You're so smart

*i edited somethings that were misspelled*

Narrative Pov:

Y/n had woken up early excited to go to the warehouse, she hadn't been there since her dad was leader so she wanted to see if it had changed. 

Her outfit with her wavy hair out

As she arrived two guards stopped her car asking her to roll down her window 

Guard: Hello who are you and who do you wish to see?
Y/n: hm to think you guys would already know *takes glasses off* i'm y/n..y/n rodriguez as in
Guard: the leader my apologies i just have never seen your face my bad mr mariano is in his office.
Y/n: thank you, what a fucking pussy

She parked her car and made her way to the inside seeing all of the members either talking amongst each other or starring at her in disbelief. She walked around inspecting everything everyone was doing some stoping and looking at her for approval and others to scared to stop what they were doing. As she walked down the hall to Marianos office she heard a few of the men whispering and a few others saying things about her.

Man 1: can't believe some little girl is the leader of our mafia, she'll probably just let her emotions get in the way and that's why she was never here
Man 2: yea but she's hot and that body off hers, mamacita 

Y/n quickly turned around and walked towards them. Stopping in front of them she saw of the men stare at her body licking his lips.

Y/n took a switch blade out of her bag and stabbed it into the mans thigh, he screamed in pain then she grabbed the other collar bring her face closer to his.

Y/n: i'm sick and tired of men like you judging my leadership when at the end of the day without me or this mafia they wouldn't be anything, now if i hear you or your little pal speak on my name again i will not hesitate to slit your throats under stand

The men shook there head in fear as y/n smirked grabbing her switch blade from the mans leg and walking away to her office.

Mariano: hey, i saw what you did out there already threatening people i see*laughs*
Y/n: i enjoy seeing the fear in peoples eyes when i threaten them*smirks*

In that moment the boys walked in and looked at y/n and laughed 

Ale: fucking psychopath
Y/n: You're friends with this psychopath though

They all laughed then y/n got serious and started walking to the desk and sat down facing them.

Y/n: so about this plan you guys have to take down the serpents, i like it maybe me now being able to be present would help out even more.
Mattia: how would you be able to add to the plan
Y/n: well not to be cocky Mr polibio but i've been told i'm a very attractive female and if you haven't guessed that's my secret weapon, it works all the time
Mattia: how do you know that 

Y/n smirk then quietly laughed to herself and stood up looking at mattia in the eyes. "i got you to fuck me in the bathroom at the club didn't I?"

Mattia was speechless he just crossed his arms rolling his eyes and looking away.

Ale: damn*laughs* anyways what do you think we should do to get the plan started
Y/n: well for starters Jughead(leader of the serpents) is always at this one club in the city
Kairi: how do you know that
Y/n: well lili always drags me to clubs with her and if it wasn't because of lili i would've fucked him*laughs* but he's always there so all i have to do is seduce him and once i have him wrapped around my finger i'll drug him and bring him here
Ale: but what if he suspects something like doesn't he know you're leader or what if he tries to go to far
Y/n: ok one i doubt he knows and if he does he doesn't know we have an alliance so i could make it seem like i want an alliance with him and two if he tries to go to far i'll let him have his little moments of fun then i'll stab him with this.

Y/n pulled out a syringe filled with a type of anesthesia she showed it to the boys and they looked at her confused she shook her head and put it away

Y/n: god thought you guys were smarter, this is a type of anesthesia that will basically drug him and make him fall asleep for 18 hours so that I can bring him here and lock him up in my torture room speaking of which, Mariano you haven't moved anything in there right all my stuff is still there??
Mariano: yea i don't like going in there last time i went was to clean it but that's was like 3 years ago so
Kairi: why do you have your own torture room
Y/n: *pats his head* that's for me to know and for you to never find out but i have a lot of rooms there's a room for when i would be working on something late so i could just fall asleep here, my torture room, my sex room, my planning room, my-
Ale: are we just going to ignore the fact that you said sex room as in only for having sex
Y/n: yea and what about it hello just because you guys get horny doesn't mean i do and besides i don't always go in there with someone*smirks*
Kairi: tmi bitch tmi i did not need to know about your ways of pleasure
Y/n: *shrugs* whatever i'm going to the club today we'll meet back here tomorrow to continue preparing for our big plan don't let any serpents get on your ass nor let them have a chance at killing you 

