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Faith, Sam, and Dean all made it back to the bunker several hours later. When she turned over the next morning, Faith was lying against Dean's chest. She slowly slipped out of bed, careful not to wake her sleeping husband. Her stomach churned and she quickly headed to the bathroom again. She closed the door, hoping it would quiet the sound. Before she knew it, she was on the floor getting sick. Dean must have still heard, because soon and he was on the floor beside her. He rubbed circles on her back and whispered to her quietly. He felt awful that she was so sick and tired every day possible to make her feel better. 

"Sorry I woke you up," Faith said as she stood from her kneeling position.

"I'm not. You should have gotten me up when you woke up." He said before grabbing a washcloth from the cabinet. He turned the nob to the faucet and damped the cloth. He wiped her face and the coolness made her feel ten times better. "How did I get so lucky?" He asked before throwing the cloth into the dirty clothes basket.

"You? You didn't get lucky. I'm a sick mess and you're having to take care of me," She said as she looked up at him. 

"I did get lucky. I have a beautiful wife, that I have the privilege to take care of, and now a baby. There is nothing better than this," He said before giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"Thank you," She said as she closed her eyes and rested her head against his chest. 

"What do you think it will be?" Faith asked as she and Dean sat in the library and continued to plan out the baby's room. 

"A boy," Dean said bluntly, flipping through the blues of the paint colors. "But I'm sure Cas could tell us if you wanted to know right now," He replied, looking over to the angel that sat talking to Sam. 

"Do you want to know?" She asked with a smile. 

"That is up to you," Dean said, holding up his hands in surrender. 

"Hey, Cas," Faith called him over. "Do you know what the baby is gonna be?" She asked excitedly. Castiel stood up from the chair and walked over to where Faith sat. He gently leaned down and placed his hand on her stomach. 

"Your baby is a female," He said with a half-smile as he went to sit back down. Faith smiled hugely at the thought of having a baby girl. Ideas of pretty dresses and bows ran through her head. She looked over at Dean, remembering his previous statement. 

"Are you disappointed?" She asked nervously, her smile fading slightly. 

"Of course not, honey. I couldn't be any happier," He said as a huge smile displayed across his face. 

"Looks like we need a pink color," Faith said, flipping through the paint book. They finally decided on one and began looking online for furniture and decorations. Once they picked out what they liked, they used a fake credit card to pay. 

"I'll go pick up the paint from the hardware store," Sam said, grabbing the keys and heading out the door. 

Faith was so excited to be a mom. It was something that always lingered in the back of her mind, but she forced herself to suppress it. Dean began talking again, snapping her out of her thoughts. 

"Okay, so I will paint devil's traps and warding symbols around her room, just to be safe," Dean said possessively. 

"I will protect her room with some Enochian spells," Castiel said, making his way up the stairs. 

"Thanks, Cas!" Faith called out. She knew no matter what, her baby was going to be protected. She was glad she had lots of people looking out for them because keeping her away from the monsters was going to be a challenge. 
