Chapter 4


I have no idea how I wrote this chapter in only two hours. It's way longer than it was supposed to be, I don't know what happened. lol. Enjoy anyways! xx


I dumped the dirty dishes on the nearest empty spot, and gripped the edges of the sink to try and collect myself. My breathing was slightly heavy, but unlike other times, I was only furious. I didn't want to cry or anything, I just wanted to grab a baseball bat and end my father's life.

"You okay, love?" I let out a shaky sigh when I felt Ashton's hands on my hips. Even though I was beyond happy he was calm and not offended, I didn't feel like dealing with anyone.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I muttered as I walked over to the fridge, ignoring his attempts to make me feel better about the whole thing.

"Come on, you can't be really bothered by that." I heard him walking over to me, again. "He's your dad, I was expecting that, to be honest."

"Really?" I hissed as I turned around, with one bowl of the dessert in my hand. "You were expecting my father to get your name wrong 16 fucking times? Sixteen?! Don't give me that look, I was counting! Yes, I actually was," I nearly cried out as I handed him the bowl of crème brûlée, while getting the others out. When I thought about it, I felt so sorry for wasting our money on such expensive desserts for such moronic parents. Well, at least one of them.

"Well... to be fair, not exactly," Ashton frowned. "But it's alright, I know what he's trying to do. Relax babe, please."

I sighed again, and after staring into space for a few seconds, I shook my head and walked out of the kitchen. My dad was picking at the salad that was still there, while my mum was giving me an apologetic smile. Just what I needed.

"Dad?" I called in a monotone voice. "Here you go."

I placed the bowl in front of him and by the time I sat on my old spot, he was already chewing on it. "This is good," He nodded with his mouth full. "Did you make it?"

"Uh, no," I sighed, "We bought it."

My dad frowned and put the bowl back on the table. "You shouldn't waste your money on stuff like this," He said, almost confirming my thoughts in the kitchen. "Not when... you know. You can't afford a house to live in."

"Doug!" My mum slapped his arm, and he gave her a weird look, like he hadn't just said something that would make her a bit embarrassed. And me a little pissed off.

"What?! I don't mean it in a bad way," He defended himself. "I'm just saying, if you want to have this kid, you should get a bigger place, and not..."

He trailed off with a sigh, again, and looked around before continuing. "Not the apartment we bought you for university."

The look in his eyes was a little sad slash concerned, as he kept looking around. Mum had the same look in her eyes as she watched him, and had probably started thinking about why she'd married him in the first place.

"Anyway..." She turned toward Ashton and I, with a smile that looked way too forced, despite her efforts to make it seem genuine. "How long have you been trying to get pregnant?"

I sighed for the umpteenth time since they came, and shrugged. "About... three months. Since he proposed." I cracked a smile, my first one after about half an hour, and so did my mum, now seeming relieved.

"Great, that's great," She nodded. "What are you hoping for?"

"Just a healthy child, for now." Ashton smiled, and so did I, until I realized what he'd said.

"Didn't we agree on a boy?" I said, attempting to joke, but he clearly took my words seriously.

"Well, yeah, but you know. A girl wouldn't hurt either," He said, now being the one who wanted to joke, but my smile disappeared completely.

"But... we agreed on a boy," I repeated, my voice a teeny tiny bit louder.

"Well how do you know it's gonna be a boy? What if it turns out to be a girl, in the end?"

What if it turns out to be a girl? I wasn't prepared for that.

For a few long seconds, Ashton and I stared at each other. While he was looking at me apologetically and like I was being unreasonable, I was mentally throwing darts at him. This had been happening a lot lately.

"Alright, um..." My mum cleared her throat to get our attention, and dad laughed at her lame attempt.

"This is amazing," He mumbled, causing my mum to hit his arm again, this time harder. He let out a heavy sigh as he squeezed his bicep.

"Michelle, darling, if you want me to drive properly, I suggest you stop doing that," He said as he sat up, rubbing the spot she had previously smacked five times.

I was a little taken aback when Louis crossed my mind after my dad had said those words. Oddly, I thought it was exactly something he would have said in the same situation. But... why? Why did I think of him in the middle of this mess?

"How would you name it?" My mum said all of a sudden, sounding a little panicked. "I mean... how would you name your baby?"

"We haven't exactly thought a-"

"I like Sasha," Ashton cut me off, making me send him another frown.

