn't feel right. I nodded and returned to the gaming room. I could not set my mind off the words Lando said. After just one race, I quit and said goodbye to our watchers. It was already late after all, so I made myself ready for bed and fell asleep quite fast. Somewhere in the background I heard my door open up, but closed soon after again.

I woke up from the sound of someone opening the door. I saw Lando sneaking in. I sat up straight and smiled at him. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and sat down next to me.

"Ready beautiful?" He said with his loving and soft smile. I nodded nervously. I slowly crawled out of bed to get dressed. My head was feeling so heavy, I was not ready to face Nick yet.

In about 15 minutes Lando and I were ready to leave and we would grab a coffee on our way there. Once we got our coffee and a sandwich, we headed to the police station, where Nick, Skylar and two others would be. When we arrived I saw some people stare at us, they people recognized us, or mostly Lando. When we walked in, an officer greeted us and walked us to an interrogation room. We came across Nick, who was handcuffed and looked raging mad when he saw me. I looked at him with sad eyes.

'Stop, wait a minute.' I said. The officer stopped. 'I would like to talk to him shortly, Can I?' He nodded and stepped aside.

'I'm sorry.'

"You ruined everything! My dad's company went bankrupt, he almost died because of it! It's all because of you, from when you quit your relationship and our sponsor!" Nick said angrily.

'What? I didn't know. This was not supposed to happen, but you did wrong too! I'm sorry, okay. I'll tell them that I don't want you to end up in jail. I'll try to turn things around, I promise.' He looked relieved, but still mad. The officer, who was around the corner, took Nick away. I watched them, as they disappeared out of sight.

Lando placed his hands on my shoulders. I looked down at my feet and took some deep breaths. I turned around to kiss him and we hugged, when the other officer cleared his throat.

"It's time you go in, Ms. Leclerc." I nodded and followed him obediently. I walked in nervously, my heart pounding in my chest. I sat down at the empty chair.

The questions took about 30 minutes. I was relieved that it was finally done. I did tell the story, but not completely and blamed mostly Skylar for it. I walked out of the room, shaking a bit. Lando looked at me concerned.

"How did it go? Are you okay? You look a little pale." I shook my head.

'I'm fine. Lando, promise me something please.' I said.

"Anything for you."

'Please don't tell them everything, I don't want Nick to end up in jail, Skylar also did it.'

"Are you sure that is what you want? Okay, I promise." Lando told me. The officer came back.

"Mr. Norris. Could you please attend the questioning?" Lando disappeared into the room, while I was nervously waiting for him to come back, when I got a call from Arthur.

'Hey' I said.

"Hey sis, how is it going in England? Charles, Max and I will leave in a few minutes with Max's jet. We thought we should go out for dinner tonight, will you be joining us?" Arthur asked.

'Sure, why not. Text me the address and George and I will come, can Lan- I mean Lewis come too? We've been hanging out and I kind of like him.' I said.

"Uhm- I don't think that's really a good idea, you know how much Max hates Lewis."

'Ugh, well fine then.' I said with a kind of relieved feeling. I heard the door in front of me open and saw Lando coming out. The police officer came out too.

"We will discuss the right punishment for him, you will hear later from us." The officer said.

"Thank you, sir." Lando said and then turned to me. "Are you ready to leave Lisa? George is waiting for us at home, we still have to give some interviews later." I panicked as I was still on the phone with Arthur, who had no clue about the incident.

"Lisa, what's going on? Is Lando with you right now?" He asked.

'Arthur I have to go, I'll talk to you later tonight, bye.' I quickly hung up. We said goodbye to the officer and left the station as we walked up to the car.

'I hope that Arthur doesn't suspect anything, your voice is quite easy to recognize.'Β 
