part 12

Aadya's pov

I was sleeping in the couch for god knows how long. The last thing I remember is calling Uncle Jackson

"Feeling better Aadya" that voice I recognize it. It's uncle Jackson. I don't know anything about him I just have this part of this memory when I was a kid and he used to piggy back me and I remember calling him. Who is this men ? But slowly I could feel myself calm and for some reason my wolf and my guts say I can trust him. Either way I am tired of running.

They both introduce themselves to me. I remember uncle Jackson but Rachel was new. It was around 12.00 am and my stomach started growling. Rachel offered me a midnight snack and it was delicious.

I kept my silence most of the time . My mind was about to burst with questions.But I just wanted to forget everything and shut my mind for a while.Too many things happened for my mind to focus.

"Want to go shopping tommorow ?" Rachel suggested. I just nodded.

------------: Time Skip :--------------

The mall isn't a place for me . It's crowded with human beings and sometimes you can pick up some wolf scents too . All that light and sound makes me feel so exposed. But I agreed to this shopping because I wanted to know about her .

After about three hours of shopping spree we finally nestled ourselves in Friday's. Rachel just bought me really expensive clothes . She shopped from Topshop to Victoria Secret. It was shopping goals for an average girl but for me nah . I wasn't just into clothes but Ebba doesn't like me looking like a homeless beggar so she sometimes nag me to be pretty until I ask her to shut the f*** up. Gosh that bitch is annoying.

"So have you find your mate? " She asked as she stuffed her mouth with some potato mash.

"What ?" I spilled my coke that I was drinking. Wait so they are real shit . Oh dear moon goddess , I thought it was just a legend . Jesus me .

"Wait so you don't know what's mating or...?"

"I thought it was a legend"

"How can you be so clueless. Poor baby ... Nobody told you I guess" she pitied me with the eyes of hers. Disgusting.

I rolled my eyes . " Hey just think . I spent my lifetime running . I didn't have a pack or any wolf friends and do you expect me to believe this stupid mate shit where your eyes just met and sparks will fly. Does that bullshit makes any sense to you . I mean nothing in my life was easy and when I just saw the eyes do you expect me to fall in love and devote myself to an asshole of the pack. Well guess what !! NO THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!" I was raging at her for no reason . The people on the other table stared at me .

Well I was angry because I had hard time trusting anyone. The trauma was killing me . "Shh it's okay" she said . I got up and walked away.

Ethan's pov

Time flew. It's been weeks since my visit to Leah. Lexus was nowhere to be found . I was crumbling under pressure. Her bare ass crossed my mind . My wolf was howling.

She was in my head. My body and soul was moaning in pleasure without realising . Her face ...her eyes ..her nose...those moist lips ....that sharp collar bone of hers ...and that perky ...Oh dear moon goddess I should stop myself.

I look at myself and Jesus I made a mess. I just can't wait her to be in my lap cleaning the mess that I am making right now . Oh boy oh boy!! She is fucking inside my mind. After a steamy round I decided to  clean myself up in a hot shower .

I got a call from my Jason. Jason said that Rebekah wanted go shopping with her friends in the mall next town . I growled . I mean it takes approximately four hours to reach there . Well most of the time most of this town people goes to shop there because of there are more branded outlets and more vibes . And wolf girls are crazy as human girls when it comes to shopping.

I know how annoying is to ride them there for four long hours. I just felt Jason will die if he doesn't have a friend. After four hours of cruelsome ride of hearing them screaming and squealing we finally got to the mall.

A familiar scent hit my nose.Chocolate...

Jason was blabbering something . I ignored him and walked towards the scent . "What the fuck men ?? " He was yelling across the mall . I turned around and screamed it's my mate .

I ran across the mall following the scent. It was so strong and intoxicating.

There she was. Standing in a grey oversized sweater and a burgundy almost maroon like mini skirt with a knee length boots.

(A/N : Her outfit)

She looked lost as she was wandering around . Suddenly she stopped and stared right into my eyes as if she knows me . She just stood there . That blue ocean of hers ....

What she was doing here ?I snapped out of my thoughts when a human walked to her and asked her number . I was more than furious . I wanted to throw a punch at that fucked up asshole's face for talking to my mate . But my mate never failed to surprise me .

She took a pen from her bag and reached for his hands . Suddenly she grabbed the middle finger of his hand and pushed it backwards almost breaking it making him yelp in pain . I was enjoying the scene . It was really amusing. Hell yeah she WASN'T an AVERAGE MATE !!!
