I hate you!

⚠️Warning this chapter contains abuse and some mentions of r*ape. It also contains hateful words. If not comfortable with reading please skip to the next warning or to next chapter.⚠️

Grabbing her hair, Adrian pulled y/n up slapping her face, " to think I treated you like a queen and gave you everything I could and this is how you pay me back investigating me and then cheating on me, with your " best friend" such a disgrace."

Dragging her to the couch he threw her on it and went back to Alejandro picking him up and placing him on a chair tying his hands behind it. Y/n watch as he went to the kitchen getting some water and placing it in front of him then he turned his head but to y/n and raised an eyebrow before throwing the water on Alejandros face walking him up with a groan. 

"What the- hey let me go you dick! you do not know who your are messing with, if you lay a hand on y/n I'll kill you! Lets handle this man to man!"he screamed trying to free himself as Adrian walked towards y/n placing his hand on her cheek and rubbing it slowly. Y/n trembled in fear of what Adrian was capable of doing not only to her but to ale as well, she feared his life was on the line and that it would be all her fault.

You're so stupid y/n, she thought as she looked over at Alejandro then back at Adrian, what made you get with this man. Looking into his eyes some tears fell from hers," please Adrian don't hurt him he doesn't deserve to get hurt just let me tend his cut and let him go them me and you can handle this alone." Scoffing Adrian rolling his eyes, they were dark with anger and if looks could kill they would have murdered y/n in an instance. 

He push her back oh the couch and got some sort of string from one of the kitchen cabinets and tied her hands together tightly cause y/n to whine in pain as she looked at string. She watched as he got up and walked towards Alejandro prepared to see his face be smashed to a pulp she was shocked when she saw Adrian push the chair close to the couch and stopping so that Alejandro was facing y/n confused y/n looked at Adrian and back at Alejandro when he lowered his head mumbling something.


"look at her" Adrian growled as he left a red mark on Alejandros face making him lean his head back taking in a deep breathe as his cheek stung, he closed his eyes before looking at y/n as Adrian walked towards her taking off his pants. Scared y/n looked at Alejandro as some tears fell from his eyes "I'm so sorry" he mouthed as his eyes were filled with sympathy while hers were filled with fear. Adrian pulled y/n's body close to his and grabbed her neck "you wanted some dick huh, well I'll show you what happens when you go against me and cheat like a disgusting whore cause that's what you are."

He pulled her pants down touched y/n's body. Alejandros eyes were filled with tears as he turned his head away telling Adrian to stop his actions as y/n screamed and tried to free her hands. 

Although he was never religious the entire time Alejandro spent his time praying to whoever would here him beginning them to stop all this madness and that no other person ever has to date this awful human being. He tried untying himself as he was fired to hear as his best friend was being stripped of her soul once again and there was nothing he could do about it.

Finishing he got off her and put his clothes on putting her clothes on her again and untying her, rubbing her cheek he kissed the top of her head and got up and she stayed there frozen no movement, only a simple " I hate you" left her mouth before she focused her gaze on the floor.

⚠️Warning over. If you have ever experienced abuse or SA of any sort please speak up and talk to someone about it. My page @sadlyhorny on tiktok is open to anyone is you want to talk to someone.⚠️

"If you were a good girl and behaved we would probably planning another vacation but you don't know how to listen. As for you" he paused looking at Alejandro taking out his gun he clocked it "I never liked you anyways, I knew from the moment that I met you that you would be a problem so any last words before I get rid of you". Alejandro looked at y/n her eyes empty as a tear rolled down his cheeks, " I love you y/n always have always will, I hope you find your way back to the person that will actually love and take care of you, you're an amazing and beautiful girl, I wish you nothing but the best in this life, I'm so proud of you.  As for you Adrian I hope you burn in hell and if I am to ever see you again I won't hesitate to take your life."

