part 9

Aadya's pov

" What just happened !" My mind went on a spin . I woke up in a most comfortable bed ever in my life . The room was very big and high end . I was wondering what kind of place is this . Suddenly a sharp pain hit my head . All the memories flashed right infront of my eyes from yesterday's event. I hit my forehead with my palm. Jesus I thought I have escaped but I just ended up somewhere weird right now.

I turn to my right . I saw a picture frame on a night stand . It captured my attention. I took it close. It was a picture of my family. I still remember the day so vividly as if it happened yesterday.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Mama !!! Mama !! Where are we going in this new dress??" I was bouncier with enthusiasm. It was the third day after my sister  my sister was born . " We are going to a studio honey to take a family picture " father explained as he carried me in his hands.

He took out a pretty pink hair clip from one of the drawer and place it on my head . It was matching with my pink shoes and pink dress. My mom was wearing a pastel pink gown with pearls on her neck while father was also wearing a light pink shirt with stripes . No doubt Lilly was also in all pink .My pink fantasy just came to live that day.

We went to the studio and we took some photos . Lilly didn't cry at all . She giggled and made everyone suprise cause newborns don't giggle.  We went back home . Lilly kept crying the entire day after the photoshoot. She cried all night . My parents barely slept in order to take care of her. What we didn't knew was she was indicating something . She was warning us not to stay in the house. I just figured it out when the next day my family was attacked and slaughtered .

~~~~~~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~~~~

Tears roll down my cheeks . I couldn't stop crying . I was hurt . But after 5 minutes of sobbing I quickly took the photo and slip it into my pocket.  No matter whoever brought me here they know about me and my family . I have to run .

Ethan's pov

I was shocked by her reaction . What the bloody hell . I felt like I made a big mistake . She asked me to bring  Lexus to her . 


"If you don't want your pack to be slaughtered bring her here once you have found her . She is not your mate and don't even think about mating with her . She is a very dangerous wolf and if you mate with her she will kill your entire pack. That's the goal of hers" she warned me. So my Luna chosen by the moon goddess is a form of evil. No I don't believe this lady. I need to find her . I need to know about her . She is my mate and I need to protect her and if I loose my pack it's not my problem they are not strong enough to protect themselves . But I know I will never loose them . Luna wait up I am coming for you .

Bartender's pov ( aka this is the guy who abducted Aadya)

My wolf screemed for our Luna . She looked exactly like her mother . She ran away from us so that we wouldn't be hurt because of her . She left us all . She ran . We tried to find her but all we saw was her and her husband's dead body . I was grieving. As a beta I should have protected my Luna . I failed as a beta . But her kids' dead bodies went missing . We searched the entire area and we never found them . I was relieved and frustrated at the same time . I mean they can be alive or dead . But the percentage of death was higher than the chances to live . I mean Aadya was only 7 and Lilly 4 days?? How could mere kids survive. But she did. Aadya did . She looks exactly like her mother and her personality is just like her mother brave and Rebellion. I know she would survive But what happened to her sister . I didn't know and I don't want to know .

I searched her all over for years and I almost gave up . What I didn't expect was her to walk right into the bar that I was working. I mean I felt my wolf being tamed . I mean  I could feel it it's not because of the lavender ashes. It was something else and one thing powerful then lavender ashes to make my wolf obedient was a Luna.  One look at her and I know exactly who she was. Aadya . Grown graceful as ever as if nothing happened. Oh God she was strong and forceful. But the drink contain a small amount of lavender ash to weaken her but she was still strong enough to twist my hand .

But before I tell her that she is a Luna I need to test her .
