chapter 10 preview🌼

HI! i wanted to take time to thank u all for 500 reads. its crazy how i started this book on december 19th, 2020 and here i am january 28th, 2021 finishing the book. anyways tygsm for 500 reads and heres a preview of chapter 10  🤩


A whole month went by and Hanako was getting worst by everyday it seemed like to everyone. Hailey and Y/n were on semi good terms (or so they thought). Everyday Hailey or Y/n had something to hate about each other but 5 minutes later they act like they never fought. Hailey and Yashiro on the other hand act like sisters. Sometimes Y/n gets jealous and hangs out with Hanako and Aoi somedays. It was a peaceful day for everyone until Aoi told Yashiro the new rumor thats been going around the school. Yashiro went off to find Y/n and Hailey. Knowing both her best friend they must be arguing right now. Yashiro reached Mr.Tsuchigomori's classroom and saw Y/n and Hailey fighting again.
