
Natasha's POV

I walk into the hallways where i stumble across a bed room,"I could get some rest and besides looking for yui is a bored"i said and i fall asleep.......

Few Mins Later...

I woke up and i saw Buranku right besides me,"why she is next to me!?"i glared at her,i got out of bed and stood there another bed that is black and gray,"that might be my bed"i stood up and walked over it,"a uniform.....wait...a minute dont tell me....,"You two are going to school"a male voice said,"and you must be Reiji the second son of the household"i said looking at him,i saw Buranku,Ayato and laito were by her side i looked at her in the face and she opened one eye,"RISE AND SHINE BURANKU CHAN TIME FOR SCHOOL"i yelled at her,"Be quiet!"she said whinning,"Blank Chan nice one,Natasha"Ayato said,"wait how did you know my name?"i said glaring at him preparing to punch him,"He read your journal and thats where he found your name Natasha"Reiji said,"atleast we know,Neko san:3"Laito said,"Well im gonna get dressed now for school you too buranku"i said,she turned her head i stick out my tongue and out of the room....

In the car.....

Subaru's POV

Thr car was silent as usual and i looked at yui,i stood to like her but her older sister just keep on writting on the journal,until Ayato broke the silence"You know Natasha called Pancake,Blank Face!"he said,"really,Who is Natasha?"Kanato asked,i looked at the girl next to me covering her face and,"Is it Yui Chan's Sister,Ne teedy"kabato said,Natasha sat next to me and shu,she was at the other side of the window writing notes or something until i saw a page on her not book saying:Monster....i didnt really know what that means to her and she closed her journal and looked at me,"Can you please stop looking at me its annoying"she said crossing her arms and looked at the window,"Fufu~Natasha chan is Cute when she gets mad~"The hentai said,"Why did you call her by her real name laito kun and why me as a nickname"Yui whinned,"Can you keep your whinning later buranku were almost at school"Natasha said,"I thought we have a deal.."Yui said,"Can you please be quiet or this will get ugly Buranku"Natasha said glaring at her,we arrived at school and all of our fan girls are screaming,"Annoying girls why dont they leave us alone"i thought we got out all we coul hear was,"Ayato kun!","Shu can we sleep together!","Reiji!Lecture me!"they keep on saying that when yui came out they stopped and glared at her,"Who is she?","Ugly",they keep on gossiping until when the older one came out,"She so cool!","Love the eye patch!","Cool!"the girls keep on to her,"Can you girls keep it down you hurting my ears little birds~"she said in a cool tone,"Kyaaa!"the all scream until another limosine appeared,"I see you later my little birds~"Natasha said,they all nodded and went to the other car,"Why they didnt gossip at you.....unfair"Yui said,"Well im much more cooler*She flips her hair*and besides,You cant mess with me"Natasha said,"Here are you schedules and Natasha you come with me,your 3rd year right"Reiji asked her,"Yeah,See you later Buranku Chan"she said,punching her arm,she screamed,"Hey you come back her-"she was stopped by ayato,"were gonna be late in class if you keep on screaming"Ayato said,as soon as thet left i went to my class.....

Natasha's POV

I followed reiji to the classroom and there stood another pair of fans so ignored them i sat down and bring out my book and started to read,The guy with the blonde hair with blue eyes keeps on admiring the girls until one of them said to another girl,"Hey lets take off her eye patch and show it to the entire class once its started"the girl said......class started reiji was behind me shu was in front of me,the teacher didnt mind him sleeping,and there were 4 guys,one of them had bandages,the other had a pony tail,the other one had a web chocker and the guy with the blonde hair,and there were two guys one had shite hair and red tips and had a scarf and the other one had an eye patch,i lifted my scarf across my mouth,until the teacher notices me,"you must be new miss can you introduce yourself"She said,i walked infront of them,bringing my scarf down,"I am Natasha Komori,is a pleasure to meet you all"i said,"sir may i excuse myself"the girl said,she bumped into me and took off my eye patch,"Give that back!"i shouted,my ither eye was closed,"no can do unless you show your other eye to the class,"Nevermind"i said taking my seat back until the girl's group got infront of me"Come on,Bitch shows over now open up eye"The girls Leader said,i opened my eye,"You made a wrong dessicion dont you"I said in a evil voice,she then went to the ground,"Darkness come to this girl haunt her dreams until she cries and screams!"i said my eye suddenly glowed glowed in a million stars and after that the girl was frozen,"Miss Komori yoy may take your seat now"the teacher said frightend,"And almost forgot,Never understemate me"i said,taking back my seat i then notice the students looking at me,"Is there something in my face or what?"I said,they all looked away,"tch,Annoying Brats"i ended the gut with the white hair came up to me gave me a note and dissapear,"Is this somesort of joke fin i will come"i said going through the darkess side of the room teleporting to the roof top.....
