
The next morning Y/N got out of bed and put her glamorus hair into a messy bun and put on her nicest hoodie, she wanted to look good. After all her and Kacchan were going to meet up with their highschool friends.

Once Y/N had her outfit on, she stepped in front of her mirror and frowned, suddenly insecure about her looks. She tucked a stray peice of hair behind her ear and folded her arms.

Y/N sighed and reached for her makeup box, the one she had never used because she hated makeup, but she was just so insecure at the moment and wanted to make herself fit in.

"You look better without makeup teddy bear" Kacchan's rough voice came from the doorway, where he was seducively leaning against the doorframe, his crimson orbs glaring into Y/N's rainbow ones.

(I kid you not, I had to close my laptop and take a break after writing that.)

Y/N blushed and hid her face in her small hands, looking away from Kacchan's mesmerizing balls of crimson.

(I'm talking about his eyes, shut up.)

"T-t-t-t-thanks Kacchan.." Y/N stuttered, smoothing out her hoodie nervously.

"Yeah whatever, hurry up before we're late" Kacchan growled back his reply.
