Chapter 22

Off's blood was boiling as he walked back to his car. His day was pretty fucked up already even before Gun made him leave. He hit his steering wheel as flashes of the earlier events began to come back to him.


He didn't have any securities with him. After confronting Lai, he went back to the venue and saw that the press were still hovering on his father. His anger for him was still there. It wasn't enough that he locked him up inside the mansion. He also needed to tell everyone that Off was getting married. But Off wasn't heartless. It was still his father and he has been in that position a lot of times- being the center of attention of the press.

He saw most of their men trying to stop the commotion of the press. He gestured to the rest of the security to guide his father safely to the limousine. It was a hard task since the press seemed so hungry for the details of the issue and didn't want to be stopped. After what seemed like forever, both his parents were inside the limousine safely. Off wanted to see Gun right away. He figured that the actor already knew about the chaos Lai made but he also needed to make sure that his parents were okay.

He can see his father gasping for air. Aranya helped him unbutton his shirt in order to help him breathe. Off tried to help too but the king pushed him away. Off just sat there as he watched his father shaking.

"Father, are you alright?" he asked.

King Ryan didn't answer. His wife comforted him and Off just watched both of them like that until they arrived safely in their mansion. Of course, as expected, another set of press were waiting outside their mansion but the royal guards helped them pass through their own gates without letting any press enter their place.

Off followed his parents as guards helped his father to walk to the room. He was getting old and the sudden hovering of the press startled him. The family doctor came immediately and checked his father.

"He's alright, maybe just overwhelmed," The doctor said. "Let him rest and prepare something light for him to eat. Other than that, he's okay."

They thanked him and Aranya politely accompanied the doctor out of their mansion. Off was left alone with his father. After a few moments of awkward silence, Off chose to speak.

"How are you feeling, father?"

"Not alright," He said in a dangerously calm voice. "Not until you stop sneaking out and seeing that...that guy. Not until you agreed to marry Lai.

"Father, please," he pleaded. "I don't want to argue with you right now. You're in a bad condition. You might-"

"If you truly care for how I feel, why would you not obey me?" His father questioned. "It is just a simple thing to do, Jumpol. Be more responsible, marry Lai, and be king. That's it."

"It's not that simple, father," He defied.

"Which part of it isn't?"

"Everything!" he said. "Father, I am trying, believe me. I am trying to be a better person so I can be a good king like you someday. I look up to you so much, father, just like how our people look up to you. I'm attending royal classes and reading books more than I ever had in my entire life. I tried to obey you even if you tried to lock me up inside the palace. But father, when will you understand that I can't marry someone I do not love?"

"And when will you understand that you were born a prince first before you loved that guy!?" King Ryan countered. "You have a duty to your country, Jumpol. You can't run away from those!"

"I am not running away!" He said. "Father, please, I am getting tired of arguing with you."

"So am I," his father confessed. "But until you fulfill my wishes, this argument will never end."

"You're lucky because you married someone you love," Off whispered but it was loud enough for his father to hear. The king didn't respond.

Queen Aranya arrived after a while and she noticed the tension in the air as she entered their bedroom. "Is everything alright?"

No one dared to answer her.

She just raised her eyebrows. "By the way, the chef from Paris that you asked for is here, Ryan. He said you mentioned about a food test for the upcoming ball-"

"There will be no more ball."

"Excuse me?" Aranya asked her son.

"I am not getting engaged with Lai, mother. The ball is of no use. We can celebrate my birthday without the need to invite everyone in Thailand."

"Yes, you are getting engaged. In fact, you already are," His father said.

"No, I am not!"

"Yes you are!"

"No, father!"

"Stop!" Aranya screamed. "Aren't you getting tired of all of these? All these screaming and shouting and arguing?"

Off badly wanted to comfort his mother who was on the verge of crying but he couldn't do so. As he walked out, he saw a servant carrying big boxes full of invitations for the ball. He picked one and drove away.

He needed to see Gun, and explain things to him.


He was driving recklessly with specifically nowhere to go. His mind was clouded with anger and suffocation. Gun didn't just reject him and made him leave, he was also staying in a room with that guy named Nai.

