
Allen pov:

I smelled something comforting, a aroma of pine and spice. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was locks of dark blue hair. I felt pain but something else, warmth and arms wrapped around me. I heard something over my own screams. "I love you Allen." This was the second time I've been woken by these words from Kanda. 

I wanted to tell him that I felt the same but I realized I was still crying and screaming about what had just happened, I guess that must have been a dream if Kanda is holding me now. Kanda repeated his words again in my ear. "I love you Allen." He paused and gripped me tighter "I'm sorry all of this happened, I'm here now though so please, please just wake up." I felt tears fall on my shoulder. Kanda still believes I'm asleep, I wonder how long I've been out. I tried to calm down for his sake but images of him being killed by me kept popping into my head. After a minute of sitting like this I was able to say his name. He pulled away from me and stared at me in bewilderment. 

"You're awake!" He hugged me again and I was able to stop screaming and only cry instead. "Did you have a nightmare?" concern riddled his voice. I nodded my head too choked up to try  and speak. "It's alright Allen I won't let anyone ever hurt you, I'll protect you for the rest of my life." His words were meant to comfort me but instead I got more afraid. If he tries to protect me he'll just end up dead. Once more I remembered the awful smell of his blood mixing with his cut flesh and bones. I felt nauseous again. 

Kanda pov: 

I can't believe he woke up, I wonder if he heard my confession. I separated us again when I noticed how green the moyashi looked. I made a mad dash and grabbed a small trash can for Allen. I gave it to him then turned away as he threw up bile. I ran to get the doctor remembering what he said about if anything happens with Allen. Before I could even open the door it slammed open and the doctor ran to Allen. I guess he had finally come to see why the moyashi was screaming. Allen stopped throwing up and started dry heaving. The doctor called for a nurse and she returned with some medicine. The doctor forced Allen to swallow it and after a few seconds he had calmed down and fell back to the bed. The doctor noted my concern but reassured me it was just a mix of stomach medicine with a slight muscle relaxer so that he would calm down and stop throwing up. The beansprout was still awake but much less agitated. 

"I guess now is the time where I should discuss his condition." 

I sat down on a stool again and prepared to hear the doctors full explanation.

"Let me start by saying it's a miracle this boy is alive. He lost a fair amount of blood recently from the loss of his arm and from the other injuries I've seen. Next I would like to go over the part that was most life threatening which was the condition of his nerves. His nervous system was completely wrecked from head to toe, its a miracle he's not paralyzed but it's going to take a lot of time for him to be able to get back on his feet. I actually find it quite shocking he was able to sit up earlier. The tissues in his body have also gone threw a fair deal of damage from an unknown cause similar to his nerves. Now for the thing I found most shocking was his abnormal heartbeat. There seems to be foreign material within his heart but it can't be removed without him dying. I have no idea how something could have gotten there but his entire case seems to be a mystery. Luckily his arm was bandaged well so I doubt he'll be getting any infections. The rest of his injuries are mainly cosmetic such as his bruises but unfortunately I'm afraid the burn on his chest will never fully heal, he'll be scarred for life.  Finally for his treatment he needs to stay and rest for a long time, he will never make a full recovery physically and as you can see his mental health may be in danger as well but only time can tell if he'll be alright in that department."

The doctors words were a lot to take in. The part I feared most was the last few sentences. I can't believe that he won't make a full recovery. Allen's mental state was what truly scared me though. What if Allen is never the same, how can I live with myself if the beansprout I fell in love with is gone forever? 
