
"Is Hanako Y/n's boyfriend?"

"I don't know. Did you ask him?"

"I did but he said 'no'."

"For the last time Y/n isn't my-"

Hanako started throwing up again.

"You could've not done that in front of us Hanako."

"Sorry your stupid disease is making me do it!"

"Kids calm down."

"Mr.Tsuchigomori tell Hanako to confess to Y/n!"

"She's just a friend!"

"I don't think you understand the Hanahki disease."

"Well obviously I don't. Explain it."

"Well if you get the Hanahki disease, you gotta make your 'lover' lover you back or you will die."

"Well I am dead already so thats nothing new."

"No like you won't be in this school if you die again."


"My disease gives you about 6 months to get your 'lover' to love you back but after that...you're dead."


"Thank you Hailey for explaining this."

"No problem Mr.Tsuchigomori! I best be going to my boundary! Bye!"

"Bye Hailey."

Hailey started heading back to her boundary while Hanako and Mr.Tsuchigomori stayed in the science classroom.

"What am I gonna do now..?"

"Thats on you Hanako."

"6 months huh? You think its possible?"

"I don't know, maybe. You'll never know till you try."

"Ok. I better head back to my bathroom now and clean up all the flowers."

"Yea. Best of luck Hanako."

Hanako walked back to his bathroom and started cleaning up all the flowers everywhere. Well I guess I gotta do it or I'll die. After cleaning up the flowers, Hanako went to look in the mirror.

Guess I gotta hide that somehow now...

yesyes ik 3 chapters in 1 day. im going to work on hot headed lover now. bai!

- K
