Chapter 1

Summer 2013

On the road again. We have been going, going, going nonstop recently.                                            Don't get me wrong, I love it. Getting to see the world and spending everyday with your four best mates- nothing could be better.                                                                                                                                  Oh, and seeing the fans. The boys and I all agree that we have the best fans. Obviously without them, the band wouldn't be anywhere in this world, but also they're just so passionate. It's them who really hold our futures in their hands, so an album every year is what we're delivering.     And sleeping in vehicles and eating fast food everyday has become the norm.

The boys and I are in a big, black van, driving to a hotel from the airport. We just got off a long flight from Seattle to Los Angeles, for our Take Me Home Tour, that was originally supposed to be 3 hours long, but ended up being 8 hours because of layovers and weather.                                     And we're all exhausted. Well, I am, anyway. Zayn, Liam, Niall, and Harry have somehow managed to find the energy to crank the radio up to full volume and sing at the top of their lungs, dancing like lunatics in their seats, completely ignoring the restriction of their seat belts.

"ONE WAY OR ANOTHER, I'M GONNA FIND YA, I'M GONNA GET YA GET YA GET YA" they're screaming. As entertaining as it is, it's giving me a headache, so I close my eyes and rest my head on the car window.

"Hey," Harry stops dancing, and whispers to me. "You alright, Louis?"

I turn in my seat to face him, sitting next to me.

"'M just tired is all, thanks." I respond. Harry always notices when I'm down. The other boys do too, but not like Harry. It's like he's got a sixth sense or something.

"The music too loud?" he asks.

"Mm maybe a little." I admit, giving him a grateful look.

"Hey, boys!" Harry shouts, somehow loud enough for them to hear over the blasting music, but still deep, soft and gentle- I've always loved his voice. 

"Yeh?" Niall asks, lip syncing into an invisible microphone.

"Mind turning the song down? You're hurting Louis' head."

My lips curve into a small, secret smile. Harry knows everything.

"Oh! Yeh, no problem. Sorry, Lou." Niall apologizes, motioning to Simon Cowell and the driver in the front seats to turn down the music. Finally, some peace and quiet. 

"That better Lou?" Harry asks, placing a large hand on my thigh, making my stomach erupt in butterflies... weird.

"Erm, yeh, thanks." I mumble, still feeling Harry's hand on my leg, even though he was no longer touching me. Of course Harold notices my discomfort. Harry notices everything.

"Boobear?" he asks, concern etched into his face. More butterflies. What is wrong with me?

"'M fine, Hazza." I reply, shakily. "'M just gonna close me eyes for a bit." Harry studied me for a moment, with those amazing emerald green eyes with sky blue flecks.

"Okay." he finally says, obviously not convinced that everything was normal. "But if you need to talk to me about anything, I'm here."

I nod at Harry's offer, though I'm in no mood to discuss anything. Not that I know what "anything" is. So I just close my eyes and let sleep carry all of my troubles away.
