Natasha Komori(BIO)

Name:Natasha Komori

Also known as:

Natsha(By Reiji,Shu,Ruki,Subaru,Carla)
Eve(by Azusa)
Usagi San(by Kou)

Species:Half Vampire

Blood Type:AB


eye color:White(right),Orange(Left

hair color:bleach blonde


personal status:

3rd year student



she has light blonde hair and has orange eyes,due to her other eye turned white she wears an eye patch,she wears a sweat shirt that has black long sleeves and the middle part white,she wears a light grey scarf and her hair across the other side.

(New design,i will still keep the same clothing, and the hair dont mind it, just pretend its light blonde)

her uniform consist the main uniform but the sleeves are short just like Subaru in his uniform,she wears leggings instead of skirts due to her hate on wearing them,she wears black boots.

(tbh she looks like a guy......but imma trying to change her style this 2k19)


Natasha was adopted by the age of 6 , because of her father being a drunkard and abuse, she was found by Seiji and raised her, unfortunately her life made an unexpected turns it was perfect with her new father but when yui came everything change. after that yui kept about herself, claiming that she is the 'smartest' girl in the entire church, well Natasha proved to her wrong that she is not the smartest, so the two sisters keep on fighting until then, when their father is going overseas for work the two sisters are gonna live with the Sakamaki brothers,and then yui realize Natasha wasn't a human......

likes:books,roses,lectures,dark poetry,paintings,stars,knives,poems,music,sakamaki brothers,mukami,tsukami,bunnies,cross puzzles

dislikes: yui being a jerk,yui being proud,nicknames,someone interrupting her sleep,noises.

hobbies:Reading,Writing in her journal & painting

favorite food: None

( to explain, the reason i put none because she can't choose.)

(fact:she actually loves to eat its Meat Skewers, like who doesn't)


she can automatically heal in one second,healing saliva,she can only be killed if her head was cut off.


during the time period she learned how to handle a sword at the age of 16.


Night vision-she has an ability to see in the dark

Umbrakinesis-she can manipulate and control darkness or shadows

Sacred Darkness-she can create holy darkness

Shadow Camouflage-be unseen in shadows

Shadow Mimicry-she can become a shadow(She will use this in the first chapter)

Umbrageous Teleportation:she can teleport via shadows or darkness(she will use this in the vert first chapter)


- she is a Tsundere

-she thinks of herself as a monster

-she is half human and she is a vampire

-she has a crush a littlle crush on Subaru (Don't Ask-_-)

-she calls yui, Buranku means Blank in japanese

-she has Pediophobia,she is afraid of dolls(except stuff toys)

-She has a Boyfriend