"Sasha?" I repeated skeptically, and he only nodded. "Well..." I didn't really know what to say, so I shrugged, "I guess that's a nice name for a girl."

Ashton blinked a few times, obviously a little confused. "I was talking about a boy."

Now it was my turn to blink, "A-a boy? You want to name your son... Sasha?" I said the sentence slowly so I made sure he realized what he was saying. To make sure I knew what he was saying.

"Well yeah," He only shrugged. "I mean... I know you like Charlie, so we can keep it for the second."

"Second?" I nearly breathed out. "Second what?"

"Our second child, Lorena, baby, are you feeling alright?" He frowned at me, and the way he said everything in one breath made my dad laugh again.

"It's like watching a sitcom," He mumbled, watching us with fascination in his eyes.

Even though my father was once again insulting us, I couldn't concentrate on anything but Ashton. I knew our relationship wasn't at it's highest, but I at least thought we agreed on some things, such as wanting one child and one child only, what gender it would be, and... not giving it silly names.

"What?" My mum said loudly, making me look at her. "What is so amazing about this?" She said angrily as she glared at my dad. I suppose he'd said 'this is amazing' again.

He sat up, and cleared his throat as he clapped his hands together on the table. Uh oh, this isn't going to be good.

"So, Ashby..."

I gripped the edge of the table tighter as he, once again, mistook his name. I would have burst right there, if Ashton hadn't put his hand on my thigh.

"You're 31, right?" Dad continued.

"That's right," Ashton said politely.

"You've only got two years of university, right?"

"Um, right."

"You give people tattoos for a living, correct?"

Short silence. "Correct."

"You want to be an actor."

Ashton breathed out an awkward laugh, "Well... it's my passion."

"Yes, yes," My father said, his voice almost sarcastic. "And... to top all of that, you want to name my grandson Sasha."

Another silence, yet this one was longer. Longer than it should have. "Well, I mean," Ashton started after almost a minute. "It's just a suggestion."

My dad nodded, and turned to my mum. "Still wanna know what's so amazing about this?"

"Oh my God," Mum mumbled as I groaned, realizing dad had summed up everything he'd found out about Ashton just so he could prove a point. And embarrass my fiancé, for the 100th time since they came two and a half hours before.

"Right," Ashton muttered as he stood up, and cleared his throat. "I have to go to work, it's almost two so..."

"Right, of course, wouldn't want to keep people's arms blank, would you?"

"Douglas!" My mum hissed again, hitting my dad on the arm multiple times as he tried keeping his laughter in.

I didn't understand how he could be such a douchebag to Ashton. He never made an effort to meet him, had no idea how happy he made me, and yet there he was, trashing him like he was one of those guys in Starbucks who would give him the wrong drink or misspell his name.

"Of course," Ashton nodded, obviously starting to find it hard to keep everything in. "I'll see you tonight," He mumbled as he kissed me on the lips for two quick seconds, before walking over to my parents, offering them his hand. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Cloe."

"It was nice meeting you too, darling," My mum grinned, and my dad shrugged. I knew he was going to say something stupid, I just knew it.

"I'm glad you liked it," He gave Ashton a sarcastic smile as he patted his forearm, and returned to his dessert. Mum and I had the same looks on our faces as we watched him; desperate ones, as if we were seconds away from tears.

Ashton only nodded, and within two minutes, during which he quietly put on his shoes and changed his shirt, walked out of our apartment.

"Nice guy," Dad said after a five minute long silence, causing mum to slowly close her eyes in embarrassment, and me to just keep staring at him. At one point, when keeping my hand away from the knife on the table became hard, I shook my head and walked out of the living room and to the nursery, which used to be Caitlyn's room.

I sat down on the small bed, and could feel a tear roll down my cheek after reminiscing all that had happened in less than three hours. It was only the first of many, though.

I ran my hands through my hair, and ended up hiding my face in them too, even though there was no one to see my tears. I couldn't hold my tears back, nor did I want to. So if it meant that I would cry and let it all out in my future child's bedroom, then so be it.

"Dickhead," I muttered as I stood up, pacing around the room in quick circles. "Dickhead, dickhead, dickhead," I kicked the lilac wall, and leaned myself on the window pane as I tried to calm down my breathing. The only thing that happened was, I started crying harder.

Just as I'd turned around to go over to my bed, the door of the room opened, revealing my mum. She had a worried look on her face, and when she laid eyes on me, it only became more pitiful.

