||Chapter 16||

Oh no, what did I do?
"So, let me get this straight. You meet Scorpius after weeks, he kisses you and then he falls asleep?"
Hearing it out of somebody else's mouth, I realised just how weird what had happened was.
"Yeah," I said, a bit unsure.
"Wow," said Rose "well this is SO weird. But to be honest, its not completely surprising."
"It isn't? Why?"
Rose scoffed, "Oh c'mon, everyone knows and you still don't see it."
"Still don't see what?"
"Scorpius is in love with you!"
"What?" I said, shocked "He is?"
"Uh, yeah! And you love him too."
"No," I said quietly.
"Oh please. I see the way you look at each other. That, my dear cousin, is not platonic."
"So you're not mad or..?"
"Why would I be mad?"
"Well, because you dated Scorpius for a while."
Rose laughed, "Of course not! To be honest, by the end neither of us were into it."
I got up and started going out of the library.
"Hey!" Rose shouted. "Where are you going?"
"To get ahold of Scorpius and talk to him!" I shouted back.
"So let me get this straight. You see your best friend after weeks, you kiss him and then you fall asleep?"
"Pretty much," I said, completely embarrased.
"Wow," Charlie said. "So what did you do next?"
"Well, I've uh kind of been avoiding him?"
"Scorpius! Come on, you're just making things more awkward. Apologize. I mean, you were drunk. Its not like you actually like him or anything."
I didn't say anything.
Charlie gasped, "You like him, don't you?"
"Charlie!" I hissed. "Not so loudly!"
"Sorry! But Merlin's Pants, you like your best friend!"
"It is not that big a deal!"
"I think it is! Anyway, what are you going to do now?"
"I'm going to apologise to him and then not say a word about this again. I don't want to makes things weird between us. He doesn't like me back anyway."
"Oh, how boring and sensible."
"Shut up Charlie," I said as I started towards the exit of the Great Hall.
"Where are you going?" Charlie shouted.
"To talk to Albus!" I shouted back.
I had been looking for Scorpius all day. I looked in the library, the dorms, the common room. I don't know why but I just couldn't find him. Right now I was in the sixth floor corridor, wandering around, hoping to run into him. No luck. But I did run into Reggie Thoth, a fellow Slytherin.
"Hey Reg," I said.
"Hey Albus, good to have you back."
"Uh, yeah. Anyway have you seen Scorpius anywhere?"
"Yeah! He just went to the common room, looking for you."
"Oh well, thanks!" I said as I hurried towards the common room. I wonder why Scorpius is looking for me.
I reached there and saw that it was completely empty except for Scorpius sitting by the fire.
He got up when he saw me and I walked over to him.
We stared at each other for a moment and then..
"I'm sorry!" We both said at once.
"Wait," Scorpius said "why are you sorry?"
"I-I don't really know."
"Thats just like you to be sorry and not even know why."
We both laughed.
"Listen, Al. I'm really sorry about what happened last night. I didn't mean to kiss you. I was just really drunk!"
Hearing him say that the kiss was a mistake really hurt me. Because it really hadn't felt like a mistake to me. But I guess Rose was wrong. Scorpius didn't like me that way.
I decided, this was what he believed and I would respect that and I wouldn't push him further.
"Scorpius, its okay. Really."
"So can we just forget about this?"
I don't want to forget about this.
"Sure, its already forgotten." I said.
"Now moving on to something a lot more important....what the hell happened to you in the Forbidden Forest? You were so badly injured and we were so worried! What actually happened?"
"I'm still not very sure. I was just serving detention and then someone- something- attacked me from behind. I was hurt really badly so I came back to the school. To you. And here I am now!"
"Well, thank God you're alright!" He said as he pulled me into a tight hug.
"Hey," I said "I thought we'd agreed we don't hug."
"Oh yeah, um sorry." He pulled away.
"Don't be."
I decided to take a chance.
And I kissed him.
Hey guys! So all the pining is finally over. Or is it? Anyway what did you think of this chapter? Don't forget to comment and vote<3
Updated: April 1, 2017
