origin ✨

Yuzuru and you are at the mall right now. He wanted to go out and you just realized that you need to shop for some stuff and here is where you guys ended. He didn't complain though, anything for his babygirl.

Lately your golden retriever boyfriend is being so needy and you just find him so cute that you would melt in place from his cuteness.

When you were shopping for some clothes you saw the workers look at him and whispered between their co-workers "Woah look at that hot guy over there!" It was pretty obvious that the "hot guy" they're talking about is your one and only boyfriend, Yuzuru. "Who's that girl next to him?" The other replied "Oh maybe his girlfriend?" "Nah she's probably his friend or something, look they're not that close" You feel Yuzu tensed up, he probably heard it too "Baby, you alright?" you look at him with concern. Yuzu looked at you and smiled to reassure you everything's okay "Yup".

You called Yuzu over to the fitting room "Yuzu come here for a bit!" he came and looked at you in amazement "You're so beautiful Nika-chan" as he bends down to kiss your cheek and swiftly makes his way to your ear, biting it gently. Your arm snakes its way to his hair and the other gripping his shirt "Y-yuzu not here", a little gasp escapes your mouth. He led you back in the fitting room and locked the door. "Let's give 'em a show so they know that you belong to me." he smirks while pinning both your hands to the wall and crashed his lips with yours. It was rough yet so intimate. You try not to let any sound come out "Let me hear your voice babe" you shook your head as a no and his finger somehow found its way to your inner thigh caressing it slowly. He quickly worked to get your panties off so fast that you hadn't realized he had taken off your panties. "Yuzu not here sweetie" you look at him while panting as his fingers are lingering near the place you want him most. "But you also want it babe" can't wait any longer he slid one finger in earning a moan from you. He starts moving slowly then kisses you softly "Your voice is like music to my ears" his pace starts increasing as he says sweet things to you "I'll make sure they hear it, so they know not to mess with me." you shivered at how cold his tone was. you moaned as he added another finger. You feel a tight knot in your abdomen starting to form, breathlessly you mutter out "Y-yuzu" you clenched around his fingers. Oh how he wished you were doing that on his cock right now "I know baby" after a few pumps hot warm liquid coated his fingers as you guys kissed each other deeply. You both break from the kiss with a pop sound as Yuzu brought his fingers that are coated with your liquid up to his mouth and sucked on it and kissed you softly "Good job, now let's go home."

On the way back home you couldn't get your mind off from what happened earlier at the mall. Of course this does not go unnoticed by your boyfriend. "It's fine they won't notice it" he says, chuckling a little. "But- i-" and you get flustered thinking about it. "Awww" he says cutting you off you hide yourself from embarrassment. Yuzu caressed your thighs and gave light squeezes from time to time "It's okay don't worry about it cause I did the cleaning anyway" he said smirking. "YUZU!" you smack him lightly on his arm. He bursted laughing "hey! careful i'm driving!"

"Sorry" you pout as you crossed your arm and he apologizes to you with the unavoidable puppy face "Nika-chann, Yuzu been a naughty boy please don't be mad at me" you chuckled at his cuteness before answering "Haii, i'm not mad at you my pooh"


"Ahh, finally we're home" you say as you put down the shopping bags on the table. While you are stretching, you feel something warm wrap around your waist. You turn to find your boyfriend already looking at you smiling, you smile back closing your eyes as you put your arms on his to stay in this comforting position. He kissed your shoulder and started trailing kisses till your neck. You let out a moan as he suckled on your neck, your hand found its way to his silky black hair. You turned around and was met with his lips crashing onto yours, it was so sloppy but that didn't stop you two from making out in the living room. You start to take off Yuzu's cardigan, as you make your way to trap him against your bedroom door. "Why so needy baby?" you whisper into his ear with a smirk. You know he melted whenever you acted that way towards him. He didn't respond, instead he kept kissing you until his hand reached the handle to open the door. He said between small breaks "Just missing you babe" you wrapped your legs around his waist as he picked you up and placed you on a counter. You got rid of his clothing, left with only his boxers left, you said, "Then sit and enjoy."

