
Mattia's Pov:
The annual mafia ball is in 3 days, me and the boys have been planning how we are going to take down the serpents with Mariano and so far it's going good. He told us that a member from the serpent mafia that they had caught lurking agreed to be the snitch and tell us all of their plans. 

So far all we have is that in about a month or so they are planning on attacking one of our warehouses so we have since moved to a new warehouse that no one knows off but we still go in and out of the other one so they won't suspect anything.

Besides all of that did i tell you that y/n has been coming to our house almost every day. Well as it turn out her and alejandro are now "besties" so she's always here. To be honest i would think she would try and sleep with me again but she doesn't even acknowledge that i'm here sometimes, which is weird cause come on who could ignore me but whatever i don't need to waste my energy on her. The good thing is we did a background check and she clean i was suspicious at first cause she had literally nothing not even a parking ticket but i got over it. Now they're downstairs watching a movie and being so loud.

Mattia: why are you guys being so loud for, damn i can hear you from my room
Kairi: sorry y/n and ale were arguing about which movie we should watch next
Ale: come on i want to watch a horror movie
Y/n: No i want to watch the movie venom it's the best movie ever, also have you seen venoms tongue like what imagine someone with a tongue like that 
Kairi: eww your nasty y/n fucking dirty fucker
Y/n: hey i didn't say anything you just thought that i was thinking that
Mattia: whatever but let's watch venom i actually like that movie
Y/n: wait your actually going to come out of your cave to hang with us wow
Mattia: oh shut up and give me the controller
Y/n: mak-*kairi covers her mouth*
Kairi:ok i've heard enough today i don't want to see anything either so let's just watch venom

Kairi's Pov:

Y/n has been hanging out with us a lot and i like her a lot she pretty chill and fun to hang out with. Even though alejandro claims that he's her favorite i know i am we are always hanging out and i feel like i can really trust her she very careless and just wants to have fun but something tells me she's hiding something from us, i just hope it isn't something bad and that she isn't involved with this mafia life i would be sad if one day i wouldn't be able to protect her and something happens. 

Y/n: I'm going to get snacks from the kitchen
Boys: ight
Ale: bring me ice tea please
Y/n: ok alejandrito

Y/n's Pov: 

This past week i've been hanging with the boys has been so fun, they are so chill i'm just going to feel kind of bad when they find out who i truly am, i mean atleast we are not enemies so i can keep being friends with them it's just this time i'm going to have to be careful since i know people will want to kill me. I don't want to put any of their lives at risk.....

As i snapped out of my thoughts i was met with a smirking mattia leaning against the door frame.

Mattia: so y/n i-
Y/n: mattia don't flatter yourself i fucked you because i was horny and you were the only person with me but it will never happen again we *points at mattia and herself* will never be a thing
Mattia: hm so not even fuck buddies
Y/n: mattia i just told you no 

He walked closer to me and put his hands on my waist and leaned down next to my ear, "i know you want me bellísima"

I pushed him off and walked passed him getting the drinks and snacks stopping before the door turning in his direction and smirking, "are you sure it's not the other way around."

Narrator Pov:

As the girl left smirking to herself the boy was left dumbfounded in the kitchen by how the girl had manage to mess with his head. Did he really want her or was she just a good fuck to him? He shook his head and laughed, "Watch y/n one day you going to fall in love with me"

He walked back to the living room to see them all eating and watching the movie so he went and sat next to kairi. They watched a few more movies then they all fell asleep.

A couple hours later the group was woken up by a phone ringing

Mattia:*groans* turn that shit off
Y/n: shut up dumbass... Hello?
lili: Hello y/n um sorry did i wake you
Y/n: yes it's whatever what do you want
Lili: well i just wanted to tell you if you can drive me to work today as well
Y/n: work? what- oh shit fuck um yea sure i'll pick you up in 40 minutes
Lili: ok thanks bye
Y/n: fuck fuck fuck*starts putting shoes on*
Ale: what happened why are you rushing
Y/n: bitch i overslept and unlike you lazy people i have to go to work fuck- um bye i'll call you later ale
Ale: ok um bye i guess
Mattia: can i go back to sleep now
Kairi: um no actually we have to go buy our suits for the ball it's this friday
Mattia: we still have tomorrow to do that
Ale: just get up i'm going to go shower fucking lazy ass
Mattia: fuck you im tired
Kairi: you fell asleep first how are you tired
Mattia: um i don't know 

Y/n frantically rushed into her house quickly getting into the shower then coming out brushing her teeth then her hair and going to her closet to get something to wear.
Her outfit:

She quickly got dressed and went downstairs grabbing a granola bar and leaving her house locking her door behind her then speeding off to lili's house. 

Lili: Hey finally i've been waiting
Y/n: my bad i fell asleep watching movies in my friends house so i had to rush home and get ready. Thanks for waking me up thought cause if not i would have been really late to work
Lili: your welcome so got any plans for this weekend
Y/n: yea i'm busy my cousin is coming from Dominican republic so i promised my aunt i would show her around *lies*
Lili: oh well maybe we can go clubbing next week
Y/n: Yes totally

The girls arrived and walked in clocking in then starting their shifts.

It was finally 10:00 and Y/n was clocking out about to go home. Today was a crazy day for y/n, apart from the men that kept asking for her number and her coworkers hating on her, today she caught lili and her boss having sex in his office. It was hilarious to Y/n but nun the less she let her be and minded her own business.

Incoming call from Mono(Monkey)
Y/n:Hey monito
Ale:  hey whatcha doin
Y/n: driving home from work
Ale: ou can you-
Y/n: no. today i want to relax my feet hurt and i'm tired plus if i go you guys will make me late again
Ale: uh fine i guess we'll hang out next week cause i'm busy this weekend
Y/n: me too my cousin is coming to visit me so you know gotta show her around
Ale: oh well i have to attend some business meeting out of state so i guess at least you will be having fun
Y/n:yea wheres kairi
Kairi: HI Y/N
y/n: why are you being so loud
Kairi: sorry......come back the boys are boring i miss you
Y/n: bitch you saw me this morning i think you'll be fine
Mattia: yea and who wants her to be here anyways
Y/n: Mattia suck my dick cause you know damn well you want me to be there
Mattia: but you don't have one
Y/n: you don't know that
Mattia: actually i-
Y/n: ok bye guys i'll talk to you tomorrow

Parking in her garage the girl went up stairs and filled her bathtub and turning on her led lights. 

Y/n: Alexa play Ariana Grandes New album Positions
Alexa: Playing Positions by Ariana Grande 

Relaxing in the bathtub she closed her eyes then after an hour she got up hoping into the shower before putting on some underwear, turning off the music and lights and getting in bed immediately falling asleep.

Authors note:
Ok i'm hey don't hate me for making these chapter kinda boring but it will get better don't worry.
