alternate ending 🌼

a/n : possible book 2 maybe idk anymore but anyways 🤩 i will have a note at the end of the epilogue so enjoy 😁✌🏻

*oh oh and NYA ✊🏻😁🤛🏻✨*

Almost 2 more months go by and nothing really new happened. Y/n learned a lot about Hailey and what happened to her in her past. Yashiro's lifespan was cut short and her time was coming to an end. They all tried everything to change her future but nothing worked. Hailey was doing her daily fly around school until she ran into Hanako who didn't look too well. Hanako didn't know how to confess to Y/n and Y/n didn't know how to confess to Hanako. 

"You good?"

Hailey came up onto the roof after everyone left.


"Thats a lie."

Hanako didn't respond cause he knew that Hailey was someone that wasn't easy to lie to.

"No its not."

"Yes it is so stop lying and tell me whats bugging you."

"Will you leave me alone then?"

"Dude you know I won't but just this once I'll leave you alone for one day"



"Hey Hana- Hey you don't look so good... Are you ok?"


"You don't look fine Hanako."

"Y/n I said I was fine."

"Hanako I know thats a lie."

"Its not."

"Yes it is. Now whats really wrong?"

"I don't think you wanna hear me say I'm gonna disappear forever because of the hanahki disease."


"You heard me."

"Well who's the girl and why haven't you asked her out?"

"Well a ghost and a human can't date because one is dead."

"Who's the girl?"

"Doesn't matter no more."

"Yes it does right now."

"No it doesn't because they don't like me back."

"You don't know that."

"Oh I clearly know that though."

"Hanako can't you just-"


"Oh...ok...well see you later then...I guess."

Y/n walked out of the girls bathroom sad. Then she thought of something. Maybe Hailey and Nene know. She thought for a second until she decided to find them and ask for herself.

A hour later

Y/n found them in a classroom talking. It was after school hours so she decided to listen in.

"-telling you Y/n likes him!"

"How would you know?"

"Nene! Come on! You can't tell me you don't see that happiness in her eyes when she's around him?!"

"Omg then we need to get her to him now before he-"

"Before he?"

Y/n walked in and the two girls stared at her.




"What she means Ms. Y/n is you need to confess to Hanako or he's gonna die from the disease."

"I- where is he?"

"Rooftop I saw him last."

"Ok thank you."

Y/n made her way to the rooftop. Once she got up there, there stood the boy that was once always down for any adventure. Now? He's not the same boy that he was before he had the disease.


The sick boy turned around and looked at Y/n sadly.



hi so ive decided to discontinue this ending bc im out of ideas so yea 😁🙏🏻 just know u do ask him out in this ending and live happily ever after yk 🤩✨ anyways i'll see u guys in the epilogue! nya 👊🏻🤩🤛🏻

- k