Off had a bad feeling about him. He specifically doesn't like people who sticks their noses on other people's business. He wanted to turn around and go back to Gun but the expression on Gun's face before he left convinced him to continue driving away. He would talk to Gun again, assuming he will attend the ball.

"Can I stay over at your place tonight?" Off said as soon as Tay picked up his call.

"Well, hello to you too," Tay joked. "But yeah sure, where are you?"

"Right outside your door."

Tay owned a small house just minutes away from the city. Despite his family's luxurious lifestyle, Tay wanted to have his own space and he liked the peace the countryside was giving him. He ushered the prince in immediately, afraid that someone might see them. He knew that if anyone knew the prince was here, the press would arrive any minute.

"Make yourself at home. I'm making some dinner," Tay said as he rushed back to the kitchen. The smell of fresh tomato sauce greeted Off. "Have you eaten anything? I'm cooking fresh tomato pasta."

"Sounds good."

Tay didn't push Off to talk. He served both of them a big plate of pasta with fresh tomato sauce and cold water on the side. He watched his best friend eat a little and play with the rest of the food.

"I don't want it to sound as if I don't like having you here, but why are you here?" Tay asked. Ever since Off met Gun, Tay noticed that he was spending every single minute with him. He should've been upset since he was his best friend since their diaper days, but he had seen Off waste his life on nonsense things before. Now that his best friend found someone that made him genuinely happy, Tay was happy too.

"You've probably heard the news," Off started.

"I did," He nodded. "I was planning to call Arm and visit you tomorrow and ask how you're doing. We figured to give you some alone time before we can see you. I didn't expect to see you outside my door tonight."

Off just hummed unenthusiastically.

"What happened?" Tay asked. "Other than the, um, you know, the news."

"Gun didn't want to see me," He confessed.

"What do you mean? I don't understand."

Off told Tay everything-from the charity event, Lai's confession of not wanting to get married to him either, their plan to stand up to their parents, then to the sudden outburst of Lai on national tv, his argument with his father, and then seeing Gun with Nai and the actor asking him to leave.

"I just-It's so fucking complicated," Off said, devastated. "I wish we had a simple life so not everyone is trying to meddle with it."

"Off, just try to understand Gun," Tay said. "He loves you and I think it isn't easy for him to be in a relationship with you and then turning on the television one day and seeing on the news that your supposed to be bride announced on national tv that you're getting married."

"But he wouldn't listen to me," Off said. "I tried to explain my situation to him. He didn't even give me time to say everything. He just told me to leave. Fuck."

"Maybe both of you just needed some time to think," Tay tried to make Off feel lighter. "I know you love each other. I can feel that. But there will be challenges that will test your relationship."

"And getting married to someone I don't love is one of them?" Off asked sarcastically.

Tay just smiled. "I'm surprised you haven't lashed out on him, Off. If this were some other chick, you broke up with her a long time ago already."

"He's not some chick, Tay," Off said. "He's different. He's important. I-I love him."

"Then don't give up so easily," Tay encouraged. "This is just some problem. You're Prince Off Adulkittiporn of Thailand. No one messes with you."

Off smiled at his best friend. He was thankful for his kind words. However, Tay was wrong. This isn't just some problem. He's risking everything already for the love of his life.


Nai didn't want to leave Gun alone that night but Gun insisted that he would be fine.

Jack and the rest of his men continued to guard him. He felt sorry for them but when he tried to tell them to go home or get some rest, they wouldn't budge. Gun himself couldn't sleep. He kept on tossing and turning on his bed as his mind kept on replaying the scenes earlier that night.

"Gun, please. Why would you believe them and not me? You're supposed to believe me, Gun."

"Gun, listen to me. I don't want her. You know who I love Gun. It's you. Everything is just a misunderstanding. Believe me, Lai said-"

"I don't care what she said, Off. Please leave."



Now that he was able to think clearly and his mind wasn't clouded with different emotions anymore, he began to question his decisions. He had been waiting for Off to call him and explain things to him the whole day and when he did finally show up, Gun made him leave.

It was hard seeing him walk away from him. He wanted to hear more of his side but he was so angry and sick at the same time that he let his emotions control him and drive Off away.

