||Chapter 2||

FIFTY READS!!! Wow thanks a lot all you guys! Also I can't really think of a name for all the parts so I'm just gonna number them for now.


I turned around to see Scorpius running towards me.

"Oh hey Scorp! Whats up?" I asked him.

"You remember how I was going to ask Rose out today? Well I did and guess what? She said yes!"

There's that weird feeling again.


"I haven't decided where to take her yet. Maybe somewhere in Hogsmeade. I could......"

And he just went on describing his date with Rose to me while I wasn't really listening. My mind was elsewhere...

To be completely honest, I wasn't very comfortable with Scorpius going out with Rose. I mean it IS my best friend going out with my cousin. Things could get weird. Maybe I was just protective of Rose? No, that's not it. Maybe I like Rose? Ew no. Not that either.

That night I went to sleep with all these thoughts circling my mind. Needless to say, I didn't sleep very well.


I was sitting in the common room pretending to do my homework while actually waiting for Scorpius to come back so I could ask how his date went.
Suddenly, Scorpius came rushing in.
"Hi Scorpius. You're back. How'd the date go?" I asked.
"Surprisingly well. We had a lot of fun! We're gonna go out again soon!"
Suddenly, I felt as if I was sinking.
"Oh. Thats nice."
"Anyway what're you doing?"
"Just some Charms homework. Wanna join me?"
"Course! Let me just get my stuff."
I waited for him to get back and then we spent hours just talking and not really doing any homework.
And I felt a little better.

So I have a question for u guys. Is Albus calling Scorpius 'Scorp' cringe-y or cute? Idk. Oh and also sorry if the chapters are too small. Once I gain a little more experience I'll try to write longer ones.
Anyway until next time.
Updated: August 10, 2016
