The room was uncomfortably silent until a a soft knock on the door occurred. Kaito had barged into the room.
"Er- What the hell is goin on?!" He asked with a very curious expression visible on his face.
"Uh I looked under the bed, and---"
"I coincidentally came in the room through the window and helped him! There actually was a monster under the bed, and he said he wants his face back, Kaito." Kokichi grinned, interrupting Shuichi.
Shuichi looked at him with a confused expression. He shook his head, confused.
"Kokichi w-why are you saying that.?"
"Shuichi are you alright?" Momota asked.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"You're blushing like mad!"
Shuichi didn't know how to respond to anything, this poor guy just wanted to rest. He sort of got on to the fact that Kokichi didn't want Kaito to know about..what happened..
"He has a fever. Must've been from me!"
"Kokichi what do you mean? You guys both sick or something?"
"No. I'm just way too hot for him!" said Kokichi, laughing.
"...I'm going to the dining hall. Want to come with me, Shuichi?"
"Yeah just wait for me I still want to check around the room." Shuichi replied and the door closed, leaving Kokichi and Shuichi relieved as they knew Kaito had left the room.
"You don't want him to know?"
The detective messed with his fingers a bit.
"Why.?" He asked, earning a chuckle.
"Duh, I don't want anyone to know about our secret love!"
"Our secret what?"
"Saihara Chan~ you look so adorable when you're embarrassed!!"
"I said I loved you and you said you loved me back! And y'know, we had two whole make out sessions~!"
They weren't really make out sessions...
Shuichi thought.
Kokichi smoothly turned the lights off.
"Uh what are you doing?!"
Kokichi smirked. "We can kiss again, if that's what you want. Just a little more advanced kiss perhaps?"
"Huh.? I-what?"
Kokichi stood in front of Shuichi, watching as Shuichi kept stepping backwards, both taking steps over and over until Shuichi fell on the bed.
"Kokichi what are you planning to do?!"
Kokichi then smiled (which looked quite genuine) at him and sat next to the taller on the bed.
"Sorry. I wasn't being serious." He said. "Did you actually think I would do something like that?"
"Well, gotta go! Kaito is waiting for you, remember?"
"Y-yeah." He narrowed his eyes as Kokichi waved and disappeared out the door.
  Shuichi walked slowly to to the dining hall, processing what happened. 
       "Shuichi." He heard.
"Hey Maki."
        "I suggest that you are careful about this, and I hope you don't get into trouble."
     She turned the other way and walked past him, ignoring the embarrassment on his face.
    does she know what happened in there? Or was it about what happened before the Kokichi situation?'
       He made it to the dining hall and saw Momota as he stood up from his own chair.

[hi:) btw I understand some of this is not cool at all, and I'm trying to change the story a bit]
Word count: 521 words
