The Signs As Shitty Drivers

The Signs As Shitty Drivers -

I get so salty when y'all dont vote, show me some love cause I love y'all!

Aries: plays the bass so loud you can hear it two lanes over

Taurus: sits at a green light forever

Gemini: stays in your blindspot so long you forget they're there

Cancer: goes 20 miles per hour in the left lane on a highway cause they're too busy talking to their friend

Leo: never uses their fucking turn signal

Virgo: swerves in front of you and then slows down

Libra: texts and swerves all over the road

Scorpio: does their makeup in the car

Sagittarius: aggressive tailgating

Capricorn: goes exactly the speed limit. no. matter. not.

Aquarius: blocks the road because they're sure someone's going to pull out of their parking spot any second now

Pisces: the person in that spot taking their dear sweet time to leave


I'm so bored lol hoped you enjoyed this part, ily

- genesis
