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Her first stop of the day is located a few meters away from the house in a large wooden framed glass shed. Inside are collections of the brightest flowers and greens, all of which she missed. She analyzes each petal and leaf, noting the vibrancy and livelihood. She makes a mental note to thank her sister for keeping her greenhouse alive. She carefully slides on her pastel pink gardening gloves and a pair of sharp shears.

She carefully picks specific flowers to make the perfect arrangement. After an hour of properly preparing the bouquet, she finishes. With a nod of approval and a spritz of water, She gathers her belongings, and leaves the shed, ensuring that the bouquet stays safe and uncrushed in her beige tote bag.

She immediately walks towards the direction of the forest, knowing a shortcut through there to her next destination. She takes the time to ensure a new memory card was installed in her camera that was gifted from Caelynn, as she takes pictures of what she could paint later.

She hums softly to herself as she carefully walks through, enjoying her time alone. Prior to her move, she would never take this route unless her twin sister was with her, but with the older girl gone, Aryanna can appreciate her surroundings without being tucked behind the girl's sleeve.

She kneels down to level herself with the tall overgrown shrubs and admires the way the leaves curve and hit the little light that peaks through the top of the trees. She quickly stands when she hears rustling nearby, letting her eyes fall all over her surroundings. "Hello?" She calls out softly, but no avail. She fastens her pace out the forest, unable to shake the feeling that she is being watched.


The girl screams as she runs, "wait Ary!"

Aryanna stops and turns around, hearing the familiar voice. She puts her hand on her heart as she spots her emerging friend. "What the hell Caelynn!" Aryanna screeches. "Oh I've been to hell, trust me honey that was nothing," Caelynn nonchalantly states as she pats down her clothes to get the leaves off. "You've been to- what? You know what, never mind," she laughs as she continues to walk, now with a tired Caelynn trudging behind.

Upon seeing the familiar brown wooden house her grin grows as she rushes towards the building. She knocks on the door softly, waiting for a response. She carefully pulls out the bouquet of flowers and fixes the string she knotted on the stems.

Realizing she'll be in someone else's presence, Caelynn suddenly boosts up her energy and slightly fixes the octopus clip that's holding up her hair.

The door opens to a middle aged woman. "Auntie Joy," the girl beams at the woman, and the woman immediately pulls her in a hug. "Aryanna, you've grown my dear," she says fondly as she pulls away and let's her eyes drag all over the youngest Revello twin. Aryanna carefully hands her the flowers, and the older woman looks at her lovingly as she takes them.

"Maturity yes, can't say the same about height though," Caelynn teases, catching the attention of the female Ateara.

Aryanna rolls her eyes. "This is my best friend Caelynn, she's moving down here," the shorter girl introduces her companion, and Joy smiles at her, quick to also pull the girl in a hug. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ms.Ateara," Caelynn tries to breathe in the bone crushing hug before being let go.

Joy Ateara laughs and ushers the girls inside. "Who is it?" A deep voice grumbles from the living room and Aryanna walks further in the house to reveal herself, "hiya gramps!"

She notices the way the older man's lips turn up slightly before returning to a neutral face. He opens his arms slightly from his seat and she's quick to run up to him and pull him in the best hug she can as he remains in his recliner.

His eyes then move to Caelynn and Aryanna doesn't notice the way they widen in familiarity. "This is Caelynn, she'll be moving in with us," Aryanna says, before settling her bag down to filter through her items. Caelynn gives the oldest living Quil a nod, and he eyes her carefully. "What brings you to La Push?" He asks, and Caelynn smiles knowing she would never be able to answer that question honestly in Aryanna's presence.

"I needed a break from the city and I wanted to finally root myself down somewhere breathable," she answers smoothly and Quil Ateara the III hums carefully.

