Chapter 22 : Protection

You woke up around your normal time, took a shower, got dressed, and made a good breakfast for everyone.

Sam and Dean walked into the kitchen around the same time. Bacon, eggs, biscuits, and pancakes laid on the table. They both sat down as you fixed them both coffee. You sat down their coffee and then grabbed a glass of water before sitting down yourself.

You all ate in silence except for the slight crunching sounds of food.

When you all were finished you cleaned up and headed upstairs to Rosie's nursery. You slid in the door to check on her. You quietly slid back out of the door when you realized she was still asleep. As you made your way back downstair you realized something. The nursery had not been protected. How could you hand Dean forget?

"What are you doing?" Sam questioned as he saw you head what you and the boys called the 'protection closet'.

"Holy water, salt, devils trap, the whole nine. It needs to also be in the nursery just in case." You said as you went into the closet.

You got two jars of holy water, spray paint, and a whole container of salt.

You slid into the room before placing both the holy water and the salt under the crib. You had put a rug in front of the crib, but right now you moved it away. You picked up your now awake daughter and took her down the stairs to her father. His eyes lit up when he saw her awake.

"Hey, baby girl." He said as you walked over towards him.

"You mind watching her for a little bit. I'm finishing up the nursery, and she was waking up." You said to him.

"Of course. Come here princess." He said as he reached his hands out.

You handed Rosie to him and you watched him start to play with her. You turned on your heal and head back up stairs to the nursery. You raised the small window that was in the room to force the fumes of the paint out of the room. You figured that Rosie didn't need to breath in paint, so that's why you got her up. You painted a devils trap in front of her crib, and laid the rug back on top. You didn't smell the harsh fumes of paint anymore so you closed the window. You cleaned everything back up, and headed back down stairs. You walked into the library and saw Dean sitting with Rosie in his lap. He was looking at his laptop, and Rosie was staring at the screen also. You walked behind him and kissed him on the cheek and looked at the screen to see what they were looking at. Dean had 'Dora The Explorer' playing.

"How sweet." You said.

"I figured she would like it." He said pointing to your daughter.

"Let's just hope her first words aren't in Spanish." You joked as you grabbed a chair and watched the show with them.
