Y/N turned around, lifting her small pale hands up to her face in shock.

Todoroki-kun waved at her nonchalantly, making Y/N swoon.

"T-t-t-todoroki-kun! H-how much did you hear?" Y/N gasped, hugging herself insecurely.

The handsome boy shrugged, going up to the girl and hugging her.

"I heard enough, are you alright Y/N?" He asked, gazing at her beautiful pearly orbs. He felt RAGE at the person who had hurt the perfect beautiful girl in front of him.

Y/N sniffled and wiped her glistening tears off her round cheeks, smiling sheepishly up at the dual-haired boy.

"Y-y-y-yes I-i-i'm fine Todoroki-kun, thanks for checking up on me!" The girl pulled away and started to make her way down the building, but Todoroki-kun didn't believe her, so he followed her back to the party.


Fun fact: The first half of this chapter was written in school, and the other half at like 3:30 at night.
