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๐๐”๐’๐˜ ๐ƒ๐Ž๐„๐’ ๐๐Ž๐“ even begin to describe Seattle, Washington's airport, as two girls drag their baggage around. They smile at the kind security guard who had pointed them towards the direction of the arrival pick ups.

"Who's picking us up?"

Caelynn hauls her bag along with her, following the shorter girl around the airport. "My auntie Sue. My parents are away on some business trip, and Rhea won't pick up the phone," Aryanna says, struggling to carry all of her luggage.

"Excuse me miss, do you need a cart?" Someone offers and Aryanna looks at him thankfully, taking the cart happily. They settle their bags on the cart and Aryanna pushes through SeaTac airport. "You said the drive down to your place is like four hours right?" Aryanna nods at Caelynn's question.

"I told you I live in this very remote place, there's really not much to do there," Aryanna explains. Caelynn shrugs, "it's fine, change is good. Besides, you'll be there and that's never boring." Aryanna beams up at her as they continue to trek through the airport.

They release a sigh of relief once finding the exit towards Arrivals, it took four wrong left turns and three misread signs for them to get it right. "I told you it was in this direction," Aryanna grumbles and Caelynn throws a glare her way, "yea, well we wouldn't have known the other path was wrong, unless we tried it first!" Ary scoffs, "We wouldn't have had to try it if we just followed what what I-"


Both girls scream as they turn to the voice. There's a pause as Aryanna sinks in who's standing before her, but she's soon running into their arms. "Seth!" She squeals as she's spun around in a hug. She pulls away slightly confused at his figure. "When the hell did you hit puberty," she teases and he laughs. Ary does another once over, noticing the bulging biceps and tattoo. "Sue, let you get that?" She asks and Seth awkwardly laughs. He ignores her question and nudges her to the side as he takes their cart and pushes it in the direction they assume his mom is.

Choosing to not dwell on the subject Aryanna moves to introduce her friend. "Caelynn, this is Seth, Seth Clearwater; we grew up together," Aryanna says as they try to keep up the boy. "Ah, the boy who blew out your candles on your seventh birthday! Nice to meet you," Caelynn says and he shoots her a sheepish smile.

He then clears his throat. "Congrats, you guys are the first ones back," he says and Aryanna frowns, "obviously, who else could we be waiting for? Klaudya's not coming home until Friday."

"I thought you knew?"

Aryanna raises a brow as she stops walking, staring at the boy. Seth scratches the back of his neck, wondering if the Revello twin was allowed to know about her sister's whereabouts. However, under the shorter girl's vicious glare, he caves.ย  "Your sister went to Italy," Seth blurts out and Aryanna's eyes widen. "What? She knew I was coming this week, why would she just leave?" Aryanna pouts and Caelynn rubs her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"I don't know, but uh... she left Embry a wreck. Dumped him right before she left," Seth says as they continue walking. Aryanna tried to ignore the way her heart picks up at the sound of her sister now ex-boyfriend's name. "When did she leave?" She asks.


Aryanna frowns again, she put a hand on his shoulder as she spins him around before pulling him close, "that's the same day..." she doesn't finish, he nods before she could. "How are you feeling bubs?" She whispers and he sighs as he tightens his grip on her. "I'm actually holding up better than I thought, I have my moments, but I think Leah and mom have it worse. Things are different now Ary, La Push is not the same as when you left it," he warns her after pulling away. Caelynn quietly watches from the side, too scared to interrupt the personal moment.

"What do you mean?" She asks, but Seth shakes his head, the alpha-order strains his ability to tell her.

"Come on, my mom's waiting for us."

The drive down to Forks, Washington was half serene and half curious. The girls engage in a conversation about their time in New York with the female Clearwater, while Seth converses about school. Ary watches as the long line of forests fill the view of the window and she smiles softly to herself. She missed the greenery, New York never offered enough nature to her liking. She always adored the sound of tweeting birds and buzzing flies.ย  They went well with the smell of fresh dew and hydrated greens.

"If you guys need anything, just give me a call," Sue says as she pulls into the Revello driveway. "Thanks Sue!" Aryanna gives her a daughterly kiss on the cheek, before slipping out. "It was a pleasure meeting you," Caelynn smiles brightly at the older woman before following closely behind Aryanna. Seth follows in suit, moving to help them with their bags.

