camping! my little brother is a bird lmfao AND BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS

i'm back from camping!

i am so exhausted oml. we left a day early because everyone was exhausted lmao.

so, believe it or not, i didn't make a complete fool of myself and cry in front of everyone!!! yay!

i didn't swim, and instead of going to the beach with literally everyone, i stayed at the campsite by myself and read lgbt books lmao.

book review

a line in the dark: pretty gay so that was nice! thought it was gonna get supernatural but it didn't so... turned into a murder mystery instead, and it kinda sucked. the plot holes oml!!! the epilogue aka the real ending was absolute bullshit wtf.
i'm more interested in the main character's comic series than the actual story.
it started out as a 7 or 8 but then it went downhill halfway through.

teeth: not as gay as i thought it was gonna be but still good! turns out to deal with mermaids which i didn't know when i got it, but it was really good omg! normally i'm not one for mermaid stuff but like, my mind has been changed! this was soooooo wonderful! really interesting plot and characters! i recommend!!!
i love it so much but the ending made me kinda sad and i really want a sequel!!!

we are the ants: 👌👌👌. it's all i can say. this book is so fricking fantastic! if aliens aren't your thing (they aren't mine tbh) still read this!!! it is just so awesome! r e a d t h i s ! ! !
i wasn't completely satisfied with the ending but it wasn't horrible and it was pretty okay!

book review over

k so my earring broke while we were there and i'm very very salty. it legit snapped in half while in my ear. i wasn't stabbed and it didn't hurt but wtf. i hadn't even been wearing them a month. fuck you claire's! wtf is this bs?

funniest part of the camping trip: my dad sat on my aunt's marshmallows (still in the bag) and let one rip. my humor is a mess but holy crap i was laughing so hard it physically hurt! i hadn't laughed that much for quite a while.

also, i woke up early! at like 10 or 11! that's early for me, shhh. unfortunately, literally every morning, i missed breakfast rip. no waffles for me:(

okay so the second funniest moment...omfg!
so my brother was eating ice cream in a cone. he finishes his ice cream and continues to sit for a minute before getting up to wash his hands. all of a sudden, he freezes and pretty much just squats. he literally looks like a sim that's about to pass out in the middle of a task. he then...bends over, and starts heaving, before rEgURGiTatInG his ice cream!!!

he had had chocolate ice cream too so it legit looked like actual feces coming from his mouth omf. all clumpy and ugh! but it was fricking hilarious omf!

i ended up laughing cuz i'm actually a sadist, especially when it comes to children, (oops!) and my brother was pissed off at me lmao. he kicked me afterwards cuz he's a little shithead.

the campfires were nice, cuz campfires are probably my favourite smell in the world. we had s'mores and they were great.

and uh yeah, that's pretty much it.
