Chapter 15 ~ Monza & Hospital

It was already Saturday by now and we just arrived and dropped our language at the hotel. Luckily it was not a long flight, so we weren't tired after it at all. We changed our clothes and went to the track, Monza, to enter the meeting with Ferrari and Prema about our contract. We got picked up by a driver in a black SUV with blinded windows. He drove us to the place and we arrived in about 7 minutes. He told us the way we needed to walk, gave us entry passes and so Arthur and I went over the building.

Arthur and I attended the meeting. which was a long talk about how the future would look for us and about our results. Luckily they thought well of us, but they still had some high expectations. After finally 1,5 hours, we were done. On our way out, I spotted Max and George. I ran up to them and jumped onto George's back.

"Missed me?" I asked.

'So, the queen of Prema has arrived?' He replied.

"I've heard about your deal with Mercedes? I'm so happy for you, you really deserve it". I said while hugging him. George began to run around, while I was still on his back piggy riding. Max and Arthur were laughing and so were we, until I saw Lando staring at us from a distance.

"George, stop please." My voice sounded down. George looked in the direction where Lando was standing and then watched my way.

'Maybe you should just talk to him, then things will be cleared'.

"I don't know. I just don't want to believe what I saw, but I'm just deeply hurt, I don't want to go through the same thing again like last time with Nick. Maybe later, good luck with qualifying". I turned around and walked away in the direction of the Ferrari motorhome to search for Charles. I felt guilty for leaving Lando there, on his own, but I just don't want to face him, not yet.

On my way to Charles, I met with Dennis. He also had a meeting, but with Red Bull and Prema, as he is in the Red Bull Junior team. We talked for a short time, because he had to leave and I wanted to see Charles before the qualifying session started. When I arrived at the paddock, I already saw that most of the drivers were there. I walked past the McLaren garage without even looking once and walked straight up to Charles who was talking to some mechanics.

"Hello there, brother".

'Lisa? How was the meeting?' He asked me. I replied; 'Fine'. There was nothing more to say about it actually.

"Good luck with qualifying, I'll pray for you together with Arthur wherever the hell he is". Charles nodded. It was 15 minutes before the start, so he had to get ready and I sat down in the Ferrari motorhome waiting for it to start. Arthur joined not much later and we watched it together. Charles, Max, Lando and George were all in the Q3, I watched nervously as I hoped for a pole for Charles, as he really needed it.

With only 3 minutes left, they all went out for the last lap. George was on a very fast lap, for a Williams, but crashed hard in the wall. I suddenly became very scared, my heart beating very fast. My hands got sweaty and I kind of began to panic. George is like a brother and I don't want anything bad to happen to him. I stood up and immediately walked over to the medical center, where George would go after he got out of the car. I waited nervously for him there, when he finally came and got out of the medical car with some support. I walked by his side into the medical center, where he got examined. There were practically no serious injuries, just some minor bruises around his ribs and knees.

"George, are you okay? I got so scared" I said whilst sobbing, standing next to the bed he was lying on.

'Lisa don't worry, don't cry. I'm fine, just some bruises'. He opened his arms and I gave him a hug. I could see he was in pain from the look on his face, but he still pretended to be strong, for me. He hates to see me cry. I sat down on the bed and we talked a little bit, until Max and Charles came in some later together with some Williams staff. After a while, George got kind of released from the medical center, but still had to go for a check up in the hospital to be sure. I got into the ambulance with George, when Lando got in all of a sudden. George had asked for him to join too, but if I knew, then I would have gone with him. The rest of the ride to the hospital there was an awkward silence.

Whilst George was examined again, Lando and I sat on a bench. In the beginning there was silence, but right at the moment Lando wanted to speak, LΓ©o called me.

"Hey LΓ©o, what's up?"

'Lisa, are you okay? I saw you crying on TV, is your friend doing okay?'

"Thanks for asking LΓ©o, I'm fine, just shocked. My friend is probably fine too, just bruises, so he will be sore for some time I guess".

'Lisa, if you don't mind me asking. When will you be in Monaco again? Wyatt and I would love to hang out again, we enjoyed last time, even though it was a bit short'.

"I think in 2 days, but I don't know how long I'm staying".

The doctor walked out of the room and told us that George did have a cracked rib, so he had to do some scans to make sure he had no internal bleedings.

"Sorry LΓ©o, I have to go, I'll talk to you later". I said and hung up.

I started talking to myself. "He will be fine right? He has to be fine, nothing is wrong, he was doing just fine". Suddenly I felt someone grab my hands, it was Lando. He was trying to comfort me. I leaned my head against his shoulder and he stroked his hand over my head. Once I calmed down, I pulled myself together and moved away from Lando.

'Lisa, I'm sorry. It was not what it looked like, I just want to talk'.

"I don't think there is much to talk about". It hurted so much when I said that sentence, as I still have feelings for him, but it was for the better. Not much later, the doctor returned with some good news. George didn't have any organ damage, only a cracked rib, so he would be fine in some weeks. I felt relieved and walked into the room where George was, leaving Lando behind.

I gave George a big hug and stayed with him until visiting hours were over. I said goodbye to him and walked out of the room. While walking out, I spotted Lando, still on the same bench, sleeping. I got a blanket from George's room and put it on him. I walked away after and left the hospital.

The next morning I was on my way to visit George, but I came across some fans, so I didn't have much time left to go. I decided to go by later, to watch the race with him. I stopped at an Italian bakery and got some bread and pastry for George and me, and of course I bought myself a iced coffee at Starbucks on my way to the hospital. I called Charles, who was with Max at that time and wished them luck, as I would be with George.

Luckily the race went well, and both Max and Charles were on the podium. Max second and Charles as third.Β 


Story posted

I had such a great time with George in the hospital and we catched up a lot too. In two weeks the race is in Silverstone, England, where George lives so he invited me over to stay for a couple of days and I agreed. And so the next day I left with Arthur, Max and Charles back to Monaco.


Yess, Charles on pole and Lando and George second and third. Best top 3 this weekend. I'm really hoping for a win for Charles, and hoping for a podium for George and Lando too. Carlos and Charles look so funny in those yellow sutes, but they're cute. I do want to announce that I'm not using the calendar from the F1 correctly, I'm using it the way I think that fits the best into the story. I hope that you all have a great time reading and thx for the 5K!!
