Chapter 3


Harry groans beside me, arms wrapped around my waist.

"Who's at the door?" he asks gruffly.

I can't help but giggle at how whiney his rough, deep, morning voice sounds.

"Harry! Louis!" I recognize Niall's voice. "They've got a breakfast buffet downstairs!!"

"You woke us up for that?" Harry shouts.

"Come onnnn," I hear Niall whine.

I laugh, and turn to look at Harry. I thought everything from last night would be fixed by morning, but the second I see those green eyes and that dimpled smile, I realize just how wrong I was. It must've shown on my face, because Harry grinned even wider.

"You look nervous, Lou," he says softly.

"Nope, everything is great." I ramble, then trip over myself, rushing to get out of bed and into the shower.

The nauseous feeling slowly goes away as the hot water streams down my body. I always think clearer in the shower, so I take this opportunity to sort myself out, to avoid becoming a confused, moody, fun sponge later. I start by playing The Question Game. That's how Harry and I help each other work out our problems.

He'll ask me:

"What makes you angry?"

Then I list things off, and eventually we talk through every little thing, and by the end, I understand my feelings and I am completely calm. I'd ask Harry to do it with me like usual, but he's part of the problem. So I do it myself.

"What is making you feel this way?" I think to myself.

"Harry." I respond, in my head.

"When do you feel this way?"  

"Literally whenever he's around me."

"Have you felt this way before?"

"Not exactly. This is supposed to feel how a person feels when they're in love-"

I stop dead in my thoughts, not going any further. 

Could that be what this is? Am I really in love with my best mate?

No. I firmly tell myself. Absolutely not. That's just plain weird. He's your best friend and you're his, and nothing more.

But then the annoying side of my brain decided to jump in on the mental argument.

Normal best friends don't kiss and cuddle. It so kindly reminds me. So what? We're just a bit odd. The other side of my brain argues. Harry thinks it's funny- that it's all a joke. You've both been messing around like this since day 1.

My brain feels like it's going to explode from thinking so hard until I finally (and accidentally) yell, "SHUT UP!"

"Louis?" I hear Harry call. "You've been in there for 15 minutes, are you okay?"

"Yes!" I call back. "Be right out!"

Quickly, and rather embarrassed, I wash my hair and body, then shut the water off. As I dry myself off with a fluffy, white hotel towel, I make up my mind:

Normal best friends don't kiss, cuddle, or hold hands. And I'm not going to let myself fall any harder for Harry Edward Styles, especially when I might like him for real and he thinks it's just a bromance. And so we have to stop. He'll understand. It's just a game to him, after all.

"There you are, I thought you drowned or something." Harry grins, looking relieved.

"Nope, you still have to put up with me." I tease, then immediately wonder if that was too close to flirting.

"Well, get dressed. Niall is very upset that he's going to be late to breakfast. Simon isn't letting him go until we're all ready."


Harry then goes into the shower, and I let the towel that was wrapped around my waist fall to my ankles. I grab some fresh pants, trousers, and a white t-shirt, then slip them on as quickly as I can.

"HURRY UP!! I WANT FOOD!" Niall screams from the hallway.

I laugh to myself. Today won't be so bad...


Thank you so much for reading! This has been really fun to write so far and it means the world to me that you're enjoying it! If you liked this chapter, remember to vote and comment because I love it when my readers are engaged in the story!

TPWK! <3
