||Chapter 4||

"Albus? Albus! Listen to me. We need to talk." Scorpius said to me when he came to breakfast.
"I don't really feel like talking." I said without looking at him.
"Albus. Stop ignoring me. I need to talk to you."
"Fine. I'll talk." I said, finally giving in.
"Thank you. Meet me in the common room at 7 o'clock.
"Hmm okay."
And I turned my attention back to my plate of food.
Why wasn't he here yet? It was a quarter past seven. Maybe he decided to just spend his time with Rose.
"Hi! Sorry I'm late. McGonagal wanted to talk to me." Scorpius said, coming in.
"Oh. Why?" I asked.
"Something about the Transfiguration homework."
"Oh okay."
"Anyway I wanted to talk to you."
"About what?"
"You know what. Why have you been giving me the silent treatment for so many days? I thought your dad was fine with us being friends."
"He is. I just......its nothing."
"C'mon Albus. You have to tell me if something is bothering you."
"I told you. Nothing."
Fine. Don't tell me. But I'm not going to leave you alone till you tell me."
"Alright. I'll tell you. It's nothing really. Its just that..."
"Yeah?" he asked.
"Well since you and Rose started dating you're always hanging out with her. I just get angry when you always blow me off to spend more time with her. I feel like we don't spend time together anymore. That we're not as close as we used to be."
I bit my lip, waiting for his reaction to this. I couldn't read his expression. Was he angry? Upset? Confused?
But then he did something I didn't really expect. He didn't shout, or get angry or storm off. He hugged me. Tightly. I stiffened and pulled back.
Scorpius said, "I'm really sorry Albus. I didn't mean to conpletely cut you out. I'm so so sorry. I promise I'll never do that again."
And he hugged me again. But this time I hugged back. And I felt that things could finally go back to before.
I feel horrible. How could I do this to Albus? He was my best friend  and I had completely cut him out from life once Rose came in. I am never going to let that happen again.

Updated: August 25, 2016