Aryanna cuts the tension with a bright smile as she turns to the older man, "I got you something," she says as she shifts her tote bag in front of her. She pulls out a small white box and hands it to him. He furrows his brows in confusion as he slowly opens the box, inside is an engraved fish lure. On one side is the familiar beach and cliffs of La Push, while on the back is the head of a fierce wolf. "I got you, Billy and Harry matching lures, but you know..." she trails off as she watches the old man look down at the wolf. "You like it? I had to draw it out myself, the guy just couldn't get the look right. I wanted to base it off of the tribe's legends, you know... the one you use to tell us when we were younger?" She asks as she lowers her head to meet his eyes. A small smile etches on his face as his thumb drags across the wolf.

He looks up at her with a smile, "thank you." Old Quil is a man known for his actions rather than his words, he was never one for speeches and monologues. He preferred to keep to himself and only show an extent of vulnerability. Caelynn smiles softly at the interaction, moving to the kitchen to offer Joy her help in order to leave Aryanna and Old Quil some privacy.

Aryanna smiles softly at him as she takes his hand, "I told you I'll be back." He chuckles, he knew. He was surprised when Quil initially told him she was leaving, but deep down he knew the girl was tied to the land in a deeper way she will one day discover.

She was scared when she woke up this morning. Scared that he would turn her away. Growing up, she adored and was loved by her parents but their constant traveling drew her closer to the elders of the tribe. She and her sister loved to hear the history the tribe had to offer, and was awed by every word that left the old man's mouth. Billy taught her courage, Harry taught her strength, while Old Quil taught her the importance of family and the need of a close knit community, so leaving the nest scared her to death.

He purses his lips and ruffles her hair, "welcome back."

It is then that the door opens with a call of, "Mom! Gramps!" that has Aryanna immediately standing. She's up on her feet running to the voice and meets him halfway at the entrance of the living room, immediately throwing her arms around his neck and stuffing her face in his collarbone, which is harder than others may think as she has a shorter stature than average.

Caelynn peers at them from the kitchen watching carefully at the interaction, knowing well that the boy was a wolf and that wolves have anger issues. She watches over Aryanna cautiously, taking in the reaction of the boy.

"Quilly," she sighs in his embrace, and he tenses before relaxing. "Ary," he hums. He squeezes her lightly and Old Quil watches from his recliner carefully while Joy watches from the kitchen. Both hoping that this girl would be the one for their boy, knowing his incredible adoration towards the girl. Caelynn analyzes their reactions and realizes what they're anticipating.

Scared to look in her eyes, Quil takes a deep breath as he tightens his hold on her to prevent her from looking at him. "Quil," she mutters against his skin, "I can't breathe." Caelynn's about to step toward them in fear for her soul sister, but stops.

He quickly lets her go and she pulls back with an inhale. She then looks up at him and he tenses as he locks eyes with her. There's an immediate pull he feels that gravitates towards her as flashes of their future together play through his mind. He would have crashed on his knees if she was not there to slightly lift his weight. She frowns in confusion, trying to hold him up.

"Hey, you okay?" She calls out to him softly, now realizing just how hot his skin felt against hers. "You're burning up," she frowns as she lifts her hand to touch his forehead. She watches as her hand stretches out farther than it had to before, "are boy's growth spurts usually like this?" She mumbles to herself, unconsciously combing her fingers through his curls.

Caelynn's eyes widened, witnessing her soul sister get imprinted on. She clutches her chest as she feels a root pull from her heart. She's happy for her soul sister, but it physically stung feeling the girl spiritually bond with another.

Quil watches Aryanna carefully, in a slight trance at her every action. There's a cough in the room and Quil looks up at his grandpa who gives him a knowing smirk, and then to his mom who dramatically wipes the fleeting tears on her face as she dismisses herself to her room.

He then looks back at his imprint, a wide grin etching on his face. The girl he's been in love with for 15 years is destined to be his. He chuckles in disbelief, "yes!" He cheers and she jolts in surprise. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" He shouts excitedly, pulling her in a hug and lifting her off her feet to spin her around.

She giggles loudly as she squeals, "did you miss me that much?"

He sets her down carefully, cradling her close to him as stares in her eyes,

"you have no idea."