The boys nodded and walked out besides mattia he stayed leaning on the wall starring at y/n. She looked up from her desk and starred at him confused 

Y/n: um i said you can leave what are you doing here 

Mattia walked to the door, closed and locked it walking closer to y/n but she didn't move she just crossed her arms waiting to see what the boy wanted and why he didn't leave as she requested 

Mattia grabbed her waist but y/n stood still with her arms crossed.
Mattia: you know you're very sexy when your bossy, i like this side of you
Y/n: thank you, now what do you want i have to get going and i don't have time for your stupid games-

Interrupting her mattia smashed his lips onto hers, after a few seconds she kissed back giving in and wrapping her arms around his neck as he pulled her closer to his body.They made out for like 5 minutes with her hands roaming his hair and his gripping her butt, they pulled apart and look at each other's eyes heavy breathing

⚠️Smut warning⚠️

Mattia: if you don't mind i would like to see the sex room of yours amore. 

He whispered in her ear then started kissing her neck finding her sweet spot right away. She stopped him and grabbed his hand walking towards the door unlocking it and walking down the hall to a red door, she unlocked it and pulled him inside pushing him on the bed and locking the door. 

He looked around the room filled with toys, ropes, handcuffs, leashes, knifes, and two guns. She turned around and started walking towards him undressing her self completely leaving herself in a red lingerie set, the boy amused by her body bit his lip. She walked out to a wall and grabbed a rope tying it to the bed before ordering the boy to take off his clothes, now left in his boxers she tied his hands to the head board of the bed.

Now satisfied she smirked getting on top of him and kissing his lips slowly then going down to his neck sucking on it, leaving dark marks, her lips traveled down to his v-line kissing every inch of his body she slowly pulled his boxers down to be met with his dick springing up. She rubbed his dick making him groan then she started to kitty lick the tip making the boy groan.

Mattia: stop tease and just- Fuck

She took him whole in her mouth going up and down the boy trying to grab her hair couldn't because of his tied hands and just lifted his hips slowly face fucking her, as she sucked and licked his dick, he let out loud groans and a little bit  after she felt the boy twitch in her mouth and she removed her lips.

Mattia: why tf did you do that i was about to cum
Y/n: cause i wanna ride you...

She took of her underwear and got onto of the boy slowly lowering herself of his dick, moans escaping her mouth, she started bouncing up and down her hands of his chest then she lowered her head next to his ears letting out moans as she went fast causing the room to be filled with sounds of skin clapping and loud grunts and moans 

Mattia: fuck y/n you feel so good
Y/n: fuck *moans* your so big 

She then felt a knot in her stomach and clenched her walls around his dick.

Mattia: fuck do that again
Y/n: shit i'm close 

Y/n came letting out a loud moan then she felt mattia twitch she got off him and took him in her mouth sucking him off and she felt his warm liquid shoot down her throat. She looked at the boy satisfaction taking over her face 

She untied him and he quickly flipped them over him getting on top of her and kissing her then down to her neck and sucking on her neck causing her to moan he slipped himself in thrusting in at a fast pace. The girl became a moaning mess gripping onto his shoulders as the boy began going faster and harder repeatedly hitting her g-spot. 

He gripped her neck with one of his hands while the other played with her breast. He leaned down kissing y/n's lips, pulling on her bottom lip as she let out another moan. 

Mattia's thrust became slipping as he was almost close to releasing, y/n closed her eyes as she let out loud moan as she orgasmed. Their breaths were heavy as matters fell on the bed next to her taking in deep breaths.

Y/n: damn you really know how to fuck*chuckles*
Mattia: if you want this could happen more often then you want*smirks*
Y/n: *grabs his jaw and kisses him* it could but i don't do relationships polibio so if we do this it's for pleasure only

He nodded and both got up and started getting dressed. As they left the room the lights in the hallway shown on mattia's neck making y/n laugh to herself.

Mattia: what are you laughing about
Y/n: nothing it's just i fucked your neck up
Mattia: i wouldn't be talking your neck is full of them 

Y/n rolled her eyes and walked ahead of the boy he followed behind her, they both left the building going their separate ways then getting into their cars and driving home without speaking of what happened again.