You pushed him on the bed and took off your sweater and threw it in a corner of the room and kneeled down to his level. You palmed the growing erection slowly resulting in a groan coming from him. After tossing away the remaining piece, you want to see him break first. So you start licking the leaking tip while his hands is in your hair trying not to push your head. He moans as you finally put his tip in your mouth, you swallow him inch by inch slowly just to see him struggling to keep his thighs steady and not buck it up into your mouth. As you reached the base of his cock, you hollowed your mouth and sucked hard. You hear a loud moan coming from Yuzu, you continue to bop your head up and down. His moans are so beautiful to listen to, like the best one on earth.

Meanwhile your pooh is shutting his eyes due to the pleasure he's receiving "Open your eyes Yuzuru." it sounded like a command but he opened them immediately "Look at me", again he obeyed. You set your pace a bit faster as he let out another moan and accidentally bucked his hips. You coughed as you gagged while he fucked you through it. His cock twitched, "b-babe s-stop it! i can't hold it anymore", he doesn't like the idea of coming in your mouth so whether its inside you or you switch. You went up to kiss him "got it my pooh", you booped his nose and slid your panties off. You positioned his swollen member under your core and proceeded to put it in slowly, he whined at your behavior and it doesn't go unnoticed by you as you push down roughly earning a moan and a whine from both of you. When you finally bottomed out he let out a breathy moan and it was your name that left his lips before he met you in a passionate kiss. You start riding him slowly and he would whine, moan at every thrust "sensitive much?" as you clench around him again he looks at you with teary eye and nodded "please", you clenched again upon hearing it after a few more thrust you came as he fucked you through it also reaching his high and thick hot spurts painted your walls.

You collapsed to the side and Yuzu towered over you "One more for me please baby?" Even though you're exhausted for the day, you smiled and gave him a warm hug "As much as you want Yuzu." He gave you a quick kiss "You know I would never do that to you, I know you're tired." You opened your arms to hug him again and of course he went for it "I feel so safe in your embrace", you said while combing his soft hair. He shifted and unclipped your bra "Your turn now." He kissed you and made his way down to your neck and sucked on your nipple while his hand played with the other one. The sudden move got you arch your back and gripped his hair tightly.

He made his way down and until he stops at the place your body wants him most. He licked your throbbing clit, the sudden contact made you let out a loud moan that you had to bite your lips to stifle it. He licked all the places that made you reach over the edge. And every moan, whine, gasp he got out of you is like an achievement to him because he knows only he can make you feel this way.

You manage to breathe out "Y-yuzu please."

"Please what Nika."

He changed his pace and it made you whine. You dug your nails into his skin, you muttered out "P-please go faster daddy" you know calling him that will drive him even more crazy. He widened his eyes and smirked as he fucked you relentlessly. So many broken cries and moans escaped your mouth as he pounded into you like a beast "baby..." you tried to form words but failed to do so but Yuzu understood what you meant "Shh, I know" he cooed you. You moaned his name as you came milking his cock. Body wracked from intense pleasure but he held you close and continued to fuck you through it and you both moaned loudly before you meeting each other's lips as your body pulled seeds from him, splashing hotly inside you filling your insides that it leaked out.

Yuzuru collapsed on the bed next to you trying to catch his breath. You just remembered something "Yuzu, is your breathing okay baby?" concern shown on your face. He nodded "Yes, I'm fine, don't worry" he kissed your forehead. "How was it? did you like it?" you asked him "Hm? what are you talki-" ohh what you guys just did. "Of course, why would you ask that?" you giggled "nothing~"

You feel something pool around your core "Oh it's leaking" Yuzu's finger went to scoop it up and you took his hand and sucked it clean "I guess I missed you too much" he laughed as you reached your hands to cup his cheeks and kissed him softly "I love you." he smiled into the kiss and replied back "I love you too." You both stayed in each other's embrace for a while before Yuzu speaks up "I'll run a warm bath for you, now rest okay baby?" he got out of bed and makes way to kiss both your cheeks "Haii", you responded feeling your eyes beginning to get heavy.