"Don't look at me," I grumbled. "I'm hideous."

I made my way to the bed and sat down, and it took mum a few seconds to do the same. I was a little surprised to see a small smile on her face when she sat next to me.

"And no matter what happens," She said through a sigh, as she put a hand on my back. "You're never going to stop quoting Harry Potter."

"I just don't understand," I said in a small voice, ignoring her joke. "I mean, I know he's always been an asshole, but seriously? Was that really necessary? Did he have to just..."

I trailed off and shook my head, hiding my face in my hands again. Just thinking about all the things my dad had said since they've come, made me want to cry river Mississippi.

"Darling, you know he loves you." My mum shifted closer to me so both her arms were around me. "He just doesn't want to hand you over to someone he thinks isn't good enough for you. He wants to make sure Ashton is a good guy, and I know, I know, he's taken it a bit too far, but... he didn't mean anything bad."

"I can't believe you're defending him, it's like you weren't even there." I didn't want to start a fight with my own mother, but seeing as the situation wasn't exactly perfect...

"Yeah, same." I looked at her and noticed her staring into space, looking like she was questioning her existence. As I laughed, she smiled and looked at me, "If that's not true love, I have no idea what is."

The smile on my face slowly faded away as I nodded, and really thought about her words. I imagined myself in her situation, and what I would have done. In a matter of seconds, I came to the conclusion that my love for Ashton was nowhere near as big as my mum's love for my father.

"Are you okay?" She interrupted my thoughts while rubbing my back. "Do you think you can let this one slide? Or should I really talk to him?"

"No, I..." I sighed, and shrugged. "I understand. I'm always gonna be his little girl."

"Good, great." My mum grinned at me, seeming almost proud. "Because I really need to go to the bathroom."

I laughed as she chuckled, and let her walk out first. Although, she stopped right at the door, making me almost bump into her, and turned around to look at me.

"You know..." She started, a frown forming on her face. "You never told me what happened with that Louis guy."

I was a little taken aback by her statement, and remained frozen for a few seconds. "Um, I..." I started, still trying to get over my shock and find the right words.

"We don't have to talk about it," Mum said quickly, "I just... can't help but remember how you talked about him over the phone. I swear, you sounded like a five year old on a Christmas morning."

The grin on her face disappeared as my expression stayed the same; frozen. "I'll take that as a 'get out of this room', then." She nodded to herself, before walking out.

"We work together," I said loudly after her, after contemplating whether I should tell her about it or not. But since Caitlyn knew—and was beyond excited about it—as well as some of my old friends from uni, why the hell not?

"What?" My mum nearly crept into the room, the look on her face wicked, as if she'd just heard about the biggest rumor in town.

I sighed, "He moved to London last year, and... we work at the same school."

"Oh my God," Mum said quietly, "What's he like? I mean, I never got to meet him, so I'm just being nosy. Did he change since the last time you saw him?"

I was in a very awkward situation; talking to my mother like we were high school sophomores. "He hasn't changed," I said slowly, "He just grew up." For some reason, I loved saying that.

"Ah," She nodded. "That's why you... broke up in the first place, isn't it?"

I shrugged, deciding I've had enough of Louis on my mind. "Yeah, well, there's no need to think about that now. I mean, it was two years ago and we were together for less than three months, how meaningful could it be?"

"Very meaningful." I was surprised when mum answered my question. "You talked about him the same way I did when I first told your grandma about your dad. It's also the same way you told me about Flynn."

I huffed a laugh, not believing where this was going. It was just amazing; somehow, my dead boyfriend had found his way into the conversation. "What is your point, mum?"

"Nothing, absolutely nothing!" She defended herself. "I love Ashton so far, don't get me wrong, but I'm just saying... based on how you've talked about each of them, I think... you know... that Louis might-"

"No," I cut her off sternly. "No, I don't want to hear it."

I knew what she wanted to say; I'd be an idiot if I didn't. But I just couldn't let the words "Louis might have been better for you" slide past her lips. It would have made me pissed and emotional on a whole new level.

"Alright, okay," She said moving out of my way. "I'm not going to say anything."

I shook my head and rolled my eyes as she went to the bathroom, and I started making my way toward the living room, as ready as I can be to face my father again. That is, until I heard the doorbell ring. Just my luck.