The Washington chill immediately meets their faces. Ary smiles in nostalgia as she takes in the scene of her home. Caelynn watches her reaction, happy with how in touch the girl was with her enviorment.ย 

"So, any plans for today?" Seth asks as he carries majority of their bags to the door. "Nah not really, but I do want to see Leah soon," Aryanna tells him. "Maybe she'll be happy seeing you. You guys can come by for dinner tonight. I won't be there, but Leah and Mom could probably use the company," Seth invites her. "Where will you be?" She asks and Seth's eyes widen as he tries to come up with an excuse.

Caelynn raises a brow at his peculiar action, but before she can ask, a howl from the woods ring near by. Caelynn listens carefully and a smirk is brought to her face upon realization. "I didn't know wolves were around here," Aryanna mutters in awe, but she disregards everything as she opens the door. Caelynn eyes the boy next to her carefully as another howl rips through the air, "they're calling you."ย 

Seth gawks at the female, "w-what?"

"Are you guys coming in or what?" Aryanna calls out from inside the house. Caelynn turns to the boy again with a smirk, "run along Seth, we wouldn't want your tail in a twist."

Seth quickly places the bag inside and leaves, looking back at the girl in shock. He phased immediately, once reaching the forest. The voices of the other wolves immediately begin to ring in his ears.ย 

"Seth, where the hell have you been?" Leah's voice echoes in his head, the same question leaves the thoughts of the others as the boy runs through the forest. "I was helping Ary. She came back today, remember?" he reports.

"Aryanna Revello?" Embry's voice croaks and the other wolves wince as another series of Rhea's face pops in the wolf's head, triggered by the mention of her twin. "God, Embry get a grip of yourself man," Paul grumbles, he was not too keen with the black-haired twin at the moment. "Yea, she and her friend," Seth recalls the memory of what Caelynn told him before. "What the hell?" Paul wonders, suddenly growling at the potential threat this newcomer could be.

"What is she?" Leah asks and Seth has no clue. "How does Ary know her?" Quil asks, immediately concerned over his crush's wellbeing. Jacob laughs at him through the link, "damn, we really cannot get a break from hearing about these twins." Quil growls in return, "shut up Jake! As if we don't have to hear about your obsessive inner monologue!"ย 

"My obsessive-" Jacob scoffs, "you're not exactly innocent either! Oh, I miss Ary. I wonder what she's doing today! Maybe I should save up to go to New York, but does she even want me in New York?" The two best friends growl at each other. "Will the both of you shut the hell up?" Sam huffs, immediately making the two quiet.ย 

Hearing their thoughts relatively calm down, Seth answers the question Quil asked before, "They attended that boarding school together. They were roommates." A snicker rings through the pack link, "and they were roommates," Jared jokes, and follows with a wolfy cackle.ย 

"Let's not focus on them right now, we have a real threat at hands," Sam demands.

The wolves manage to cluster as the looked around for the red headed vampire. "There!" Jacob huffs as he chases after the red gleam, the wolves follow closely behind.

Meanwhile in the Revello household, Caelynn stares at the wall where a large mural is painted. The wall is covered with figures of wolves, humans, vampires and witches hidden in the forests, coexisting. Each painted with diligence and thoughtfulness. It was as if the painting was alive. Aryanna comes up beside her with a confident smile, "beautiful right? I painted it myself." Caelynn looks at her in shock and Aryanna nods, smirking slightly to herself.ย 

"Haha, I know it's crazy right. I mean vampires, wolves, witches and all that jazz!" Aryanna laughs while moving her hands, it was a habit of hers since forever. Caelynn doesn't know what to say, unsure of what is running through the girl's mind. Does she believe in them?ย Aryanna sighs as she stares at her painting, "mom's a best selling author, dad's this crazy antique shop owner, so the moment I started rambling about dreams of supernatural creatures mama made me draw it out or write it on paper. By the time I was thirteen the dreams slowly stopped coming, so as a last hoorah papa cleared out the wall and gave me this antique paint set."

Caelynn smiles at her and throws an arm around her shoulder, "supernatural dreams huh?" Aryanna laughs and hugs her waist, "don't laugh."

Caelynn shakes her head, her wide grin never leaving her face, "why would I ever laugh?"

The shorter brunette looks up at her friend, pulling her closer by the waist. "You don't think it's weird?" She asks and Caelynn shakes her head with a grin. "You'd be surprised with what I believe, " Caelynn says. Aryanna sighs, "ugh, what did I ever do to deserve you?" She leans her head on theย  other girl's shoulder. Caelynn giggles while booping her nose.

"You're so lucky to have me."
