
Today, you're back from your 4 days trip with your friends. and guess who misses you too much that he cried because you weren't there to comfort him when he had a nightmare. yup, you're right your little pooh bear, Yuzuru.


The second you placed your hand on the door handle, you heard something breaking from inside. you swing the door open and rush to see if your boyfriend is alright. he stood there trying to pick up the shattering pieces of glass on the floor, you ran towards him and yelled "DON'T TOUCH IT!" he flinched and looked up at you with teary eyes. "N-nika-chan... I-" you suddenly regret what you had said and stretched your arm to pick him up. He lifts his leg and wraps it around your waist, the sudden move almost made you lose balance but still carried him all the way to the bedroom. along the way there you feel your shirt getting wet, now you know you really shouldn't yell at him.

as you settle down in bed, you gently caressed his soft black hair and soothe him "shh i'm sorry i didn't mean to yell at you. i was worried that you might get hurt. now, can i take a look at your legs please?" you said softly. he released his tight hug and you got off the bed to examine if he got cut or not. you kneeled and checked his legs "hmm stay here okay" you tell him and he grabbed you by the wrist, stopping you in your tracks. you turn to look at him raising both your eyebrows. he looks at you with a pout and you know he's gonna cry again. you put your hand on his and spoke softly reassuring him "baby, i'm here. i'm not going anywhere. i'll get the med kit and i'm all yours okie?" finishing your sentence with a lovely smile. he frowned and eventually let go of your arm.


you came back with the med kit in your hands, you closed the door and was met with a cute-scary looking Yuzu. you walked up to him placing the kit on the bed, "okay let's heal you!" you said, chuckling softly. after bandaging his small cuts, you put everything back in the med kit.

as you were about to leave to go to the kitchen, he pulled you abruptly that you drop the med kit on the floor, "Yuzu!" you squealed, falling on top of him, holding onto his arms. he locked his gaze with yours, "i missed you so much you know?" he admitted, still wearing that cute pout of his. oh, how you wanna kiss him so badly. "i missed you so much too", you replied and leaned in to kiss him softly. both of you broke the heated moment while smiling into the kiss. "i'm sorry i made you cry, i thought you might get hurt." you said placing your chin on his chest. his hands reach your waist and turn you around, so your back is facing him as he leans in, wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his head on your shoulder. "it's alright i was gonna cry eventually. oh, you got a cut too" he said while pointing to your bandaged feet, "i thought you didn't notice it" you said while Yuzu is giving kisses all over your shoulder. you heard him licked his lips and answered you "i am an observant person sweetheart." as he sucked the skin between your neck and shoulder while you're gripping his hair tight. the butterfly in your stomach right now is fluttering like crazy. cheeks full red.