"Shut a moving speech, I almost had sympathy for what I did. Almost. Goodbye Alejandro, forever"


The blood dripped from his forehead staining his clothes and the chair, y/n watched as his head fell forward as hot tears streaming down her cheeks. She moved her gaze towards Adrian as he starred at the body turning around and walking to the kitchen he washed his hands and cleaned his gun before putting it in his pockets and pulling his shirt over it. He looked at y/n her gaze on Alejandros body and walked out closing the door behind him.

Silence filled the apartment only thing that cause a very small noise was the drip from the faucet , y/n just starred at her best friends lifeless body. He loved means treated me better then anyone has ever treated her as her friend, she thought as guilt took over and she let more tears fall down her cheeks as she thought about how this was all her fault. 

After crying for what felt like hours y/n's eyes were red from all the crying she had done, there were no more tears, no feelings, she was numb. Emotionless and empty. Disrupting the silence a phone rang loud and what seemed like with urgency like it had been ringing for the past 10 minutes. Getting up y/n picked up her phone from the coffee table and answered it. 

" hello" her voice raspy and low, she hadn't spoke a single word and had anything to drink so her mouth was parched and dry. "Y/N! omg where are you I've been texting and calling your phone for the past hour! Have you heard from Alejandro he hasn't answered his phone either." Kairi continued to ramble on about how he was worried that neither of them had answered. Y/n lifted her head and looked at Alejandro before gulping and responding to the boy. 

"Alejandro's here with me" interrupting her with a sigh of relief Kairi started talking again asking to speak to the boy before silence fell, " hello? y/n? can you hear me, put Alejandro on the phone I need to ask him something." " He's dead Kairi" she said so low it was almost a whisper, silence fell on the other line and all that was heard was shuffling, " haha very funny y/n stop playing around and pass the phone to Alejandro I'm serious."

"If you don't believe me come to my apartment and see for yourself. I'm not going anywhere and neither is he so be my guest and come over" y/n's tone was serious no other emotion was shown but blandness. Grabbing his keys Kairi left the house hopping in his car and speeding to y/n's apartment still keeping the call open in hopes that his friends would burst into laughter and say it was a prank or joke of some sort. Arriving at the building he ran inside and to the elevator pushing the button and going up to the 15th floor, the doors opened and he ran towards y/n's door turning the knob and pushing it open.

As he stepped inside he looked towards y/n and saw how she was sat on the couch her wrists had bruises and her clothes looked wrinkled, looking at her eyes he saw emptiness then he turned his gaze to the direction she was starring at. Gasping he dropped his phone before stepping forwards and reaching his hand out lifting his friends head up making it fall back his face drained of its color.

"Y/n, what happened? why are your wrists bruised and most importantly why is my best friend dead on a chair " tears started to fill his eyes as he kneeled down in front of Alejandro and looked at y/n. She stayed quiet looking down at her wrists before looking back at Kairi making eye contact, y/n sighed closing her eyes bringing her knees to her chest. "Adrian" she let out her voice fragile and soft as she push her hair back from her face, " he cheated so I um asked Alejandro if he wanted to help me get Adrian back so we had sex and then a few minutes after we had finished Adrian arrived....he got really mad and hit me then punched ale really hard... he tied him to a chair........I- I wanted him to stop but he didn't he-" y/n stopped looking down at her hands as they started to shake quickly placing them under her thighs, "* clears throat* he um after he finished he.... he pointed his gun at Alejandro asking him what his last words were before shooting him. He told me he loved me Kairi and that he was proud of me, and now because of me he's dead." Y/n just starred ahead at the body Alejandros words repeating themselves in her mind but no tears fell.

Getting up Kairi ran up to y/n and tried to hug her but she moved back keeping her gaze on Alejandro, sighing she got up and started to walk towards her room. Before disappearing into the dark hallway she stopped in her tracks and lowered her head, " I'll call Mariano and tell him to come and take the body, you should probably um call Mattia and tell him but don't tell him about what happened to me or tell anyone."

