Kaen: sup guys......what the hell yeah!!! 1.6k reads like omg!!

Natasha:hey i was wondering what happen to  the truth or dare chapter that you made a month ago?

Kaen:well you see i was checking this story's stats and when i accidently pressed the truth and dare chapter it kinda hanged so i eventualy deleted it by accident and yeah....

Scarlet:atleast you worked hard for that chapter though....

Kaen:anyways gus you are wondering why the Sakamaki Brothers and Mukami brothers are not here yet its because they are on there way to he studio where we are doing our trivia time and spensered by Scarlet sakamaki for letting us use her studio as the main stage...thanks Scarlet...:)

Scarlet:yeah no problem..

Natasha:lets start without them we have a pile of questions here*Shakes box of randomness*

Kaen:Alright so the first the first question is for Me:what kind of relationship you and Micheal A.K.A King of the crown have?

Kaen:well,ever since we met.....kinda have a bad relationship of Servamp and Eve its kinda bad cause in my apartment he brings girls inside my apar-

Scarlet:wait he Brings what??

Natasha:woah a fuckboy he is....

Kaen:yeah,i cant stand him sometimes,so get used to it-_-

scarlet's phone rings

Scarlet;wait i got a call.....continue

Kaen:wait the brothers are here..

Kou:Kaen san!!

*Kou hugs kaen tightly,Until Something hits kou in the face*

Kou:ouch!,who hit me*whines*

Micheal:hands off my Eve bitch!

Kaen:what are you doing here,aren't you suppose to be on that date with,Kira

Kira:well we got bored so we came heere~

Ruki:Annoyance have arrived,Kou wheres your manners?

Yuma:oi,Daku chan you stated without us

Natasha:yea-,wait what did you call me?

Yuma:Daku chan...why you havea problem with that?


Kaen: first we have two lovers,second nickname calling and third i'm getting annoyed already,and wheres Scarlet?

Scarlet:sorry it took me long,i have to fetch the sakamaki brothers cause they got lost on the way here.

Shu:how bothersome...that our older sister..took us here

Reiji:what a deadbeat,you didnt told us how to get here.

Micheal:can we just getting annoyed

*kira snuggles with micheal*

Kaen:oh for crying out loud

Ayato:since you all keep on talking i will read this next one:Kaen in this room tell your greatest secret you have been hiding since....the old  time?

Kaen:my secret.....hmmm...idk i wont tell you all.not an information you should learn.

Natasha:oh come on its in the question,and im adding another one tell your back story how did you get this secret.*smirks at Kaen*

All:just tell the damn story already!

Kaen:Alright(this is my oc's backstory not mine)

i was born not so time not so long ago,my parents were not humans they were half elves,so it ws my 5th birthday then my father said that i have an ability to predict the future,so i did.....and yeah but the prediction i had was....death*eyes turning into fire*(so incase if you don't know My oc Kaen was in her human form before her eyes turned into fire)I saw my wasn't a was reality,my hands were burned,my hair turned into fire my eyes.......turned to fire*Jacket starts to have fire in the bottom and the sleeves*SO I WANT TO KILL THAT BASTARD WHO KILLED MY PARENTS AND SEE THAT PERSON DIE!!*Blood Lust take control of her mind*

Scarlet:Kaen...calm down,your blood lust is out of control,can anyone make her stop putting fire in this place!

Eric:here*summons water and washes the flames away*

Kaen:*returns back to normal*wtf happen?

Natasha:lets just say...blood lust took over your body...

Kaen:oh....and where's King and Kira?

Natasha:they left and said that they are going on a date cause its boring here.

Reiji:while with that they were kissing while you were telling your story.


Ruki:they have no manners

Yuma:im doing the next one:alright this is for natasha,if you were given a chance to kill yui what kind of torture you would give her?

Natasha:well......i would give her a torture that she'll regret,for what ive been through for the sayings she said,the words she spread about my not so good deeds,the thing i dont belive in God,my poems,my books,my secrets,she was the person i regret to get out of my head!!!I WILL GIVE HER A PUNISH OF CHOPPING HER HEAD OFF AND PLAY AROUND HER BODY THEN THROW IT TO A CLIFF WHERE IT PARTS NEVER BEEN SEEN EVER AGAIN!!!

Ayato:that was kinda...

Subaru:i agree.......

Kanato:i like it when she said chooping her head off,ne teddy?

kou:thats torture alright!

Natasha:and im back

Scarlet:ok then we did umm 3 questions 7 more then were done!

Wait for part 2 of this trivia!!

sorry if i havent been updating,my phone kinda need to be reprogram due for not turning on so yeah,im using my laptop for awhile while my phone is being fixed,so next chapter......

until then

see you~
