[5] Overprotective brother

Scarlett :

I look past Damon to see Jason coming in our direction and judging by the looks on his face I am sure he has already heard my fake confession.

"Jason I - " He gave me a look asking me to shut up.
He held Damon by his collar and jerked him closer to him.

"What do you think you are doing? " He yelled at him.

Poor Damon. He just batted his eyelids looking at me.

"Man.. Listen to me first " Damon tried speaking but you know how Jason is, he doesn't listen to anyone.

"I swear I will kill you if she cries because of you.. " Jason voice was loud, but all thanks to Sebastian and Katniss, they didn't allow anyone near the corridor where we were standing.

"Jason please listen to me " I pleaded him , trying to remove his hand from Damon's collar.

"You know he is playboy. He is just like Xavier.. You want to go through that pain again " He yelled at me, but soon he realised what he said and he dropped his hand from Damon's collar.
"Freaking shit! " He cursed under his breath running his finger through his hair.

I lowered my eyes and the bloody pain in my heart rushed back with full force.
Every time I hear his name, I feel as if someone has stabbed me in my heart.

It hurts A LOT..!

He cupped my face and made me look at him, no doubt my eyes were filled.
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to bring his name " His voice was soft.

"She isn't my girlfriend " Damon said and explained him what happened.

"I am sorry " Jason hugged me.
I know my brother is over protective because he has seen me going through hell each day.

I had started taking sleeping pills just to get some sleep.
I won't cry, it's hurting like hell but still I won't cry, he is not worth my tears.

Somewhere he is enjoying his life with some girl and I don't want to spoil my life here thinking about him.

"C'mon guys, don't make me cry now. " It was Katniss voice.
She pulled me away from my brother "Did you forget you have auditions now?!"

What on earth..!

Holy crap. How can I forget I had auditions now.

Dancing isn't just hobby it's my passion.

"Oh god because of this drama I missed my auditions " I said rubbing my temples.

How can I be so dumb. This dance competition was important for me.
I had practiced so much for this day. I wanted to win the best dancer title this year.

"I know the people who are taking the auditions. If you want I can ask them to take your audition now " Damon smiled at me.


"Can you really do that..?! " I asked

"Don't doubt my capabilities baby " He winked and then started coughing cause my brother gave him a death glare.

"Seriously jason " I hit jason's arm rolling my eyes.

"I am just protecting you from him " He said rubbing his arm.

I ignored his sentence and turned my attention towards the Damon.
"What would I have done without you..!" I babbled.

"Go get ready, I will make a call " Damon said playing with his phone.

I had very strange feeling in my heart, as if something very bad is going to happen.

I was waiting backstage when Damon came into picture.
"What do I get.? " He asked scanning me from top to bottom.
"Meaning..? " I asked shyly playing with hem of my top.

"If you get selected today, then as thanks giving you are coming on a date with me " He whispered near into ears.

Did he just ask me out..?!

"Did you just - " I was unable to complete my sentence cause I was too much in shock to speak.
"Yep.. I asked you out " He exclaimed stressing the letter p.

"Um.. I am waiting for answer " He said leaning on door with his hands inside pocket.
"Okay.. " I gushed

"Man..! That was more easier than I imagined. Then if you win this competition I get a kiss " He looked into my eyes waiting for my answer.

No.. I can't..

I just lowered my eyes, you know how much ever I try I am unable to build any sort of relationship with any guy.
Xavier is struck in my mind. I loved him. I want some more time to get over him.

"Scarlett a kiss on cheek " He said stressing the word cheek.
I know he is trying to be gentlemen.
Even I think I should try moving on.
I just nodded.
My name was called on stage.

"All the best " He whispered


A/N : Isn't Damon too sweet for a playboy?!
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