He stared at his phone for a little while, contemplating whether he should call Off or not. Drowned by his pride, he peeled his eyes away from his mobile device and forced himself to sleep.

Two days had passed and he hadn't heard from Off again.

That morning was another repetition of the past mornings he had. He'd woken up still feeling the weight of the past days' events. He took a shower and poured himself some tasteless cereal. He forced his mouth to chew and swallow the food. He noticed he was eating less and that's probably why he's feeling less energetic the past few days. Not to mention that everything that has been happening was draining his energy away.

Jack knocked lightly and opened the door. "Sir Gun, someone wants to see you."

He hopped off immediately from his high stool. He was eager to meet his visitor, wanting to know if it was Off and that the prince came back to talk with him again. He was positive that he'd forgive him this time.

It wasn't Off. It was his best friend.

Tay held up some breakfast plastic bags. "Off told me these are your favorites. I brought some."

Gun was disappointed but it also intrigued him as to why his boyfriend's best friend is here. He welcomed him in.

"How are you?" Tay asked as soon as he was inside the room.

"Same old," Gun said. "Can I get you anything? Coffee, hot chocolate, tea, water?"

"Water will be fine, thanks."

Gun set down a glass of cold water on the sofa table but Tay never touched it. Instead, he watched Gun, trying to form words and sentences in his mind.

"Off went to my home two nights ago," He said. "He told me everything."

"What about it?" Gun tried to sound as if he wasn't interested but deep inside, he was curious as hell.

"He told me a lot of things. He told me....No, he actually explained things to me."

Gun's brows raised. "Why would he explain things to you and not me?"

"Because he told me you wouldn't listen."

Gun bit back his guilt. Tay hit him right on the spot. He was right, he didn't listen to him. He heard him say things two days ago but all he did was shout and cry and pushed him away.

"Listen, I am in no position to meddle with your relationship with him," Tay clarified. "But Off is my best friend. And you've become one of my friends too. I don't want to see either of you getting hurt."

"Okay," Gun said slowly.

"So I'm here to tell you everything I know. I'm hoping this could make you forgive him and change your mind. Maybe it could make you attend the ball tonight too."

As Tay narrated everything he knew about what happened, Gun's emotions started to swell up on him again. The guilt that he had been trying to swallow down was now consuming him whole. He started to feel dizzy again, the world spinning right in front of his very eyes.

Tay, noticing the rapid blinking of Gun and the contorted expression, asked, "Gun, are you okay?"

It took Gun awhile to respond and when he did, Tay was relieved that he was fine. "Yes, just give me a minute."

Tay watched as the actor calmed himself down by going to the kitchen and chugging down a big glass of cold water. Gun seemed to be deep in his thoughts as his back leaned on the kitchen counter.

"So everything was just a misunderstanding," Gun finally said.

"Yes, it was," Tay agreed. "I don't know what had gotten into Lai but if there's one thing I can assure you Gun, it is that Off is telling the truth. He likes to be wanted. He doesn't like it when people push him away. When they do, he just leaves him. But with you.... You should've seen how sad he was, Gun."

"But why did you come and explain things to me instead of telling me himself?"

"Because he doesn't want to force you into things you don't want to do, Gun," Tay said. "He's afraid of losing you. He said he'll talk to you when things have calmed down but like I said, I can't stand seeing him miserable that's why I'm here."

Gun wanted to cry for misbehaving properly. He wanted to laugh for assuming things wrongly. He wanted to scream at people who are meddling with his life and Off's. But right now, all he wanted to do was to see Off and make up with him.

"I need to see him," Gun said as he grabbed his phone and jacket and attempted to leave the room. Tay blocked his way. "What? I'm going to see him. I'm going to see your best friend."

"Gun, I fully support you with your decision but you're not exactly in the best attire to attend the ball," Tay explained. "But never worry. The ball will be happening later this evening so we still have time to prepare."

"Prepare? What do you mean?"

As if on cue, Mook, Jane, his personal stylist and designer, and Lee and Sing burst inside his room.

"Woah, what are you all doing here?"

