When Y/N arrived back at the party, she came face to face with Kacchan almost immediantly.

"K-k-k-Kacchan!" Y/N cried, turning her head away from the broad boy in front of her.

"Y/N!" He growled, grabbing her by her shoulders and dragging her inside, making her squeak.

Suddenly, Y/N felt a hand on her shoulder, making her flinch. She twirled around, her silky hair landing on her shoulder. She came face-to-face with the candy cane haired boy she had seen on the roof.

Y/N's face turned 587191548130 different shades of red and pink as she stared deeply into the handsome boys pearly eyes. Her own crystal orbs glowing a beautiful pink.

"T-t-t-t-todoroki-kun! UwU" Y/N gasped, turning away her head in embarassment. Kacchan noticed and stood in front of the petite girl protectively.

"Oi, what do you want Icy-hot?" He barked. Todoroki-kun started to speak, but Y/N stepped between the two.

"T-t-that's enough!" She stuttered, afraid the two boys would start fighting over her. She didn't want to make anyone else jealous because of her beauty.