Kairi nodded his head and pick up his phone dialing Mattia's number and placing his phone near his ear. "Hey man have you spoken to Alejandro he hasn't  answer my phone, I've been calling him for the past 30 minutes." Mattia spoke into the phone his voice a little worried and curious as to what Kairi was going to say.

"Yea man, about that I- I don't know how to tell you this- " interrupting him Mattia stopped what he was doing and nervousness took over his body, " what do you mean what's wrong what happened? is he ok did something happen?" holding back his tears Kairi wiped his nose with the back of his hand before letting out a deep breathe, " Mattia Alejandro's dead........I called y/n and she told me he was with her but I didn't believe her when she said he was dead so I came to her apartment expecting it to be a joke but it wasn't he dead Mattia dead" Kairi broke down crying falling on the floor as the other boy stayed in silence, " who did this, and I swear to god if you say it was y/n I'll kill her with my own hands"

"No, it was Adrian, that son of a bitch killed Alejandro right after he um he r*ped her. Mattia he forced Alejandro to watch him r*pe y/n and once he was done he killed him in front of her." Mattia's heart broke at what Kairi said, sadness took over his body as he thought about y/n and how she might be feeling. "Kairi where's y/n?" Kairi whipped his eyes standing up and opening the door for mariano, " she went to her room I think to shower why?"

Worried mattia ran to his car getting in and starting up the engine , " Kairi go and check on her right now I'm on my way but please hurry." Running to her room Kairi entered but y/n was no where in sight "y/n" he called out but didn't hear a response, walking to the bathroom he pushed the door open and found her sitting in the bathtub with her knees up to her chest her hair down. Sighing with relief he walked towards her and kneeled next to the bathtub. 

Kairi: Hey, um Mariano is here with some of the other members. There are taking the body and cleaning up the place, also mattia is on his way here.

Y/n: you told him didn't you

Kairi: I'm sorry y/n, it slipped out but you know that mattia means no harm to you, he loves you and the last thing he wants is for you to be hurt.

Y/n grabbed her towel and stood up and wrapped it around her body as Kairi averted his gaze to the floor as she got out. Walking to her closet y/n grabbed some sweats and a hoodie slipping it on before putting on her sneakers and walking out. 

Walking down the hall she looked at guys as they cleaned up and took away Alejandro's body. Mattia stood by the kitchen starring at all of them quietly then his eyes met y/n's, he started to walk towards her lifting his arms he tried to embrace y/n in a hug but just like with Kairi she moved back starring at him. "Don't touch me, I don't want to be hugged, nor do I want to be held and told that everything will be ok. I'm going to leave when they are done you guys can leave and lock the door behind you. Don't call me don't text me and don't try to track me down if I want to be found I'll be found. Don't search for Adrian and don't do anything or engage if you see him."

She walked out leaving the boys in utter silence going to the garage she got on her motorcycle putting on her helmet and speeding off thankful that it was almost midnight y/n raced down the highway swerving past cars before reaching her destination. Once she got there she took off her helmet and walked in the building going up the stairs she ignored the people trying to talk to her and telling her that she wasn't allowed in the building. As she reached the double doors she pushed them open and stepped inside walking towards the desk and sitting down in one of the chairs. 

??: Ms Rodriguez I didn't expect to see you here especially at this time, what can I do for you?

Y/n: You know Adrian right Adrian Torres, leader of the Caribbean mafia 

??: Yes, he owes me. But why are you asking?

Y/n: He's my boyfriend, well more like going to be ex boyfriend but that's besides the point I have an offer for you.

??: I'm listening

Y/n: I made a deal with him, in exchange for half of his company in Panama and Colombia, I sold him half of mine in Spain and Venezuela. But now that we are on bad terms, I have planned to buy both companies and destroy his mafia.

??: ok and how am I involved

Y/n: you my dear Andrew are going to help me and in return I will give you the company in Panama and Colombia 

Andrew: Well I am shocked you wanted my help given that I owe you money but seeing as its to take down that son of a bitch I can't resist

Y/n: Great so do we have a deal?

Andrew: Of course 