"Do you want me to get that?" My mum asked, pointing to the door on her left, and I just shook my head lazily as I walked toward her.

"No, I will," I sighed, but when I opened the door, I wished I'd answered differently.

Could this actually be for real? Were there any hidden cameras in my home, or the hallway of the building? Because that would be the only reasonable explanation of why Louis was standing at my door, not a minute after my mother and I were done talking about him.

"Hi," He smiled, probably not being able to imagine all the things that had happened during the past five minutes.

I blinked a few times, still finding it hard to believe he was there. "What are you doing here?" I said, my voice quick and monotone.

Louis shrugged, "I know you asked for a day off, but you left half your things at work." Then he handed my my Year 11 textbooks, and some tests I had to grade. "I was the only one who knew where you lived, so..."

I looked down at my books, finding it awkward to make eye contact with him. I mean, anyone would, if they'd left him standing in the rain and then avoided him for two whole weeks.

"Yeah, um... thanks," I waved my books lightly, a small smile on my face as he formed one with his lips too.

"No problem," He grinned. "Hey, could I, um... have some water? Obviously your parents are here, but if you could take like two seconds..."

"Sure, sure," I mumbled, leaving him at the door to go to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. By the time I returned to him—which was not a minute later—I found a near horrifying sight; my mum was speaking to him.

It wouldn't have been so horrifying if they both didn't have wide grins on their faces.

"What's going on?" I tried saying through a light laugh, but it came out more forced than I'd wanted it to. Surely both of them had realized.

"You didn't tell me Louis was going to drop by," Mum said as she glanced at me, the grin on her face never decreasing.

"I didn't know that," I said through gritted teeth, the sarcastic smile on my face still there, and almost threw the plastic cup at Louis, before realizing what a mess I'd make. And I'd had enough messes for the day.

"Well then, please come in! It would be rude if you just threw him out." Mum moved to the side as Louis stepped in, and I widened my eyes at what was going on.

"Actually, you're here to meet Ashton, I wouldn't want to-"

"Oh no, he just went to work. You might have seen him." Damn you, mother.

Louis raised his eyebrows in surprise, and nodded after a few seconds. "Then I guess I could stay for a few minutes."

"Oh, no, no, no," I said, panicked already, "I'm sure Louis has important stuff to do as well." I nodded to myself, and prayed to God he would be on my side. But, as I'd expected in the back of my mind, Louis only shrugged.

"Nah, I'm good." His eyes didn't leave mine for a second as he completely emptied the glass of water. I immediately knew he had this planned, and was going to do something.

And yet, I called my father a dickhead.

"What's with all the noise?" Speaking of the devil...

"What- who's this?" My dad appeared in the small hallway, that was a bit cluttered by now, and scanned Louis from head to toe.

"My name's Louis, sir," Louis offered him his hand, and I was a little shocked to see him take it. He was still frowning as they shook hands, and in the meanwhile my mum was whispering something in his ear. I wasn't able to catch anything except 'Lorena's ex boyfriend', but that was enough for me.

A few seconds later, my dad raised his eyebrows, a fairly stunned look on his face. "Ohhh, you're that guy... the one you told me about a couple years back..." He said the last part to my mother, and I was finding the smiles on their faces hard to believe.

"Yeah, I'm-I'm the guy," Louis said a bit awkwardly, causing my dad to... chuckle?!

"No need to be shy, son," He laughed and so did the younger man, while I just stood there and stared at my father. Nope, I refuse to believe he called my ex boyfriend 'son'. No, no, never happened. Never. Not ever.

"Uh, you said your name is Lewis, right?" Ugh, there he goes again with the name thing. I actually hope-

"No, sir," Louis said, surprising- no, shocking me. "It's Louis, without the s in the end." He'd actually corrected him... Ashton didn't do it, not once. I couldn't wait to see how this would turn out.

To my—second—shock, my dad chuckled again. "Right, right, Louis, sorry. Come in then!"

I widened my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows harder as my mum walked past me first, then Louis—who didn't hesitate to wink at me as he followed her—and finally, my dad. For a grumpy 55 year old, he sure looked happy.

"I like him already!" He nearly beamed, before following the other two in the living room. I don't know how long I stood there, trying to process what had happened in less than three minutes, but there was only one thing going through my head.

Are you fucking kidding me?!



I don't want to give out anything, so.. vote and comment until the next chapter, please? love you xx
