Chapter 32 : Doggy Days

Millie had been a very good puppy. She would only use the bathroom outside, and never tore anything up. She was only 4 months old, but you had taught her how to come when called, fetch, speak, shake hands, roll over, and sit. She was always helping with the baby, and watching her.

"Millie! Breakfast!" You yelled as you poured food and water into her bowls.

A few minutes later and the puppy was walking into the room.

"Good girl." You said as you petted her.

She continued to eat and you walked to the laundry room. Everyone was still asleep including Rosie, so you figured you would get some things done.

You folded the clothes, and started another load. You placed Sam's clothes outside his door, and put yours and Dean's away. You started to walked out of the room when Rosie's fussing filled the air. You turned on your heal and went into her nursery. You walked over to her crib and picked her up. You shushed her and walked around the room with her until she calmed down. You changed her clothes, and then you both went to the kitchen.

You warmed her a bottle, and fed her. Millie had finished eating, and sat at your feet. Millie often watched you with Rosie, and followed you around when you had her. She was very protective of the baby.

You finished feeding her, and walked to the living room. You placed Rosie in her playpen, as she played with her little toys. Millie found herself a place in your lap as you sat on the couch.

Sam walked into the living room after a little while. He sat on the chair in the corner and smiled.

"Morning." He said as he adjusted into his seat.

"Good morning." You said as you petted the small dog in your lap.

"You been up long?" Sam asked as he looked at you.

"A little while. I did some laundry. I placed yours in front of your door because I didn't want to bother you." You said.

"I saw, and thank you. You don't have to do my laundry, but I appreciate it very much." He replied.

"It's no problem." You said as Sam nodded.

You all sat there and watched tv for a little while. Soon Dean got up and the boys ate breakfast.

The day progressed to just be another boring one. One filled with house work, and lots of laundry. But you felt blessed to be able to spend the day with your family, and that everyone was happy and safe.