"Tay called me," Mook nodded at Tay. "He told me about his plan. I called Jane to help you with the outfit."

"Instead of going to my shop, I'm bringing my shop here!" Jane exclaimed excitedly. Jack's men then went inside his room with loads of suits and dresses hanging on clothing racks.

"And you?" Gun asked his two best friends.

"What?" Lee said. "Do you expect us to stand back and watch as you run after Off? No way in hell."

"And Tay called us," Sing added.

Gun just shook his head in disbelief.

They spent the rest of the day trying on clothes made exclusively by Jane. Mook, Lee and Sing were also given an invitation by Off so they all agreed to go together. Of course, Gun was the most prioritized one.

"Everyone ready?" Mook said. "I'm honestly starving. We haven't eaten all day since we were worrying about what we will wear for the ball."

"What are we riding anyway?" Gun asked. "My car is-"

"Don't worry, I came here using my dad's limousine. We will go to the ball using that. Arm texted me and said he's already downstairs."

"Let's go!" Lee and Sing howled and they raced downstairs towards Tay's fancy limousine.

Gun stared at his reflection for a while. Mook called for him. "I'll be there!" He said as he opened his drawer and grabbed his own invitation card.


"May I present to you, his royal highness, Prince Jumpol Adulkittiporn!"

The doors of the elevated throne room opened and Prince Off emerged. On his head was his royal crown. He stood in the center before carefully making his way downstairs as people watched him. He kissed his mother and father and acknowledged everyone in the huge ball room. His father handed him a glass of champagne. He was about to say his short, birthday speech.

"Thank you to all who chose to spend this special day with me. I'm about to reach the end of the calendar."

Everyone laughed.

"I am thankful to my parents who raised me well. To my friends," He paused as he looked for Arm and Tay but they weren't there. "Who spent a lot of rough and good times with me. To the rest of my family, for being supportive. And to the rest of you, for being here tonight." He raised his glass and said, "Cheers to twenty seven years of existence, and to twenty seven more!"

The party began and Off tried to mingle with everyone at the party but his eyes were searching for someone else. He wasn't sure if he would come after their argument but he was still holding on to that little hope that he'll make an appearance.

"Happy birthday, Prince Off," Lai said.

"Thank you," He replied and chose to walk away. He was still bitter about what she did for she was the reason as to why this whole issue became bigger.

The traditional royal dance came and since Off didn't really know anyone beside Lai, he danced with her. King Ryan, watched with glee as his only son danced with the girl he wanted him to marry.

"I'm sorry, Off," Lai whispered.

"Please," Off said. "Don't speak anything regarding that issue. I don't want to ruin my night."

The dance ended and Off walked back to the center where his parents were and watched as the guests enjoyed the party.

"You dance beautifully," His mother commented.

"Thank you, mother."

"Well, where is he?" His mother asked and Off knew who she was talking about. "Is he coming?"

Off didn't reply. He seriously didn't want to get his hopes up. He would totally understand if Gun wouldn't show up but he was praying to every god he knew that Gun would consider coming to his ball. He saw his friends Tay and Arm gushing through the crowd, making their way towards him.

"You're late," Off whispered as he tried to maintain a smile on his face.

"Sorry," Arm whispered back. "Tay, Lee, Sing and P'Mook took so fucking long."

Mook, Lee and Sing suddenly appeared. They were all dressed fancily. Even Mook looked different tonight.

"Happy birthday, Prince Off!" Sing said loudly and Lee nudged him. "Ow!"

"Happy birthday, Prince Off," Lee bowed. "Sorry for my friend. He's naturally noisy."

"Don't worry about it," Off chuckled. "Hello, P'Mook."

"Prince Off," Mook bowed too. "Happy birthday."

With the tiniest bit of hope, he dared to ask, "Is Gun..."

"Right there!" Tay exclaimed.

Off followed where he was pointing and true enough, the person he has been looking for ever since the party started was standing by the entrance of the ball room door. Everyone's attention was on him already as they cleared the center to make way for him.

Off wasn't able to move but his friends could. Arm ran to the royal announcer and whispered something.

"Please welcome, Gun Atthaphan!"
