The Signs At A Sleepover

The Signs At A Sleepover -

yass I dyed my hair šŸ˜ā¤ AnonymousNymph wanted to see my hair lololol.

Aries: pranking an unsuspecting victim

Taurus: making a fort to sleep in

Gemini: trying to stay up all night

Cancer: making the snacks

Leo: telling everyone a funny story

Virgo: talking about crushes

Libra: swapping health/beauty tips

Scorpio: trying to scare the crap out of their friends

Sagittarius: starting a game of man hunt

Capricorn: bugging you for your Wi-Fi password

Aquarius: pulling out the Ouija board

Pisces: falling asleep first


YASSS, IS IT BAD THAT I NEVER HAD A SLEEPOVER HEHEHE! Ugh my ugly self, well that's a face reveal for y'all cause ily ā™”

- genesis
