[22] Leaving norah alone.

The most awaited pov  🤭


"Hey she is going to be alright! You want to get us killed or what? You are driving so fast " Norah yelled at me.

I know I was driving above limits but its all because of my vexation. I could clearly see through her eyes that she was scared. Why couldn't she ask me not to go? like before!

I slammed my palm on steering wheel gaining a scream from Norah.

"You need to control your damn anger Xavier " She snapped

In no time we were in front of her apartment, I got down and slammed the door shut.

"Get your angry ass inside right now, Xavier " Norah called from inside her apartment.

I slumped down on couch raking fingers through my hair in frustration.

"You can crash down here tonight. My flat mate is out of town and she won't be heading back tonight " Norah paced inside her room slamming the door shut.

I peered at scar name on my contact list befuddled if I should dial her number or not.

"Coffee or tea?! " Norah walked outside wearing PJ's.

"Coffee will do! "

A kind of strained feeling aroused in my stomach thinking about scar.

My phone went off and it was Scarlett.

"Hey! Is jason back home? " I muttered, I could her heavy breathing , "Scar! Are you okay? "

"Yea, jason just texted and informed me that he is going to crash at his friends home tonight " She mumbled.

"So? Who is going to be with you? Did you call Katniss? "
Norah walked with two cups of coffee.

"No... Kat isn't picking my call " Scar whispered, I can imagine how scared she is right now. Scarlett isn't used to sleeping alone cause nightmares haunt her.

"I'm coming " I hung the call without waiting for her reply.

"I need to go. Scar needs me... " I stood upright.
"Is she alright?! " Norah questioned

"Yeah! She is alone right now so I should get going " I slipped phone in my pocket and retrieved the car keys.

"Xavier even I am alone. She isn't a child anymore. It's been a long time we haven't spend quality time together " Norah started crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Not today Norah. Scar needs me! " I deadpanned.

"So do I " Norah snapped, "You can't just walk away like that. When is the last time we spend good time together or even got intimate? A year ago maybe... Since I regained my consciousness after that accident , I feel you are very distant. You always seem lost, you don't talk much and even if you do all you speak is about ‘ Scarlett ’ " She finger quoted scar name.

"You do know this topic is going to affect our relationship right ?! You know scar means world to me and you picking up on her will just give birth to some worthless problems " I furrow my brows. I made it clear to Norah long back — not to ever allow me to pick one amongst them.

I have broken scarlett trust once and never in million year I will repeat that mistake.

"Wasn't that line means world to me directed towards the wrong person..? I know she is your best friend. You love me , I am your freaking girlfriend... I am supposed to be your world not her! " She shrugged narrowing her eyes at me.

"I have no hard feelings towards her" She closed her eyes rubbing her temple.

"Are you alright?! Did you take your tablets? " I took long strides in her direction and cupped her face, "I am sorry... I didn't mean to snap at you. Can you tell me where your medicine is? " I made her sit on couch and paced into her bedroom to find her meds.

Where am I struck.

Norah is suffering from thanatophobia. Its natural for her to act like that.

She took her meds and held my hands, "You drove the car so fast Xavier. I am scared something will happen to you. Please don't leave me " She whispered caressing my cheek.

"Hey, I am okay. Don't stress yourself. " I pulled her into my embrace.

My phone chimed displaying a message.

Scar❤ - Where are you ?! Can you make it fast? M kinda scared!!!

Me - I am on my way... Don't get scared...

What on Hayes names should I do now?

I quickly sent a text to Damon asking him to come over to Norah place.

"Norah! I need to go " I whispered, she raised her head to look at me.

"You are still going to leave me alone? " She pulled away from me staring at me with pensive look laced on her face.

"No! " I cleared my throat , " Damon is coming here. You won't be alone anymore "I swallowed.

"Ask Damon to go to Scarlett. Anyways she likes him right? So he is better option than you " Norah gritted her teeth facing away from me.

"No... No ways! Scarlett isn't comfortable around him. You know Damon better than she knows him. Please Norah don't drag this topic." I announced standing upright.

"I will meet you tomorrow at college. Sleep well " I strolled out without looking behind.

What I did now is wrong , Norah is my responsibility. She is my girlfriend but my mind couldn't help but wander around Scarlett. I need to make sure that scarlett is safe.


The anxiety of losing someone we love is called thanatophobia. Another meaning of thanatophobia is the fear of death, that is, when someone is afraid of death or their close one, they have thanatophobia.
